We need to help Kenny lads, he is clearly in an abusive relationship

We need to help Kenny lads, he is clearly in an abusive relationship

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I really think if AEW wants to grow past their existing fan-base they need to de-push the Bucks and stop putting them on promotional images
Average fan sees these two gurning inbreds making wacky faces, what're they gonna do?

wtf is that body language


So I took the system double check but it seems the protocol for this is to wait and see but I think you give Omega maybe three weeks advance standard procedure you can turn it around.

They must have some serious dirt on Kenny to keep him there

The Bucks looks like really slimy people here. I'm surprised it took them wearing suits to make me realise this.

You'd want your boys to succeed and he's doing them a favor giving them the (at the time) hottest free agent, I didn't see them turning him into a midcarder though

The Meme Bucks look like ambulance chasing lawyers.

Kenny's internal screaming stance is hilarious.

it's almost sad comparing 2016 Kenny to 2019
he's aged like shit, looks worse (not even physique wise), clearly doesn't have the same drive as before

>Sneakers with a suit
You can tell that cuck’s personality revolves around “joke’s on them, I was only pretending to be retarded”

That simp thinks he can be the Shane McMahon of the bunch.

Those sneakers are hideous

kenny's suit looks like great material though

>sneakers with a suit
>does both buttons up on the jacket

christ, what a pleb nick is

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>Kenny and Matt wearing suits that actually fit, have nice colors complimenting each other, ties
>Nick wearing a thrift store suit that doesn't even fit, sneakers, no tie

Says the random fat slub on Yea Forums...
They should depush one of their biggest draw that sells a lot of merch? Do you know the amount of money merch the bucks make them? Holy crap

look at the top of that guys head. wtf. bald man.

Also lol at posting this one pic when there are hundreds of pics where he looks times better.
Here is one
See that? That's Omega with the CEO of the company doing the media tour. It's the most exposure he will ever have and it's goingto make him a legit star while you will stay here raging about him leaving nu Japan.
Eat shit

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Hi Nick why ya seethe?

>get paid as much as he wants in Saudi pedo money to wrestle as little as he wants against whoever he wants that isn't with WWE or NJPW while spending the rest of his time playing video games and fucking his choice of joshi sluts and ladyboys
I think from his perspective he's in the perfect place in life right now


seriously what the fuck happen to that nigga's eyebrows

No I am simply using my brain cells unlike you and most people here.

t. Cultist

>it's goingto make him a legit star

no one watches TNT outside of ape hoop

When Kenny was only 9 years old he raped a full grown man in a back alley in the sweltering summer of 1992.

here come the trannies

They'd sell the same amount of merch to neckbeards whether they're on promotional material or not. If I was a teenager I for sure wouldn't watch AEW based on all of the posters, at least.

samefagging to protect aews honor.

Are you missing the point ya simp?
The point is that they'll draw with that core audience whether they're on posters or not, but if you want to expand AEW's influence beyond them you should probably take the ugly midgets off the posters because no lapsed fan/normie wants to see that shit.

Still more than NJPW at 3 am.