WWE Executives Sell Stock Ahead of Financials Report

>– PWInsider reports that several WWE executives sold stock in the company on July 22 according to recent SEC filings. The company is set to report their 2019 second quarter financials tomomorrow.

>Vince McMahon sold 12627 shares for $70.23.

>George Barrios sold 139175 shares for between $69.46 to $70.62.

>Kevin Dunn sold 68628 shares for $70.23.

>Mark Kowal sold 3845 shares for $70.23.

>Paul Levesque sold 17563 shares for $70.23.

>Stephanie McMahon sold 17681 shares for $70.23.

>Michelle Wilson sold 65318 shares for $70.23.

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can some financial chad explain what this means


They expect the stocks to PLUMMET tomorrow so they're selling their shares before it's too late.

Fox is gonna pull out. WWE is fucked.

Well selling shares is a good way to make your company stock fall even further

They are all fucking each other on a big pile of money now with Kevin Dunn directing

Isn’t this illegal?

WWE is scummy and will probably get away with anything

why didn't shane sell? will he be majority owner and save the fed from the brink of collapse

I don’t think Shane owns any stock.

mmmmm insider trading wouldn't want to get caught doing that

Basically, they expect stocks to plummet tomorrow so they're getting as much money out of it as they possibly can while still maintaining some form of control of the company. WWE is essentially preparing for disaster tomorrow and they're well aware they'll have to give out some very disappointing news and figures tomorrow.

>The reunion really was a "series finale"

Also what happened to Vince's XFL2 boogaloo?

The rich became richer

>Bring in Hogan
>Company dies

Like clockwork.

>according to recent SEC filings

Should be bad news tommorow. I think the Network numbers might be pretty brutal.

He has fuck all, he sold all of his a decade ago to invest in China, then he lost all of his money and had to be bailed out by his mommy so he now he has to work as a wrestler again taking bumps like a fucking retard.


usually when big-money stockholders do this, it's for a very good reason... which is why it is illegal.

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So he sold 1/5 of his stock?

>selling that much stock just for $70

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They will never go over 70$ again

It's illegal to not disclose insider trading, but WWE did give notice and filled the appropriate paperwork.

that doesn't show all of his stock, according to that he has less dunn, steph, and a couple others

Fucking retard

A trivial thing that fans shouldn't concern themselves with.

how the fuck is this not bigger news? lmao they're selling all their stock (illegally btw, inside trading) because they know the company is about to crash... this is literally undeniable evidence that wwe is about to fucking die

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WWE stock plummets!
Sell! Sell! Sell!

Hi Vinnie,

I bought all9 the stocks they sold. Soon I will own the WWE.

Ask yourself why major stockholders chose this moment to sell off and not selling off while the stock was still high but the ticket sales and ratings were at record lows.

It's because they have already talked to their accountants, told them all the news to be revealed, and were advised to sell right away before the news gets out to the public. This is the definition of insider trading, and it will probably get these guys majorly fucked.

buy low, sell at record lows

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Based retard no-selling the thread

Thanks Women's Revolution!!!

If this nigga is selling you know that stock is in trouble

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>not shorting wwe stock

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Tomorrow is their quarterly finance report. All of the WWE executives sold a huge amount of shares before the report. This implies that their report isn't going to be all that good. They did it legally, so they knew for a while.

WWE's stock was insanely inflated over the TV deals, but creatively, they're at their worst, and they've lost money in every avenue other than TV deals. I don't know if Fox has an opt-out, but they've been increasingly annoyed with WWE. Fox is famous for canceling shit that isn't working.

>I don't know if Fox has an opt-out
They do, and WWE has to make ratings quotas of around 3.0 even when they make TV

$42 eoy

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Just a standard dump. Sell now then buy back when the stocks fall to a cheaper price.

>George Barrios sold 139175 shares for between $69.46 to $70.62.
This guy is abandoning ship lmao

why tf is this illegal, like so what?

You're manipulating money and unless youre in the .00000001% you going to get buttfucked in jail

Imagine if WWE bookers were betting on their own fight outcomes or who comes out last in the Rumble. That's the same thing that insider trading is.

>and it will probably get these guys majorly fucked.

Lock all these fucking carnies away along with Lynda and Drumpf

>insider trading
People are saying this as if it’s not universally known that Monday is going to be a high point probably for the entire year for them, unless they can really turn WM around

Isn't this insider trading, as in, illegal and shady as fuck?

Who would have known scooping up talent with lucrative contracts and not monetising them is a bad business decision

The funniest thing is that WWE tried their hardest to fuck over the indies by signing everyone and it still didn't stop AEW from existing

These sales are scheduled months in advance and are usually stock options being sold at the earliest possible date. This has no bearing on the Q2 expectations. The stock is up today despite this news.

based retard user

Based big brain Barrios escaping the Titanic before it's too late

anyone know any stock websites you can chat on for live trading without having to sign up? i remember on /pol/ a few years ago we helped crash the Chinese stock market by shitposting and fear mongering to traders. You could see it fall more as the threads were created, which may have been a coincidence but still was funny

I was there and that was pure meme magick

>being so retarded you fall for that bait