For me? It's homeless indie star Allie Kat

For me? It's homeless indie star Allie Kat.

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>Allie Kat
>lives in an alley
Based indie shitters living the gimmick.

You know this means she's insane right?
The pussy wouldn't be worth it, virgin.

look at that stubble

is it based or cringe?

I don't get her.
I've seen her on multiple GCW shows and I just don't get it.
She's awful, why does she get booked?

Incredibly based

She cute

Out of pity

I can't blame MJF for dropping her

>can't shave properly
>stupid tats
>those earlobes
>looks like she smells like """""natural""""" products
Huge ding-dong diddly yikes from me

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Self harm scars are the ultimate red flag.

My old buddy used to date her for like 2 years. She cheated on him with some chad from the same wrestling promotion/school/wherever the fuck they met. He aint been the same since.

Allie you can stay on my couch if you let me fuck you daily


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How would you describe this body type?

Hey Dan. No one else on this planet actually likes this girl.

a pear

Flabby pear

garden variety chubster

Does she legit live in her car? That's what her latest tweet implied. She also talked about quitting wrestling in a few months to get her life in order. Also, now that Janela was dumped, she seems more in his league.

Allowing you to capitalise within his colon, ding-dong diddly fag predator?

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The Moretz

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She's wrestling again, I really doubt she slept in her car for more than a week. She got quite a bit of support after the MJF thing

here's your (you). dont try so hard for one next time

What's the ceiling for Straie Kat?


any more of her?

She used to date MJF who probably drug her around and asked companies he's working at to book her every other indie shitter couple out there.

>those pits
bitch, either shave or don't
I don't want this half-assed in-between crap

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Her vlog made me so sad going to buy an autograph and some food gift cards for the poor girl. MJF is really a heel

that's some concentrated protein braaps if I ever saw it


she can wrestle with my BBC any day.

Female King Kong Bundy.

Actually based desu

Thanks, pal. Noted

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those are whiskers (like a "kat") and they're painted on (temporary)

No thanks. If I wanted to fuck a fat pig, I'd fuck my wife.

holy fucking YUM

too skinny tbqh

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Holy shit, Veda vs Allie has the potential to be the WOAT. I've gotta find this on XWT.

Dude shes in her 20s and her legs are so blue from lack of circulation, it looks like she has diabetic granny thighs. Have some god damn respect for yourself user.

Holy fucking yuck. She deserved MJF cheating on her.

my cock is too big and black to pass that yummy white booty

Black dudes and fat white bitches. Don't ever change user.

I found it and am hoping that the one seeder logs on tonight because I'm not signing up for a bingo hall streaming service to watch that disaster.

Okay dude

me in the red trying not to vomit

I also love fried chicken and weed wtf is wrong with me, not that I hate my life but it makes me think

Name a more iconic duo

Bro, everyone loves fried chicken and weed. Don't put those two delicious things in the same boat as this slam pig.

More like Allie brrrrrraaaap

for me, it's Kevin Nash and unknown African-American rapist #5

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Jesus, is that actually Veda? When the fuck did she job out to The Wall? I thought she was still in her mid 20's?

>slam pig
>not delicious
gain taste

New America Dystopia where everyone is so fat that all the gross hogs are considered beautiful. Fuck, that's depressing.

She's kind of cute. Nice and thick but something about her is off. Like she's used goods or something.

peak physique

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mmmmm. imagine burying your nose in between her cheeks after a hot, humid, sticky, and sweaty summer ironwoman match in a non air-conditioned bingo hall in the southern US

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nigga she looks like FUN

I don't think chubby chasers are new or common, this is Yea Forums, your sample size is fucked up from the start.

built for cuddling

you and reddit

I too was worked by the glasses. She's 35. Looks pretty amazing for her age.

I too enjoy fried chicken and weed, and I'm a honkey. Perhaps we're not so different after all.

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Female wrestlers get booked on nothing else but the fact that they have a vagina

Damn did Bix lose weight?

Rednecks and niggers are cut from the same cloth minus be skin color.
Chunky white women
Pit bulls
Wearing wife beaters
Knowledge of wrestling
At least one active warrant

I could go on but I don’t think I have to

>that suckhole navel
She used to be fat.

used to be?

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>She used to be fat.
>used to be

It’s like hot asian girls with weird looking white boys


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she's homeless? I just bought a house and I don't even wrestle wtf.

HOLY YUMOLA I wanna sniff her fat brapper

Attainable by giving her a roof to sleep under even for a day and 1 hotdog.

Is that based jimmy ocean?

Hey, I love fried chicken, weed, and slam pigs. Don't put any ofthose things in the same category as niggers!

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The Original Hi-Test Superfly, himself

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le womens revolution

How did MJF bang that, is he masochist?

I got some bad news, user...looks like your exhibiting some 'niggery' behavior. You should seek professional help before your credit score drops too low.

all she needs is a month of rigorous squats to get that booty all round and tight.

>chubby, privileged white girl
>doing anything rigorous for a day let alone a full month

HA!! Good one, user.