Makes the entire Bullet Club look like shit by association in you’re path
Makes the entire Bullet Club look like shit by association in you’re path
Nah this tongan is based.
Nah his look is Chris Hero tier but his wrestling saves him because it's also Chris Hero tier so he's based.
Chase is one of those where I'm 50/50.
I don't love him but I don't hate him... he's like Yujiro in the way that he's there and I tolerate him.
Chase is the only good tongan in the group, the rest are lazy p.o.s
Are we going to meme that he's a GOAT wrestler like how we do Christian?
Hero is
This really isn't even a meme, he's legitimately the best wrestler on the current BC roster & it's not even close. His physique & hairline are holding him back.
Maybe the firing squad jabronis. Still not as good as jay white, ishimori, phantasmo. Better than the Tongans but that's saying literally nothing
No. He's just a good wrestler. Like Christian.
The ChadBlade would like a word
I forget Ishimori is even in the bullshit club, he's too good for them. Yeah you're right about Ishimori, I take that back. But the rest (including white & elp) are shitters.
Christians a shitter.
Chase might have literally drawn more dimes than him.
>Makes the entire Bullet Club look like shit by association in you’re path
this is correct since Chase is the only one who would have been able to draw a dime in the 80s and 90s and all the others look like dimeless simps who don't know how to get actual heat
>I have hated on chase for over a year now.
>Yesterday morning he finally won me over after slowly gaining my respect since dominion
Now if this post had a picture of Jay White I would agree with you.
Chase Owens is /ourguy/, if you posted cringeblade then maybe we would all agree.
Hes literally a Kofi Kingston Christian type. Complete shitter everyone overrates because he seems like a good guy backstage and doesn't get a huge push. You'd all be fans of switchblade if he got half the push hes gotten
wtf hes a great wrestler, he just needs to hit the gym harder.
Based fellow gayblade hater.
This mother fucker and fale are storming the gates of area 51 to wrestle some ayyy lmaos.
Who the fuck is we?
Chase is like the top 3 wrestler in BLC depending on how you swing it.
I personally prefer him over Elp who feels like a create a wrestler to me
more like BASED Owens
The Bullet Club? Lol wtf I thought it was dead
He's a solid midcarder that will never be at the top because he doesn't have "it"
the entire bullet club IS shit
apart from ishimori