Based saudis

based saudis

Attached: Saudi Arabia Reportedly Continues To Request Deceased WWE Superstars.png (550x240, 17K)

not gonna give you want to want user

>Brad Shepard

>Mr.McMan? Yes, it is I, the prince. No, we don't want to stop the shows, we want more legendary superstars! give us Andre and Eddie. What? They are dead? You could give us the new world order? No thank you, we already hate the jews.


>Brad Shepard

Attached: 1393968812883.jpg (611x408, 41K)

>Brad Shepard

>Eddie Guerrero over Kevin Nash

seriously if I were wolfcuck I'd kys myself

Our Chad Andrade getting the Latino heat gimmick, Owens becoming bossman.

just give the gimmicks to the current roster jesus christ how hard is that
easy fucking money