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*is the only remaining legend who hasn’t destroyed his legacy in you’re path*
Andrew Gonzalez
Joseph Sullivan
he uses the word "litty"
David Hall
he's a closeted homo with a beastly mistake of a daughter
Adam Cooper
Dylan Cook
He is litty and his flicks are kino
Dominic Garcia
idk, that twitter spat he got into with fans over his creepy baywatch movie was really cringy
Benjamin Hernandez
sorry im phoneposting
Dylan Lewis
Lincoln Thomas
I'd jerk him off to help prep him for his Hollywood jew masters
David Adams
Stone Cold Austin should have showed up in AEW. He could have did an in ring promo with Dean
Jason Reyes
Angel Bailey
He came close. Last time he was round he created quite a lot of go-away heat. But he saw that and knew it was time to lay off for a while.
Gavin Nelson
He beat his wife tho.
Luke Martin
Aiden Cook
Hasn't destroyed his legacy anyway
Joseph Sanders
>Arian genes
>he openly admits being a native american
Noah Wood
>closet case
>never been in a good film
>behaves like an e-thot on social media
Joshua Campbell
Did you actually watch his last match against Cena?
Wyatt Diaz
I'm not a queer. I don't watch the wresting matches I only watch the promos and interviews
Leo Nguyen
Looks based to me senpai
Logan Price
Still seething, KWAB?
Connor Carter
Kevin Nash sure spends a lot of time thinking about Dwayne's sexuality.
John Harris
But everything I listed also applies to Nash.
Landon Hughes
Cameron Brooks
Well, I'm sorry to hear that
Samuel Roberts
It's not hard, just appear less. People didn't really care about him a few years ago, same with austin. Now they barely appear and are back to being special
Dylan Ramirez
He was in the Scorpion King
Nathan Robinson
He's been the main event drawing all the dimes of the last 5 F&F movies
Charles Perry
You could make that same comment about most of his filmography. It's almost all shit.
Some people have the nerve to compare Dwayne to Arnold when all of his flicks are 90's Arnie tier and he never had a run of kino like Arnold did in the 80's.
Samuel Morgan
This is not Scott Steiner
Mason White
Take away Cameron and Mctiernan and Rock has a better filmography than Arnie.
I like Arnie but he's lucky he got to work with 2 of the best action directors of all time. Most of his films during that 'run' either flopped at the box office, recieved mixed reviews or have just aged terribly.
Jack Torres
I watched most of Arnie's classic films for the first time a few years back, and apart from a few classics like Terminator 1, 2 and Predator most were just mediocre.
Lucas Williams
Fuck you this nigger wore a tutu and was the tooth fairy.
Adam Bell
Roman needs to retire him from wrestling already.
William Myers
I know.
Dwayne is amazing and I love him.
Nathan Price
so? you know wrestling is about greased up half naked men play fighting with each yeah?
Lucas Scott
Michael Morris
who are your favourite greased up half naked male wrestlers?
Cooper Gomez
*earns more money for teeth than other jabroni fairies in your path*
Nathan Foster
Most of his movies are fucking trash. He worked with the best directors at the time and has 3 great films, but people forget that like 90% of his actual catalog is shit and if it's good, it's not because of Arnold's "acting".
Granted, Rock isn't that good either and hasn't made anything near Arnold's best movies, but he can at least say his lines without sounding muffled.
Daniel Nguyen
Neither Rock or Arnie make their movies. They simply star in them.
Its like saying Elvis made better music than Sinatra, he sang better songs, but he didn't write or make them.
Angel Long
Arnold was in good movies, but is a bad actor.
Rock is in bad to decent movies, and is a mediocre actor.
Both of them do have charisma to make it work without taking away from their movies.
Jace Robinson
Stone cold steve austin and mick foley. Two people who never did that gay shit. Why are you such a faggot? Which family member raped you as a child?
Adam Anderson
Take away the movies he did with Cameron and Mctiernan and Arnie's films are full of critical flops and financial bombs. Most if his movies suck.
Rock actually has quite an underrated filmography, he doesn't drop classics but most of his films are good entertaining movies.
Jeremiah Howard
I agree. I think people think he's amazing because they watched him as a kid, but he honestly has done most of the same nothing-happening movies as Rock does. He does have classics, but it's not because his acting made it better.
Jonathan Perry
I don't even know who that is. Take a normal picture.
Charles Barnes
he cant tarnish his legacy because of his neck. not doing a thing that you are literally incapable of doing is not an accomplishment
Angel Ross
>under armor
racist piece of shit
Cameron Parker
that promo at Raw reunion was pretty cringe tbqh. Rock would never lower himself to that shit hence why he doesn’t do these reunion shows anymore
Cameron James
She likely had a coming. We all know how much of a nag chicks can be.
Levi Miller
stop overusing the word cringe, it was wholesome and a good send off.
Angel Cox
>Rock would never lower himself to that
Rock tries to fucking put Roman Reigns over and jobbes to Yawn Cena in a rematch that should have never happened.
Hunter Robinson
Scott Steiner and Brock Lesnar you dumb simp
Mason Thompson
You're forgetting this man.
Evan Brown
Isaiah Miller
Jack Cox
How did scsa destroy his legend? He's super protective of his image
Andrew Stewart
Question is, when will he stop roiding and working nonstop? Motherfucker is going to have a heart attack soon at this rate, no matter how rich or how good your doctors are this guy can only keep going for so long.
Jaxon Jackson
>Still getting Attitude Era pops in the zombie era