Hey asp, just put my doggo down, what are some matches I can put on to cope with this shit?

Hey asp, just put my doggo down, what are some matches I can put on to cope with this shit?

Attached: steinerscrewdriver.gif (314x237, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Back to r*ddit you colossal faggot

Al Snow vs. Big Bossman Kennel from Hell


There is no match for that feel bro.
just drink a couple beers and remember the good times.

Any Scott Steiner match

Al snow vs. Big boss man kennel from hell.
On a serious note sorry for your loss user you gave doge a good life.
Watch hiroshi tanahashi vs. Ibushi and Okada from g1 28 and Tanahashis match against Omega at this years wrestle kingdom.
Feel better buddy.

Attached: g1tanahashi.gif (472x381, 3.52M)

Honestly, only you know the answer to that question.
We dont know what kind of wrestling you like or types of matches or how you cope.
Personally I'd recommend just putting on some really hype matches like hogan vs rock, ones that really get you invested.

lmao fucking redditors coming here expecting sympathy over a fucking dog

Graveyard Dogs vs Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre

watch some tegan nox matches

The Steiner screwdriver never killed anyone, you'd have to use something like the piledriver to get good results honestly

I love dogs more than I love some random dude.
If there was a fire and I could only save a human or a dog, I would save the dog.

Theres the Yea Forums i know and love

trying too hard to fit in reddit

the reddit mantra

Might be, I don't know because I have never been there.

Okada vs Shibata

Val Venis and Taka VS Kaientai

Dude, this is the site you browse when you want to kill someone else's dog. I don't know what you're expecting.
To answer your question, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. Rey Mysterio and Edge, No Mercy 2002, on a limitless loop.

Alicia Fox vs. Melina

>crying over an animal
Doggos are based but crying over one is stupid. They are literally things you can buy in a store. Just go buy another pupper.

cringe, that's a Yea Forums meme if anything.
Just because Reddit copies this site and normies get memes from here vicariously through Reddit, doesn't mean that all that shit didn't spawn here.

you fucking newfag

You sound like a basic bitch that claims to like art.

It's life, it was your friend and it died, of course you can cry over it.
I mean, I get your point, it's just that you are wrong.

You sound like your whole vocabulary comes from black twitter. I bet you like to "keep it 100" too.
By all means the guy you quoted is a tremendous faggot, but at least he doesnt talk like a teenage black girl like you do.

I like WWE, drinking beer, talking shit with my friends, dogs and my job.
Art is subjective and therefore it has no real value other than activating your brains and I can do that just fine.

You gonna keep crying about or are you gonna fucking kiss me?

I'm not wrong, you're just an oversentimental twat. Any puppy can be your new "friend." Just get a new one and move on.

based and ACEpilled

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Any human can be your new friend, so just get a new one if the old one dies and remember not to shed a single tear tough guy.
Same with children and wife/husband.

are you comparing human beings to dogs? Yikes.

Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns from Mania 34

Yeah, I am.
Do you have a God-complex or do you just inherently think that your life is more special than others?

Human beings are worth more than dogs, but I understand loving a dog like a human.

Human beings CAN be worth more than dogs, yes.

Are you assigning value to living, breathing beings? Yikes...

Doggo and pupper are tumblr memes.

Watch any Tana match

no I don't have a God complex. I already told you I have nothing against dogs, they certainly serve their purpose in life, but they are incredibly replaceable. I just hate people that care too much about dogs, specifically those that value them more than human life. If a dog ever writes a Shakespearean epic, I may change my mind.

Eh. Unlike most people on here, I believe all humans are equal. But other species... I wouldn't value a dog's life over a human's, is what I'm saying

seems the summerfags are out in full force today and don't realize this site has literally doxxed people and had them arrested for animal cruelty. sorry about your doggo friend. curl up with some good food, good blankets, and a good match and enjoy yourself while doggo smiles down on you from heaven

>I believe all humans are equal
To what end?

>Art is subjective
I love my dog and feel bad for OP but I have to reply to you and call you a retard for this.
Subjective and objective refer to the way you look at something, not the thing itself. Subjective means you look at it and instead of understanding it you associate it with yourself and talk about its affect on you. Subjectivity is the brainlet perspective.

New Jack vs Vic Grimes XPW

Dog can bring you food if you teach it to, reading shakespeare makes you a nerd.

Considering a dog can have have a strong emotional connection to a person, much like a human can, you certainly can make the comparison. Hey, if you can disconnect from a living, breathing animal that does love you, why can't you do the same with a person? It isn't a 1:1 comparison, its the question of "At what point is it ok to love something enough to mourn it" but your tiny ooga booga brain is too underdeveloped to get that.

Or maybe you're just an edgy cunt, who knows.

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They're born equal, defined by the content of their character and actions, all that good stuff, you get what I'm saying

Hence art is subjective because everyone can see what the fuck they wanna see.
Someone sees art, I see a painting.

Okay, I can get on board with that. But specifically, what does "equal" entail to you?


Yeah, cause everyone contributes as much as Shakespeare right? So if I were to compare a loving family dog to a pedo child rapist, you'd still value the rapist more just cause they are human?

My dog is unironically more intelligent than most people on this board. I know this because he doesn't watch wwe.

you can have an emotional connection to a can of beans. Your argument is invalid.


>that's not what subjective means
>yeah, so it's subjective
Are you literally retarded? The only thing that can be subjective is the way a person views something ya mongoloid.
And anyone who views something subjectively never actually views the work itself, they indirectly view themselves.

I suppose "Equal" means one man isn't worth less than another for the color of their skin, nationality or religion, but for the actions they perform. The most basic, MLK premise. Matters more who they are than what they are

the rapist can find retribution, or at least subject himself to reform and understand what he did is wrong.

Here is a picture of modern art.
Tell me, what is the objective art in this? the fact that the artist literally did nothing?

And here is the picture.

Attached: art.jpg (480x360, 20K)

>rapist can find retribution
nah. Murderers, sure. Rapists get hanged publicly. I believe this unironically, btw

Art can be objective you fucking subhuman dadaist piece of trash. You can look at the amazing portraits of the day, the almost fanatical devotion to the human anatomy, the masterful usage of lighting and perspective, the love letter to God and mathematics, all of the personality displayed and see the sheer amount of skill required.

And then you compare it to blank walls, or some vagina period art because "art is subjective" so no-skill required trash is still considered art. "Oh but this picture of a skull that's actually a vagina painted by period blood is art because I felt something from it" The fact that you even peddle such moronic post-modernist twaddle shows that you're a knuckle dragging ape in human's clothing, perhaps even a plebian.

Fucking e-drones I goddamn swear.

Literally the most clutching at straws argument I've ever seen. yes, some mentally unstable and those with mental problems in general can form connections to inanimate objects, but that is considered strange and unusual for good reason. Namely that said object is, again, inanimate and incapable of love. There are different types of love and just cause you're the sort of degenerate that is porkin beans doesn't mean its comparable to real world connections.

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Regular rapist or child rapist? I don't support the death penalty, but it tips the scale slightly

What if I just don't give a fuck about some paint on canvas?

>Here is a picture of modern art.
How can you have a picture of all art made during the modern period? How do you have a picture of over 100 years of work from the mid 1800s to the mid 1900s?
What you're saying is, you're literally retarded.
>Tell me, what is the objective art in this? the fact that the artist literally did nothing?
What the fuck does "objective art" mean? How are you having such a hard time understand that only the way something is viewed can be objective or subjective? Please install a brain in your skull.

Alright fine, a multiple time child rapist that keeps sexually assaulting minors after multiple chances to reform but never does. Him or the dog?


Hey, I am not the one who makes this "art" and makes it subjective.
I agree with you, it is not art as I understand art, but fuck me, all the REAL artists and art critics say IT FUCKING IS.
So swallow your pride fagboi.

Does it have to be either? I mean, if it's either a dog or a child rapist, and one dies necessarily, the dog. Of course the dog, who wouldn't pick the dog

So you'd let the man who will, in all probability, rape and potentially murder a child if given the chance again, live over the dog?
Truly the aspiest of aspies.

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Ignoring your bullshit attempt at sounding smart and inability to post an image with your shitty, retarded post, if that's the Malevich Black Square there are countless essays written about it. You can Google that.
Modernism had a lot of commentary on the medium, especially in painting which lead to the birth of abstract expressionism. That was late Modernism, pretty much futurism. It probably means like 6 different things at the same time, all different because it can mean any of them and that is likely intended. Black is all the colours mixed together in paint so you can say it's a painting of everything, so it solves painting. That is a partial objective reading based on an analysis of the time, the medium and so on. A subjective analysis is "hurr I don't like this because I can do that even though I don't even know how to prepare a canvas!"
Attain IQ, never post here again. Don't reply, you're ruining the dog memorial thread with your retardation.

No, you fucking imbecile. I meant the dog lives. Obviously. Jesus.

You said all that shit, but art is clearly objective because I see just a fucking black canvas and I don't think it's art, I think notre dame cathedral is art.

>and one dies necessarily, the dog.
Rethink your sentence structure next time.

Will do.

>I, a person who knows nothing about art, am the authority on art!
>this world famous artwork that has been fawned over for over 100 years is not art, but some architecture - a completely unrelated field - is because I say so!
Wow, cool logic. I'm gonna walk into a pharmaceutical company and tell them they aren't doing chemistry because I say so and the real chemistry is when I sniff darts! Because that's the level of logic you just used. OP should have put you down and not his dog.

Ok, cool, so the moment I sell my shit to someone as art I can tell what art is but as long as I don't I cant.
Question: why does art exist? So only the artist can understand it?
Stupid idiot.

>Ok, cool, so the moment I sell my shit to someone as art I can tell what art is but as long as I don't I cant.
You're a moron
>why does art exist? So only the artist can understand it?
So, because you can't understand something no one can? Work is made for the place it is to be shown in to be understood by the audience who will be in that space. To view art you have to take into account where it was shown, when it was made and in what context culturally and who it was made for. If you have half a brain you should have no issue understanding all of it because it is made to be understood, that's the point.
You obviously have a very low level of intelligence, but you should be able to understand that it is retarded to speak authoritively about things you know nothing about. For the most part, in art, the audience is expected to be aware of the philosophies of their time and previous times as well since it builds up. If you don't understand something you should research it or ignore it and not make wild claims about it not being what it is because your brain is too small.
I'm actually seething over how stupid you are. You have an Internet connection so you can easily learn all of this instead of being a retard.

You know, you wrote all that shit and I'm like: I'm still right and I don't even need to add anything anymore because the person I'm having this exchange with is a complete moron. I bet your biggest skill in school was remembering what you were told and not thinking about anything yourself ever.

My biggest skill in school winning national awards for contemporary art and art theory. Your biggest skill must have been finally passing the shoelace tying test at age 34.

>leave this thread for a few hours
>comeback now
>Its giant paragraphs that I aint reading between a bunch of faggots arguing in a dead dog thread.
Begging all the people that essays in this thread to have sex.

Best post here

Don't know your tastes. Sorry about your dog. Losing a pet sucks bad. If you wanna drink and laugh, marathon Yano G1 matches. If you want pain Catharsis, watch any Mick Foley vs Flair last man standing match. You want to cry, try Shibata/Okada 2017.

But the first one doesn't draw the dimes and it's only worth it as children caard game backdrops while the seconds are in all art installations nowadays.

Art is meaningless and subjective

I just broke down quite hard so I'm gonna try to cheer this thread up a little.


Havoc vs Callihan, pretty good hardcore affair, might be cathartic broski

Tomohiro Ishii vs Jay White, G1 Climax 29, 15/7/19

Kota Ibushi vs Will Ospreay, G1 Climax 29, 18/7/19

Tomohiro Ishii vs Jon Moxley, G1 Climax 29, 19/7/19

Kota Ibushi vs Sanada, G1 Climax 29, 20/7/19

Kazuchika Okada vs Will Ospreay, G1 Climax 29, 20/7/19

Only thing meaningless is you IQ total. What I'm saying is you have no IQ at all.

Watch some of his stuff if you're looking for dead dogs.

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I hope you feel better doggochad it is never easy

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