Your favorite wrestling youtubers

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TWFS and based Solomonster, anything else is cringe garbage

If anyone says WWW I will come and kill you with my bare hands

I like Solomonster even though he's a libcuck he is pretty based

Unironically the Nobodies

Kevin is a cuckold though

For me? it's Wrestling With Wregret

Not as much as that wreslting with regret faggot

Basically, the guy that uploads Botchamania before his channel gets deleted.

have sex

Kim Justice
Wrestling with Wregret
Something to Wrestle
Wrestling Bios

I don't think Zane ever had another man fuck his wife and have a at home abortion though.

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Kenny Omega

The only one worth watching.

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>Kim Justice
You'll get shit on for this opinion, but Kim is good.

For me, it's OSW Review

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I wish OSW and AE podcast would run full speed into a wheat thresher. New Gen Project seem like decent guys.

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Used to like wrestletalk, but started noticing how cringe they are.


The SmarkBusters but they don't make videos anymore. Wrestling Jesus but he deletes his channels all the time.

Maffew is a faggot

I always interpreted the dilemma as her having a kid from a previous relationship. Where does he say that he had another guy fuck his wife?

>Wrestling youtubers
There's not a single one worth following

AE Podcast is insufferable.

They used to be really goddamn funny, but the false enthusiasm nowadays makes it very cringy to sit through. I still go back and watch the WMX7 and ECW arcs when I'm depressed though.

What's Paul watching on his laptop?



Watching wrestling personalities is bonafide cringe and the only good wrestling humor are the clips they show on taima during commercial break

One night in chyna

The Lex Express has been amazing tho.

The only one I'm subbed to is SmarkBusters

Be amplified

Wrestlelamia, for taking the bait

That one filipino dude who still uses the shitty 14p webcam in his videos from 2006 who is an attitude era babby and he hasn't aged a day since his first videos and he shits on everything wwe does. i like watching him get angry. but his content is sporadic nowadays.

give us a subscribe

oym oli davis

>his wife
>meaning he spent the time marrying her
>yet is pregnant from a previous relationship and within the window to abort it
Kevin got KEKED

Hoss King Ross

It's time for the spoony one wrestling show.... Best shit heel in the YouTube he's a jam up kinda guy

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For me...
it's the JOHN SQUAD

I see you also saw the video

lies, there's so much wrestling content to talk about.

None, they are all faggy brits. Sorry UK, they are making all of you look really bad.

This is the only wrestling youtuber that matters

This guy is like the dumbest cunt have ever seen. i can't take anyone serious who thinks if your not the biggest you can't enjoy it. he also looks gross

Only wrestling video that I've watched to the end that wasn't just a clip or compilation of cool old moments

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To bad his movies suck and he got #metoo'd

Whole F'n Show
Bobby Blaze

And the Wrestling Bios guy

Do you think a wrestling theme analysis channel has dimes potential?

cringe and Yea Forums

please go back