/BTE/ - Being The Elite general

New Episode OUT!:


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Other urls found in this thread:


You are a faggot, anyone that watches this shit is a faggot, and AEW is for trannies and faggots. Now go and suck a dick like you love to do in your spare time.

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hiding this /wooo/ tier cringe


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>the company with more money is the underdog
>yasssss i love the indies

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Seething honestly

>Unless you were Deontay in 2013, you can suck it
lol based Hangman telling his former students to fuck off

This is the Yea Forums that I know and love for 6 years.
Your thread will find more success on reddit or wooo where all the fags hangout.

At least you can admit how butthurt you are that no one wants to see this gay shit on here.
Samefag OP trying to make it seem like people are talking about his gay porn video on youtube.

reddit is indies general
Yea Forums = /wwe/

>6 years
>Yea Forums
You fucking newfag, we weren't here 6 years ago

>we weren't here 6 years ago
when does summer end bros

Yea Forums was created march 18th 2013 you fucking poser. I have been here quite literally since day 1. Way to out yourself as the newfag

>/BTE/ - Being The Elite general
Get out. GET OUT.
You have to go fucking back to /wooo/ddit.

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fuck you shill

>ITT: Yea Forums buries reddit, wooo, the gay community, AEW fans, and the OP.

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Bumping and laughing at edrones

>a nu episode of being the elite omfg yaaaasssssssss xd xd

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Thanks for the bump droney

CRINGE. Leave your gay shit in /lgbt/ you fucking homo.

>bumping a thread on page one
E-lite drone shook.

Bump in case you saged

There's still hope for this board.

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I will bump your thread all you want. Everyone is laughing at you and none of us are clicking the links.
How does it feel knowing that no one wants to watch the gay shit you fap to in your spare time.

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Totally not threatened at all

All samefag actual fag butthurt and worked into a seething rage.

>words on the internet can make someone feel threatened

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Reminder these AEW trannies consider misgendering them an act of violence.

Yea Forums is at its most based between the hours of 1 and 5 am eastern I swear.

Americ/asp/ is cringe.
Euro/asp/ is based.
Gook/asp/ is crased.

Nigger I just gave you a compliment and you gotta shit on my country. I will agree that when its our day time it seems like the quality isnt as good as it is in the AM. Theres plenty of based Americ/asp/bros.

OP by the way unless it dies while I am asleep I will be bumping this so people can just make fun of you and laugh at your quite frankily desperate damage control attempts

Based Yea Forums not letting shitty generals prosper

Fuck you and your garbage putrid fucking country

Nice try GAYEW OP.

>Seething amerifat

>mfw an American is fat near me

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OP Seething so hard.

Good episode this week. Got me hyped for the ladder match at All Out.

Cope burger

OP desperately trying to turn in thread into Americhads v Eurochads to deflect from everyone shitting on Being the E-lite.

>Good episode this week. Got me hyped for the ladder match at All Out.

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Thanks fellow Yea Forumsie.

Fucking British scum
Enjoy retarded trump as your president

>Good episode this week. Got me hyped for the ladder match at All Out.

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Why did aspies turn on aew? Is there a storyline that i missed?

Literally what is wrong with liking BTE? It's actually pretty entertaining from time to time.

Just go on reddit to talk about it, they have 10x the userbase so its faster than this seethepole anyway

Yea Forums never liked AEW.
Its just reddit and wooo cancer.
Its fucking gay and lame.
Take your own advice you people are not welcomed here.

yikes and go backola
don't want ya here

I dont care for their layout or format. Or how every single fucking thread on there devolves into some cutesy word play circle jerk. I've been a 4channer since 2009.

Seethe bitch i aint going anywhere

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>this is the Yea Forums I know and love for 6 years
>wrestling was still on Yea Forums 6 years ago
Nice LARP faggot

Damn girl you fine

Bumping because watching these is actually important to understanding what AEW's up to and can be pretty good if you look past preconceived notion.


>Bumping because watching these is actually important to understanding what AEW's up to and can be pretty good if you look past preconceived notion.
>bumping a thread on page one
The fucking state of AEWtists.

Yea Forums had wrestling talk on it, you fucking idiot. I dont care for fucking Yea Forums I know in 2013 I still checked out Yea Forums on the regular. March 2013 it advertised that this was a trial board. Just because you(which I truly dont believe you) and some other people got exiled from Yea Forums to asp doesnt mean you get to rewrite history and deny the fact that wrestling was discussed here then.

>/wwe/ was still on Yea Forums 6 years ago
Outlel feds BTFO

Yea Forums had none of the kind of fiercely pro WWE wrestling discussion you supposedly knew and loved for 6 years on Yea Forums until /wwe/ came here. You are committed to doubling down on the larp but your execution is hilariously unconvincing because you just don't have the knowledge or context for it to be anything else.

>making a non-waifu general

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didn’t watch lol. im going to moan about there being no storylines in the all out game thread. going to stream it illegally and shit post about the slightest botched segment for days. gonna be comfy AF lads

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Lies, backed up by lies, built on the foundation lies, lied by the lying liar who lied them.
Fuck off faggot. You are wrong and just salty you got booted off of Yea Forums like the jobber you are.

Based. In any case the stories have the same kind of logical fallacies WWE stories do anyway.
For example Moxley's thing is he wants to hurt Omega. Why does he even hate him so much? Omega should be the one saying that since Moxley took advantage of him at a weak moment to make an impression. Omega is the one with the reason to hate. Omega is just the guy Moxley used to make an impression, their story hasn't given him any real reason to actually hate him yet he's cutting a promo telling him he wants to hurt him, this isnt your video games you only have 1 life blah blah.

I'm Swiss ya fucking simp

Like whatever you want just don't be a fucking faggot about it
You know how you're always sucking mad dick but then you don't tell your parents? This is basically the same thing as that

Aww don't cry baby. You're not the first larping newfaggot to conflate standard /wwe/ on Yea Forums fare with what Yea Forums was before /wwe/ came here and you won't be the last.
Better luck next time.

>if I lie long enough and say more lies people will finally believe me.
Ding-Dong Diddlyhave sex ya worked bitch.

Not even memeing, I despise shit like this. Like how the Legendary Pictures kaiju movies are pretty gnarly but to get the monsters full origins you have to read these one-shot promo comics that contradict the canon half the time.
If you can't tell your entire story in one medium you should be asking yourself if it's even worth telling. Remember when Hogan and Andre did a skit on a local TV station to spark their feud going into WM3? Nah neither do I

Did you come from reddit or /woo/?


Yea Forums eternal seethe

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Watch a WWE ppv without watching any TV or the hype videos and see if you can figure out the "story." I get most of the hate for AEW, but this is basically their TV show until TNT - not an obscure lore deep-dive. Plus, it's not even 10 minutes long.

>Watch a WWE ppv without watching any TV
Actually improves it since then their long ass video packages are actually useful instead of repetitive and completely fill you in on what you don’t know

>New Episode OUT!:

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What SHOULD happen:
>Lucha bros beat young bucks to be first AEW tag team champs
>this causes bucks to go full heel with a "fuck you this is our company" gimmick
>can help other tag teams get over by being the bad guys too

What will happen:
>Bucks win lol
>first AEW tag team champs
>act like face/heel at the same time in mix that doesnt work

I haven’t watched raw/smackdown all year but extreme rules was decent and I understood all the story aspects just fine.


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Where is Rikishi poster when you need him

>actively looking forward to WolfCuck rikishi spam.
Dont need to post fap material for GAYEW fans

>Being The Gayest general
Gonna be a YIKES from me dawg

What should happen?
They cancel the show before the year is over.
What is going to happen?
It will be cancelled some time between 2020 and 2021

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Bumping this gay thread so people can dab on GAYEW

bump lol

BASED thanks for this opportunity senpai, i won't let it go to waste!
*dabs on GAYEW*

More like GAYEW BTFO

They've been actually explaining this in the videos they're doing.


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You and the fag you quoted are gay as fuck

Necrobump so people can have a laugh at GAYEWs expense

Bumping so people can watch this masterpiece

Based OP working Yea Forums into suicide watch.

Imagine that your shitty YouTube series is more fun and entertainment than 3 hours of ram kek

Samefag fag from the OP

Then why are there constant threads about sucking Finns or Seth's dick? Nothing worse than a bunch of faggots trying to act like they aren't faggots.

Not OP and what you just said was pure Autism

Poster count didnt go up. Samefag. Also this thread will not die until it gets deleted or hits bump limit.
It continues to work GAYEW fans into a SEETHE

They turned when it finally dawned on them that their show that's made for literal kids and Autism is fucked. Poor faggots are in the early stages of denial, be patient with the poor fellas.

Right, those two didn't go up because those are both my comments. Still not OP. Holy fucking retard.

>actual Yea Forums ever liked GAYEW and that it wasnt just a lot of wooo and reddit.
You need to go back


Samefag still worked into a shoot by basic shitpost 101.
You fags are truly the easiest to work. Hell you will keep the thread alive for me as I sleep.

>Got caught being a legit dumbass

It's just shitposting! I swear! Mom!!

Worked into another post.

The state of WWE fags. Top fucking kek

Found the redditor

Jokes on you I dont watch wrestling its become really gay.

>Not being old enough to have been on Yea Forums before 2016

Lmao, keep going. This is great. Anyway I can get you to rage Hero fag?

Based Yea Forumsie finally raising the post count from 35 to 36.

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>wrestling is gay, hanging out in a wrestling board is even gayer.

>gets called reddit
>immediately responds right away with reddit spacing.
You lack self awareness.

>Not understanding reddit doesn't have green text

You know you think what you wrote there was intelligent, it just shows how dumb and truly out of place you are here

Bitch I've been on Yea Forums since 2004/5, shut the fuck up with your dumb shit. Fuck I can't wait until summer is done.

No you havent. You wouldnt type like that if you were. Not to mention the whole summerfag shit died out years ago once smartphones became mainstream. Its forever summer. Cancer which was always here has become terminal this is the only board worth visiting. Just stop user

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Yes it does, and you know that
