I T 'S H A P P E N I N G

>Meltzer reports that things between both companies are getting better and that there are "little hints" there.
>Moxley is undefeated and likely going to the finals where he loses to Okada
>Okada wins the G1 by defeating Moxley and challenges Kenny Omega.
>Shota Umino teasing he's going to AEW with Moxley on his excursion.
>Moxley references working in Japan in the latest "Road to" episode, meaning NJPW is canon in AEW's world
>NJPW twitter account is following AEW
>NJPW touring the northeast in ROH's arenas without ROH's help
>NJPW distancing themselves from ROH; multiple NJPW talents refuse to work for ROH.
>NWA just dumped ROH, NJPW is likely next.
>Okada and Jericho referencing AEW in their press conference; Kevin Kelly on commentary openly talking about Kenny Omega.
>Will Ospreay constantly referencing Omega, the Young Bucks and Cody.
>Will Ospreay's bitch works at AEW, meaning he could very well push for a working relationship.
>NJPW twitter account openly talks about Omega and how Yoshi-Hashi defeated him, contrary to reports that surfaced about how "AEW and Kenny Omega are banned terms in NJPW".
>Okada is very great friends with Omega and the Bucks and worked the first ALL IN show.

It's over, WWE is FINISHED.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Awww that's a nice fanfic user, good job!

>Meltzer reports

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>>Meltzer reports

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Based E-ncels and nujafags about to COPE while AEWChads, NWAChads, and true NJPWChads wait for the three way dance

>Meltzer reports

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Keep those semen slurping trannies far away from New Japan
They have nothing good to offer
>inb4 "muh yung cucks"
>inb4 "cawdy"
>inb4 "kenny (le vidya game entrance no. 328472398402) omega"

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Fuck off tranny

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>Meltzer reports

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Unironic question, how does AEW and NJPW benefit from a working relationship?

One gets a fuckton of exposure in the Us the other in Japan. Duh

AEW can have a roster that is not embarassing and New Japan gets nothing in return

Why are AEW fans so desperate for NJPW to work with them?

NJPW can expand into America better because the Elite sell tickets by the thousands there, and NJPW can help with AEW's absolutely wafer thin roster of comedy geeks by sending some talent. Plus Kenny is a draw in Japan, as is Jericho, and Moxley is becoming one. The Bucks and Cody never were, but there's still the America thing.

Who Japan only sold 4000 tickets in Dallas, they can sell more tickets in American if they can use Kenny, Jericho and the Young Bucks and promote events on TNT.

AEW gets to borrow people from the best roster in the world instead of shitters like the Librarian.

New matches / opportunities for both sides

Because MAYBE some people just want to see Okada, Naito etc on a big mainstream channel.

>and Moxley is becoming one


Because they know their roster sucks and they want the big stars from New Japan to improve it.

>Japan get more Western exposure and AEW gets god tier performers on their shows. it's the biggest win/win in wrestling right now.



They know their roster is paper thin and they struggle to keep up appearances defending the shitters they have employed.

>the deal happens
>3 new stars are advertised from Japan for AEW
>It's Yoshi-Hashi, Honma, and Toa Henare
It's not like they're going to give them Okada and Naito for the fucking dinosaur and the tranny, is it?

Because AEW has zero top talent outside of Omega

Its not a win for New Japan since they probably try to use no dime shitters like Cawdy and the Bucks again,Moxley needs to fuck off already too.

>Meltzer reports

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Imagine the fucking seethe if this happens

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Because AEW is shit and New Japan is not.

>Meltzer reports

Luchasaurus or whatever his name is is fucking based

The problem is the skinny ultra manlet that he is carrying on his shoulders

njpw is the reason non-wwe wrestling got as hot as it is now

You can keep trying to cope and convince yourselves that the American expansion new japan wants isn’t important but everything they do points in the opposite direction. They want more shows in America and want to more exposure and after that dallas show, it’s pretty reasonable to say that they can’t do it alone.
The fucking Elite were advertised for the show long before AEW was a thought and you’re in denile if you think they didn’t have a major part in that.

what's the difference? don't you virgins watch the two shows anyway?

If he got rid of the gimmick, yeah. He'd be a perfect new Archer when Archer decides to retire.

>Saving thumbnails
Beggin ya

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Imagine spending hours wasting your life watching these two semen slurping companies LMAO couldn't be me

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How does he still have such decent teeth

Wasting your life on here is much cooler, you're a cool dude.

Why would a wrestler lose teeth?

>Meltzer reports

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Little corgin

What do ya watch then, bitchtits?

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Someone fanfic'd here that Okada wins in an Okada/Moxley finals and issues a challenge to whoever wins Moxley/Omega at All Out. It would be fucking weird.

My one true love

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>Meltzer says

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>The people that are going to watch AEW aren't already watching NJPW
This isn't going to bring any new eyes to NJPW. The partnership with WCW didn't bring any new eyes on NJPW and this isn't either.

NJPW actually has stars

don't shitpost with my oshi fuckboi!

because of the wins and losses matter thing and the aew top guys wont job they need the new japan top guys to take the pin

aew will let them beat the legless dudes and the indy flippy shitters and call it a fair trade

I'll just quit watching I guess. I gotta watch some other wrestling that isn't WWE or infected with AEW cancer

wtf bafef
shut the fuck up

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>Okada and Jericho referencing AEW in their press conference
If Okada is referencing AEW, then they absolutely are working towards a relationship in the future. For a few months, Omega's name and AEW was taboo in New Japan. Things are certainly on the mend

Post your oshi if you have a cock!

>meltzer reports

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He outright said he likes what they’re doing in AEW

>Meltzer reports
stopped reading there

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The Young Bucks recently did an interview with Chris Van Vleet and talked about NJPW being mad at them. I don't think there will be a partnership anytime soon.


I just did ya simp.

>trusting meltzer with ANYTHING involving AEW
Cody lets him fuck brandi for free stars

Yeah, probably not.

I think NJPW and AEW will have good relations inevitably due to talent crossover and mutual competition, but there's no way the finals are Okada vs Moxley. The G1 booking historically has people gain big leads early on for other wrestlers to overcome. Moxley will go down eventually, it's just too early.

Okada may actually make it to the finals this year, but I think there's still a chance Ibushi makes it.

Meltzer is currently performing a seance with a pentagram and candles to try and get AEW and NJPW to work together. He is so desperate for it to happen and it’s really obvious he wants his friends to get legitimized by an NJPW rub.

This was the first red flag about AEW
>wins and losses will matter
>matches being booked by in ring talent
Now Kenny is a jobber while the Bucks look unbeatable

I'm no Bucks fan, but in fairness apparently they wanted to lose, it was Khan who has the final say and he insisted on them always winning. He's the ultimate mark making this look bad. He probably saw Okada's balloon thing and thought he could be just like Gedo and do it for Kenny.

>Its not a win for New Japan
NJPW is focusing on it's western expansion which AEW would assist with tremendously especially with an actual TV deal.

>trannies once again fantasy booking about the big leagues giving them the rub

hard pass, go arrange a playdate with NXT or some shit

Honestly considering that AEW is trying to build it's tag division, the Bucks really shouldn't be losing in this buildup phase.

Young Cucks and Cawdy burned their bridge, and they've seemingly moved on from New Japan by working with AAA and DDT instead. Mox will probably just pop in for big New Japan shows while being based in AEW and that will be the only talent overlap.


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Makes sense given njpws western expansion is a flop and AEW will never do well in Japan

This. My favorite shitty take is "NJPW doesn't care about their western expansion". Okada cut a promo immediately after the G1 Dallas show where he and NJPW vowed to come back to America for another G1 show. Seen here: youtube.com/watch?v=b8T2F36dw9g

Also pictured are the three northeast dates NJPW is running later on this year. To say that NJPW doesn't give a shit about the West when they very clearly do, is an insane amount of cope.

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They give a single shit,maybe two shits if they can't increase their revenue in Japan anymore.

Nice autism.
How about you don't waste your life speculating about the relationships between companies? You're not involved, mark. If they work together they work together and if they don't they don't. You posting your fanfic on here isn't going to affect the situation. You could spend the time you obsess over the business relations of companies you have no affiliation with having sex.

CMLL won't let this happen lmao.

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I bet AEW want Cavernario for their Dinosaur team. Would be funny seeing MARKO Stunt booked as a mini in CMLL for a few minutes.

CMLL's owner is dead and his daughter is taking the throne. Paco holding his grudges was the only thing standing in between AAA and CMLL squashing their beef. AAA wants to work with CMLL and there's no beef on AAA's side, it's up to his daughter to decide if there's beef or not.

>Cavernario, Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus as part of a unit.


The one with the grudge is dead

And neither Baba or Inoki have anything to do with AJPW/NJPW, but they don't work together either

Luchasaurus has to turn on Jungle Boy for Cavernario.

>Meltzer reports
Aaaaaaaaand stopped reading there, good thread

This. All the AEW fans are either already watching NJPW or stopped watching after the Elite left.

>Meltzer reports

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What like Darby anus vs Okada? Ibushi vs Sonny Kiss? This is so delusional. The only thing this does is give AEW talent in that bus terminal toliet paper thin roster of theirs. The only thing they could offer in return is money and that would have to come literally out of Cucked Khans pockets because there is no ad revenue sharing to be had with TNT. TNT is paying for production thats it. Theyre not sharing the ad space atm. So Khan would have to pay NJPW straight up for this. It's stupid. Meltz is towing the goyim line here like usual. If Khan ponies up enough money then the question is how is booking handled because even Dragon Gate, of all fucking promotions, BTFO AEW on Pac. Now imagine NJPW trusting a gaijin promotion with someone like okada ever again

>another p-p-p-please help us, New Japan-sama thread
it's embarrassing
cope aewtist

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Those faggots better stay away from my NJPW

>when your billion dollar money mark fed has a worse roster than some schoolgirls playing in pachinko halls

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How? There is no ad revenue to share with NJPW for the rights to their name and talent. SO unless Khan pays of pocket how is this going to work? What actual fucking exposure does NJPW get if their talent can already be seen on another promotion. Why would westerners watch NJPW when they can see the wrestlers and have it in English on a major network? The logic behind this is so fucking stunted its crazy

AEW gets access to the roster
NJPW gets access to the TV distribution/promotion channels

Based Sawabe.

Luchasaurus vs Henare would be kino
As would Honma vs Nakazawa

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Luchasaurus is a big guy that dresses up as a dinosaur, Nakazawa is a Japanese comedy wrestler that covers himself in baby oil

Tana did

Those faggots came from your NJPW
Are you dumb?

You're a special one arent you?

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Shit happens.

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Yea Im special because I dont fantasy book shit like its WWE universe. In real life there has to be quantifiable reasons to do shit. not just shouting "exposure!" and thinking that means shit without explaining how it works in a business sense


Besides the logistics of having friends overseas that make it easier to run shows over there, AEW gets top tier wrestlers from NJPW's roster to keep matches fresh for them, NJPW gets on TNT and gets The Elite for their US shows.

AEW gets to look like a a real wrestling promotion instead of the expensive hobby of Money Mark Khan

NJPW sells some more tickets in Burgerland even though all the real money is in Japan and their profits have been rising non stop anyway.

Honma could get over

Keep getting your hopes up, AEWtist.
More than likely NewJaChads will Partner With NXT than gaew.

>Th-they're g-going to w-work together

"NXT UK TakeOver: Cardiff made a lot of people pay attention to their August 31st date. This was mainly because August 31st is the same date as AEW All Out. However, fans with a New Japan Pro Wrestling calendar also noticed something very interesting.

NJPW is running a show in London on August 31st. This will run head-to-head with WWE’s NXT UK TakeOver: Cardiff event. There will be no time zone difference either. At least this will make it easier for American fans to watch both TakeOver and All Out because they are not in the same area."

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Is there anything more pathetic that Dave Meltzer's crying about how NJPW and AEw aren't on speaking terms.

He basically wants AEW to be NJPW-US which is why he shits on any match that isn't super serious fighting spirit

Also explain to me why people bring up the "NJPW HATE TNA BECAUSE LOYALTY IS REALLY IMPORTANT IN JAPAN EVEN THOUGH THINGS HAPPENED THERE YEARS AGO WITH TOTALLY DIFFERENT PEOPLE." but somehow NJPW are gonna be fine working with the Bucks again?

NWA dropped ROH, NJPW will soon drop ROH.
NJPW NWA partnership will soon be back on the menu.

>NJPW NWA relationship
lmfaoo that's a step down though. ROH, for as garbage as it is, is still like 10 times more relevant than NWA. NJPW x AEW would draw millions and millions of dollars, it's just too much money on the table.

>Okada wins the g1
>Jericho beats the hangman for the AEW title
>Jericho massacres Tana in a battle of the boomers
>Okada challanges Jericho, champion vs champion
>Jericho beats Okada, undisputed again
>debuts on tv undisputed, massive rub to both company
>first big ppv is a triple threat between him, Okada and Kenny

>cmll is allied with njpw
>aaa is allied with aew
>cmll will not work with anyone remotely associated with aaa
so for this to pan out njpw would have to kill their cmll relationship, because aew is certainly not losing the lucha bros

both CMLL and AAA use the lucha bros...

I get you hate aew but please dont make dumb statements like that

>AEW's 1st TV taping sells out instantly
>16,000+ people.
>Enormous hype and momentum
>Kenny Omega out for a promo at the end; talking about how he's the best wrestler who ever lived.
>*Coin drops*
>Enormous pop
>AEW's 1st ever show which has a huge audience, ends with the IWGP Champion staring a hole through Kenny Omega.

You're telling me NJPW would pass up on the dimes?

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Harold already made the call

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You should be internationaly recognized for how incredibly terrible your booking is. It is amazing how every line you typed consistently added to the mountain of shit this would be.

bro, you don't understand bro, they want to see stars not phony looking wrestling
bro have you ever seen two man beating each other for 60 minutes? doesn't go that way in real life bro

hi seth

>Kenny Omega out for a promo at the end; talking about how AEW is the most diverse and inclusive promotion ever.



Any foreign wrestling company would kill for free exposure on a major cable company’s prime time slot. Yeah maybe some in New Japan like Okada would like to have Kenny and TYB back, but make no mistake Gedo knows how huge being on TNT prime time could possibly be.

Knowing NJPW, they will build their LA DOJO guys and send them to become stars in other places where NJPW can be the daddy in the partner relationship.


>Moxley vs Okada finals
you know how easy it is to tell that you have no idea about anything?

Mox is winning G1.
WK will have Mox vs Okada, Jericho vs Tanahashi and Kenny vs Ibushi.