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And not a dime in sight

ratings plummet

Didn't Ziggler just set something up with the Miz? Also damn they're really not hooking me into this show with this.

Book Pizza Maya vs Hazuki in a TLC match and then we’ll talk.

So is this Samoan Summit some kind of gimmick match or just some "plz watch" hashtag?

>The Wrap

so much ratings poison


based WWE announcing this trash way in advance so I can make other plans for Monday
I might go bowling

Alexa is ratings roids ya simp

>They actually think this will increase viewership and draw DIMES

I think someone on the social media team just learned the word. There was a tag team summit recently, it wasn't anything special no gimmick to it just some promos then a match or a brawl

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How many times has Jobber Joe lost to Roman now?

The only samoan I want to squash my beef inside is nia jax circa 2010 when she was thin

why in the fuck does Ziggler keep getting these late shows matched when he never wins and the crowd gives zero fucks about him

Yeah, summit is just a different word for in-ring promo segment in WWE now.

Why are you so upset at WWE doing something interesting and new?
>two great wrestlers a solid match
shouldn't be the main event but will be great for the live crowd
>a new gimmick match with two big samoan men
if you don't like this then may i say: dilate

I already saw that episode.

so are they really throwing together reigns vs joe at summerslam, at the last minute, when they already had reigns get a clean win over him last week?

Thats the best they can come up with for Reigns?

but none of that has happened yet so what's your point?

roman/joe might actually be good

irish/piss definitely won't be

henry rollins vs dirk diggler would be good except they conditioned their fans years ago that dolph is an eternal loser so that match will have no heat

>Samoa Job loses to Roman Monday
>Samoa Job no contest with Kofi Tuesday
>Roman beats Samoa Job Monday
>Roman no contest with KO Tuesday
>Roman and Samoa Job wrestle again Monday

nothing they do makes any sense and they waste so much time every week on pointless shit

You now remember this

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Neither of those guys are great wrestlers.

oh no no no

I honestly don't

Wow they are actually announcing shit for TV now. Bet they don't follow up on half of it

if rollins or ziggler went to japan they would get 5 star matches probably every show
that is evident since dean got one so easily

real talk Yea Forums, corbin or ziggler ?

>Samoan Summit

Tune in to see these two large, aggressive men talk out their differences!

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who wants to watch ziggler vs rollins?

Seems like WWE's new buzzword is summit

Monday Night Reruns. How many fucking times did we have to see these matches before. It isn’t like their styles have changed. Fuck off

>I think someone on the social media team just learned the word.

Trump having "summits" with Kim Jong LiterallyWho-n was big in the news before the recent immigration hysteria took the lead. Being perpetually 6 months behind the curve on these things, WWE is now spamming the word "summit" in order to connect with pop culture, because every last man and woman in that company is a shitkicking pebblehead.

Corbin easily


Was that the one that ended something like 6 to 5? After a mere thirty minutes? And still managed to get the crowd to chant boring? Where Drew interfered, directly in front of the ref, and it didn't cause a DQ point for Rollins, or some such bullshit?

>The spirit of Raw Reunion carried over onto SmackDown LIVE when Shawn Michaels stopped by “Miz TV,” but the good vibes only lasted for a few minutes before Dolph Ziggler appeared and blasted the two-time Hall of Famer with a superkick right to the jaw. As reported by The Wrap, Seth Rollins — who got the benefit of DX backup against AJ Styles last week — seems to have stepped up in defense of The Heartbreak Kid, with a bout for The Showoff set on Raw. The talented Ziggler should also serve as the kind of test Rollins is setting for himself as he prepares for Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam – but is The Kingslayer overly occupying himself with arduous preparation and tangential retribution? Is he taking his eye off the ball?

>Samoan pride was on the line last week when Roman Reigns battled Samoa Joe, and now that The Big Dog emerged victorious in the grudge match, it seems the two sides have come together in an effort to squash their beef. As reported by The Wrap, Reigns and Joe will meet in a “Samoan Summit” on Monday’s Raw, where the two will supposedly hash out their differences and find a way to move forward. It’s a surprising turn of events between two known fighters, though there’s something to be said for a desire to move forward. With that being said, talks are just as likely to break down – and given that they’re both from the same island, we know what happens next.
double kek

So they aren't going to set up a tag team thing and start a Samoan stable, they're just gonna brawl? Reigns has already beaten this guy clean, he's won 20 times on television or PPV in the past 2 years, god only knows how many times he's been injured or losing matches in that time frame. Why Reigns even care?

Unless this sets up a stable, its a total waste of time.

>Seth vs. Dolph: 22nd time this match happens(!)
>Becky vs. Alexa: 11th time this match happens
>Joe vs. Joe: 8th time this match happens
Stop watching WWE.

Hold on OP.

Are you saying that after the Raw Reunion which did a ton of views, we now have this shit?

Okay so. The Raw Reunion should've been a show to attract permanent viewers. Permanent ratings contributors. Let's say people who watch Raw Reunion tune in again to see what's going on. Nobodys gonna watch this shit and they'll just tune out after realizing how garbage WWE is today

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Still more than Who Japan

Yep that's the one. Also for some reason they thought it was a good idea to pin Dolph 2 times in the first 8 minutes of the match. I really don't know what they wanted when they were planning that match out.
That crowd was something else too

They spiked the viewership by 600,000 people, more people watched it than any RAW in 2019 or close to it, but there's no follow-through to these ratings spikes shows. Just right back to business as usual.

I thought they were gonna have like luaus and palm leaves and shit

They're gonna put Joe and Roman in a tag team called The Usos and hope no one notices the real Usos got fired.

Better than Corbin

>Becky vs. Alexa: 11th time this match happens
They haven't had a match since Feb 2017.

Am I the only one who enjoyed this match? It was great for Dolph fans

They were up against each other in a tag match last month. Also, 10 Alexa/Becky matches is still 10 Alexa/Becky matches too many.

I don't remember hating it honestly, I just remember thinking that it was really dumb to have a 30 minute ironman match as the main event of your 5 hour long PPV. People probably would have a fonder memory of it if it was in the middle of the card or hell if it opened the show.

Ironically, going in to the ppv though, everybody on social media and shit was begging for it to main-event the show.

>It was great for Dolph fans
>Dolph fans
You, Dolph himself and the guy who runs @BulletClubIta?

Remember when heels had credibility and faces weren't cringe as fuck

I get why people would ask for it, but man the people asking didn't really think it through.


That was one of the funniest trainwrecks I ever witnessed.


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The only summit that matter is the Smash Summit.


Based fans

these are the people that watch gayew

cringe, I'm not a wrestling fan, I'm a wwe fan. end yourself ya simp

true, tired of watching beko leech off based lexi’s charisma


oh yeah lexis charisma which got an entire arena to say she sucks beggin her to leave the arena

crowd was booing natalya and naomi too

Ziggler is based ya simp

>works Seth into a twitter fit and probably legit tears
best crowd


Joe beat Joe clean in a few minutes this past week. it's anti booking

Fuck they were talking about it in the middle of the match

>it's a repeat of the crowds shitting on the match
Damn, I might actually tune in on a pirated stream

What's the point of another Joe Reigns match? Roman beat him fair in the center. There's no point to this and my poor joe boy will continue to be buried

Ziggy for his butt rock hair band entrance song

He's gonna get his Superman push back into the main event scene around the Rumble, they're basically just having him go around and bury the midcard till then.

You could use that gif for most things WWE or AEW do if we're being honest.


Damn conservatives

"It is what it is"

tarpins is still seething about this, just like his mentor paul cuckvesque is still seethng about warrior no selling the pedigree

Anyone think Rock will show up during that Samoan Sumitt shit? He can big up his Samoan roots, hype up Hobbs/Shaw with Roman and then both proceed to bury the fuck outta Joe.

Dolph is a great seller, but I always cringe whenever they try to build him up as a threat when you know damn well they’re not gonna bother with him for like 2 months at a time.

Why book a match to have 11 pinfalls in it, with the underdog getting pinned 2 times in 7 minutes?

Is he still really seething over that?

Don't worry, I've got a variety of such pictures for the coming Cringepocalypse of AEW weekly TV

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I forgot about this, damn you for reminding me. Was this the match that proved how much of a shitter Rollins is?

no, he thought the crowd would mark for him since kenny had a 6 stars ironman match and thank him for making the ic main event a ppv. instead they got bored and started to do meme chants

What the fuck is this

Zigglers only good on the mic when he's working with Miz for some reason

Didn't Ziggler and Rollins just finish a feud less than a year ago? Fuck me.

Sorry but Alexa is dimes

damn after wrestlemania, the belt just became midcard tier

Why won't they learn? Fans don't give a shit about this match.

>rollins vs ziggler
Ugh. Flashbacks to that horrendous Iron Man match at last year's Extreme Rules.

>becky vs alexa
This would be a more interesting feud than the one we're en route for at SummerSlam.

>samoan summit
Is Joe VS Joe really gonna be a match at SummerSlam? Can Senior Joe go over for once?

Memory is suffering.

>Ziggler vs Seethe

what is even the point of having PPV's now. Practically all the shit that they put on a ppv happens on Raw/Smackdown anyway.

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When did Samoa Joe start feuding? Is this the first confrontation? It makes no sense.

mmmmmm don't want to mess with that

ding-dong diddly bouta summit

Samoa Joe going over Reigns at SummerSlam, hahahaha no. Not happening.

They are building Reigns up for being champion on FOX soon.

>Samoan Summit
how much did Vince cream his pants when he came up with this idea? He's probably pissed he cant get the Usos in on it due to the DUI.

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Feud begins after Roman beat him definitively in 3 minutes. You can't make this shit up.

One of the worst matches of all time

Now you remember this as well

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Was this the one with the crowd leaving their seats moments after the end of the match?

Yes kek

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won't be watching this crap


I wonder what RAW exactly 2 years ago looked like

holy shit lmao

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Has Joe gone over Roman even once?

2 years ago joe won a singles match against him. he hasn't won anything, not even a tag match, against him since