ITT: we post wasted potential

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He was fucking awesome.
I was almost always him on all the WWE games he was on back in the day.

Shamrock vs Blackman at Bloodsport would be kino.

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Who is we?

No, actually, Who? Was Jim Neidhart.

find me a better look in 1999

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Porkchop was an incredible talker. pretty good worker too, and he was a decent draw in Georgia. Should've got more opportunities desu

Shamrock vs Blackman was THE feud of the Attitude era

This would be fucking amazing.

do people just conveniently forget that Severn was an atrocious pro wrestler? He stunk the place up every time.

Shamrock's voice killed his chances at becoming a top guy


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have you ever heard Dan talk?
Sounds like a Bobby's World character his voice doesn't match up at all

Yeah they had the fucking best run of matches.

Masters was swole son

didn't stop Brock

nah, it's much worse than Brock
Severn could have been a voice character actor for a child's show. It's absurd and a disconnect

It just makes him scarier

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He was on his way to a redemption arc

Him but let’s wait if he faces Roman at Summerslam

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why would Curt Hawkins face Roman at SummerSlam?

my nigga right here

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wasnt bobby lashley the one to break the master lock? i remember his monster heel run where he would put random jobbers in the master lock. Him and carlito were also a based tag team

>be me
>one of the only wrasslin vids I have as a kid was Spring Stampede 1999
>watched it maybe 300 times
>opening matches is Juvi Juice vs. Blitzkrieg
>was my favorite match ever
>thought Blitzkrieg was a god damn superstar
>turned out that match was p much it for him

Alex Wright is DIMES

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This dude was jacked enough to take the full Nelson, the most basic wrestling move ever and get it over. Based.

Yeah Bobbo beat the challenge

Whatever you say zoomer. Dan Severn was based.

Motherfucker was so boring. About a 3/10 look to boot

Dancing Eurotrash Alex was a better look.

>better wrestler than Kenny Omega
>has been MIA from TV for a year
What the fuck, Vince?

The fans were mostly to blame for it. Then the fact that they both sucked and phoned in the match did the rest

He was young in WWE too like 24 years old. They should’ve just let him roid and he could’ve become a great heel.

Gaytch was probably jelly that someone else on the roster had a better physique than himself.

This guy had top dog written all over him. Absolute chiseled godlike look. Unique cool entrance. Could cut a promo. Masters is an all time what if .

The thing about Ken Shamrock is that dude literally looked like an action figure. His physique is seriously underrated. Like Lex Luger had a more "cut" physique, Scott Steiner was more of a roid monster but Ken just looked like a killing machine. He looked like the bad guy that steps out of a cryo tube and has a fight to the death with the good guy super soldier at the end of a shitty movie.

It boggles the mind that they had Ken Shamrock AND Dan Severn in the same promotion at the same time and didn't run that as a PPV. Dosen't even need to be a feud, just a one off money grab. They could have sold unbelievable numbers with something like that.

Only reason I can think that they didn't push him harder is Vince being afraid of having an actual shootfighter hold his belt. Especially one who freely jumps between what was then considered a barbaric gladiator sport and wrestling.

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Based I remember he introduced most of America to the Phoenix splash. Didn’t he give his gimmick to Jack Evans or am I thinking of someone else?

>Only reason I can think that they didn't push him harder is Vince being afraid of having an actual shootfighter hold his belt.

Well when you have major draws like Austin and Rock, it makes zero sense to try to push Shamrock as the top guy. I loved him back in the day but I never saw him as a top talent. He was great though as Intercontinental champ.

Honestly the real reason he never got a major push is because he was on a short term contract. Shamrock himself has said this. He didn't want to wrestle 300 days a year for 5 to 10 years and be someone like Austin, Flair, or Rock. He wanted something shorter so he was able to get a 2 year deal instead of the more typical WWE deal just due to his public notoriety. Because of his shorter deal, Vince didn't want to build him up and then just let him walk. It made no sense to bill a guy like on such a short deal. Shamrock wasn't Goldberg or Brock.

2003 me loved Mark Jindrak and Matt Morgan. Both gigantisaurs that looked like superheroes. I guess looking back they were both subpar wrestlers and talkers, but 13 year old me thought they were the shit.

Oh shit Shawn Spears basically ripped this off

His own fault for getting over on his own rather than trying to shove one of Vince's hackneyed gimmicks that never would have gotten over.

Devil's advocate gimmick could have been something

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no it couldn't have. he was a shitter in the ring and couldn't cut a live promo. wrestling isn't a sitcom.


He wasn't bad in the ring at all. It's not like he was Goldberg level of shittiness. His promos were mediocre live. They could have made him work with a manager.

what the fuck is the point of giving a guy a manager if his leg up is supposed to be his ability to talk?

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this is a meme answer at this point
Sean O'Hair was his geenrations SANADA

>has negative charisma
>has negative presence
>has negative promo

triple nosetty of all people called him out on it, on air
took a jab at him for losing a lot of weight once he got wellness'd

We can say this about a ton of wrestlers. To me a lot of the old ECW guys from the 90's are wasted potential and sometimes its even their own fault like RVD who was supposedly going to have a long title reign before he got caught with weed.

>tfw everything posted is accurate

It just isn't fair, lads

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except for this

I doubt you even remember how much momentum he was gaining, and how he had clear signs of really coming into a character of his own before he got necked do you tripfag?

Always forget how jacked Shamrock was. Dude was a fucking beast.

is that Kurt Angle's son?

>how much momentum he was gaining, and how he had clear signs of really coming into a character of his own before he got necked
yeah because go away heat is gaining momentum
the character was okay though

This, wasted potential to be a good jr heavyweight

Kino matches

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It was worked go away heat though, he was barely around enough for it to be legit. The character was JUST starting to get good as an oblivious dumbass heel. He was also allegedly supposed to retire kurt, but I guess we will never know what could've been..

Dan Severn's move set
1) Slap
2) Hug

Great for the shoot carny era, not so much for post-territories era.

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My bulbasaur Nick Lenders

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>they put him in a team with The Wall
>cut promos in German
he was such a fucking heat magnet but Russo came in and killed this awesome gimmick.

you dumb fucks, masters came at the height of the steroid craze, he was just another bland huge dude who only got a bit better near the last year of his tenure, he was worthless otherwise

As someone who very vaguely remembers this, why was Austin the guest referee? Was the thought that this was such a big match that a normal referee wouldn't be able to keep the peace?

What exactly happened to him?

Severn fucking sucked

Lmaoo i always see this guy in ICW (the italian promotion, not the british one), hes actually not bad

It was more that Slowberg and Bork had tanked so much with the crowd that they needed Austin to stunner them both just so the crowd would pop.

Brock's voice is cringe as well

This. Plus everyone knew goldberg was retiring and brock was leaving for the NFL, so it had absolutely no heat.

He hurt his neck so badly while he was training that he couldn't feel his hands or walk very well. He tried to get it fixed by doctors but so far it hasn't been going very well and it was way worse than anyone thought it was gonna be. He hasn't returned since and is now just another producer backstage.

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He has a shit gimmik tho

This dude had the look and the presence of a main-eventer, his finisher was over as fuck and he even had a winning streak going for him. Then they made him a jobber to the stars.

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He unironically had a great match with Tarzan Goto of all people.

he goes over [spoiler]seats[/spoiler] every week and is in every promotion. he's the most pushed guy of this generation

Look at how small his cock is lmao

Pretty much this, and just to add that the WWF was so fucking stacked at that point, with many of the current legends still in their prime. Heck even a little match like Shamrock vs Kane was a sight to see for me
Gotta love the storytelling of how Kane was just powering out of holds from even a roid machine like Shamrock

In wwe yeah, he was well utilized in wcw.

Wasn't his tag team partner supposed to be good too?

Sinister Minister (available for bookings btw)

Chad Gable is a legit Olympic athlete they have jobbing on Main Event.

Yeah, then Evans necked himself doing a 630(I think) in his only match with the gimmick. He said he could barely see out the mask and retired it immediately.

People wanted to see the match, but around the time that Brock dropped the belt to Eddie, it was leaked that Brock was leaving for the NFL. Golderg, had a horrendous WWE run and he was leaving too. Once fans found out, nobody cared and both guys really started phoning it in. After a while, they added Austin so the match wouldn't be completely heatless.

I remember when he premiered as Adam Bomb in WWF and thinking that he was going to be HUGE. He kinda though screwed himself over though by making too many enemies in the locker room.

CHAD is stuck on Main Event, even though out of all of their homegrown NXT talent, he was one of the best. HE could cut a promo, move in the ring and was a legit athlete, but a manlet.

It was odd, because I rewatched with Bryan and Vinny, and it's crazy that they actually got him over by doing Goldberg II. He was always going to be built up for Nash, but they really should've built him up for Goldberg instead. Didn't have to be Starrcade, could've been the ppv before. It's not like they did anything with Goldberg outside of the DDP match.

He could talk and he was good in the ring. and had the look. That is better than most.

He is on 205 now

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What happened to Carlito anyway? I remember just when I started to appreciate his work he seemed to disappear into the ether.

This is a terrific pick. From '96-early '99 Shamrock was one of the most bad ass guys on the rosters and had that KINO could legit murder the fuck out of everyone vibe that Lesnar had. I agree he's one of the most underrated of all time. Fucking legit mad man.

Seconded on Severn. He had probably the most bad ass theme in WWF history and he was Lesnar before Lesnar. I think he only lasted six months but it was a shame as watching him murder jobbers was one of the coolest parts of that era.

The world simply cannot handle how based and redpilled Teddy Hart is.

Psychosis was hyper underrated, another terrific pick. Arguably as if not more talented than Rey Mysterio Jr.

Literally Lesnar before Lesnar

Kept getting wellness violations and was a pretty lazy worker. Just didn’t seem that interested in the business. Don’t think anyone has seen him since Carlos Colon’s HOF induction.

The guy got signed to the WWE right out of high school, his fault he wasted that chance.

Isn't he the singer in Sabaton?

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imagine if they made this gimmick in the current year lel

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Id still not understand the hate for it

Have you seen cities like KC? All the fucking lawn care businesses are mexicans

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Top 5 attitude era entrance music too

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Teddy's based but if he got the push he deserved he probably wouldn't have even made it to live to see 2010

An unironic GOAT look. Intimidating, attractive, and a beast.

Gianni Valletta would be a star in any other era

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reminder that sean got 2 major pushes in wwe and both failed miserably because he was a bland shitter

imagine going back to 1998 and telling a wrestling fan you'd get to see DDP feuding with the undertaker but then having to explain why undertaker wins the feud

on that note tajiri could have been so much more than he was in wwe and he got lots of tv time as it is

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