Have children!
Have children!
Have White children. The rest can get aborted.
Well duh, what do you think I am, an idiot?
>reminder that she aborted Triple H's child because of his marriage to Steph.
Natalism is an immoral ideology and the root of all evil.
Jesus Fuck, lady....it's a vagina, not a clown car.
Someone sounds worried. Still at 56%
Hola AJ Mendez-Brooks!
Paul didn't even fuck Christy, the simp himself started the rumor
I wonder who could be behind this post...
>his only boy
oh no no no
Yeah, can't wait to bring kids into this world that's heating up and that'll soon be a desert wasteland. That's moral.
I do. Can't wait til the fuckers are grown and out of the house so I can divorce the wife.
Me on the right
Yeah, dying and not continuing the struggle is the real mans way out bro.
"Hey kids, you didn't ask for this but carry on my struggle against the latest in a long line of inevitable mass extinctions on this planet."
Yeah, no, I'm better than that.
This. Honestly if you want kids you should probably just adopt them from some third world shithole. That way you can at least pick a cute one so you don’t end up giving birth to some monstrosity looking shit.
Schlomo, begone.
What an irresponsible parent, those babies are high as fuck
good goy
don't have kids it's """"""""immoral""""""
>don't have kids, it's bad
>import more brown people to keep our populations up
No thanks, I want the white race to die
The fags in this thread pushing their anti-children agenda are clearly kike shills. They likely see nothing wrong at all when a middle-eastern or hispanic couple drags 6+ kids around with them, blocking your path to the cereal isle in your local IGA. But if white people want to have a large family, and keep our numbers up, we are uneducated bigots, who are destroying the earth by overpopulating.
>andthenfornoreasonatall,peoplevotedHitlerinto power.jpg
>all this fucking /pol/-101 drivel
Go read Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, you fucking demiurgic imbecile.
Based big dimes /pol/ living in ya ding-dong diddly head ding-dong diddly rent-free
How do they do it, lads?
By being a plague
Time for you to dilate
who is she, bros?
Christy Hemme, winner of the 2004 WWE Diva Search
Um we got enough of you cracka pests sorry sweetie
I don't think the spics should have children either, idiot. If whites want go genocidal on the poos or the ants, then they can breed. But until then...
I don't give a fuck nerd. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. It's your problem if you haven't figured out how to order food from Amazon instead of wasting time at your local Vons.
Bases five more white kids!
>hating your own parents
shit life detected
>Oh Paul, Paul you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It an was abortion. An Abortion Paul. Just like the WWE is an abortion! Something that's unholy and an evil! I didn't want your son Paul. It was a son, a son, and I had it killed because WWE must ALL END! There would be no way Paul, no way you can ever let me return, not with this McMahon thing that has being going for over two decades!
My parents didn't have this knowledge 42 years ago.
>on Yea Forums for over 6 hours
shit life detected
fucking scene tore me apart the first time I saw it. First because of what she did, then because I realized she was right.
i think babies are cute
i am a man
>Don't support local community stores, goy! Jeff (((Bezos))) needs that money more than some dumb old working class folks in a small town! How else is he gonna keep up the Washington Post, so they can continue to put out completely unbiased articles such as pic related?
Shit, let me get back to work!