because they base their enjoyment of the product not on the quality of the product itself, but on how popular it is with "casuals". No other fandom is like this.
Wrestling fans are unironically, seriously the stupidest fandom on Earth
Other urls found in this thread:
Iwc bases love how underdog their tastes are
*WWE fans
Which is entirely based on being contrarian and liking it because the "casuals" do not.
that's not true AT ALL you fucking nerd. WWE has a pretty rich history and it's full of lore.
You are 100% wrong,every fandom has those "normalfag" people that only care about the most popular thing and hates everything else,videogames/music/movies/comics you name it.
Lmao ya seethe bitch?
Lore that the company does not give one shit about.
There's no one on Yea Forums saying Fortnite is the best game in the world because it draws the normie dimes.
There's no on Yea Forums saying the Big Bang Theory is better because it gets high ratings.
money and miles, kid
That's if you WORK in the wrestling industry, not what you should be concerned about if you WATCH wrestling.
It's because wrestling taken by itself is a boring, silly thing. The meta-drama of the wrestling industry is the real show.
People who watch wrestling on the surface level and unironically enjoy it are usually literal retards, autists, and children.
dubs of truth
It's a show about a show (about a show).
>People who watch wrestling on the surface level and unironically enjoy it are usually literal retards, autists, and children.
This, Ill never understand these people who watch fake fighting with zero storyline to emotionally invest into said fake fighting. Basically NJPW fans
>There's no one on Yea Forums saying Fortnite is the best game in the world because it draws the normie dimes
There are plenty of people loving Halo or playing mobile games
I'll say just one word:Theatrics
Yeah, that one lazy word is not going to cut it. Actually explain your viewpoint or GTFO.
That literally refers to autists who attach their personality to a single interest. Anyone who identifies as "fan of _____" does the same shit like talking about dvd sales for anime or reviews for albums or whatever. All of them are equally pathetic.
Just like what you like. It's one thing when someone who understands something discusses it, but obviously the vast majority of people have no idea but shout about it anyway and sperg out.
>because they base their enjoyment of the product not on the quality of the product itself, but on how popular it is with "casuals"
Literally impossible, ya simp
Wanna know why I watch WWE? Here you go
Enjoying the in-ring drama,to be honest it doesn't even matter if its fake.
In MMA people get excited the most when a guy is about to go down,same stuff happens in wrestling but the matches are usually longer and better "designed" for entertainment.
Bro, If I wanted to hear about carny people doing carny things I would just pick up the newspaper to read about politicians
Vince and his manlets have nothing on that.
>zero storyline to emotionally invest in
Don’t reply to brainlet posts
But after you have watched maybe a year of wrestling matches you've seen 90% of what wrestling has to offer. Only two or three times a year in high profile main event matches do wrestlers ever diverge from the formula.
I skip 90% of wrestling matches because of this. I've been "watching" wrestling for over 20 years. There is nothing to be gained from me watching X wrestler go through their spots for the upteenth time or wrestle a version of the same canned sequences they teach in wrestling schools across the world that have been done literally 1000s and 1000s of times.
>irish whip
>down low
>leap frog
>shoulder block
Why don't you get a new hobby or develop some new interests then?
lmfao based
Wrestling 20 years ago was way different than it is now in pretty much all the world,millions of people don't get tired of watching sports even if they have seen all there is to see.
Because the meta-politics and drama of wrestling are mildly entertaining. But believe me, I'm trying to get out of that too.
Most people are not watching wrestling for the wrestling.
>millions of people don't get tired of watching sports even if they have seen all there is to see.
But they literally do and have. Ratings for traditionally popular sports are down and people have stopped watching wrestling in droves.
>Most people are not watching wrestling for the wrestling
Most of them probably do if we exclude WWE,this is not the 90s anymore and people have better and more varied expectations from the workers than ever before
>Ratings for traditionally popular sports are down
Where? In my country football (soccer for you mutts) is still as popular as ever
>Where? In my country football (soccer for you mutts) is still as popular as ever
In the US probably. NBA and NFL rating were going down for a while. I think NFL h
as been in recovery but NBA is down for sure. TV ratings as a whole in the US have been down all across the board because there's so many options and everything is becoming more niche.
In my opinion TV ratings are becoming antiquated now that internet subscriptions are so popular also didn't the NFL and NBA have trouble because of bulbasaur players becoming uppity against Trump and Republicans in general?
WWE viewers make up 90% of wrestling viewers worldwide. WWE is more popular in Japan than NJPW.
Don't tell me what to do bitch
WWE is not wrestling
>WWE is more popular in Japan than NJPW
Factually incorrect.
The arguments of draw power comes from the impact of Smarky booking and wrestlers, which are inherently niche and doesn't represent what wrestling should be as a whole (something 90% of smarks don't understand). The wrestling that drew dimes isn't good based solely on that fact its a lot of factors coming together, however the fact that it drew so much is indicative of the quality. RA Era WWE is leagues better than anything that currently exists because it had almost everything and nailed it all really well.
>In my country football (soccer for you mutts) is still as popular as ever
Because in your 3rd world shithole society is lagging 20 years behind the USA, Canada, and UK. Being able to watch live sports on tv 24/7 and become mindless consumer-fags about it is still a fresh thing.
I live in the first world and i'm pretty sure than in the UK football is still dominant just like Hockey is in Canada.
It is simply a statement of fact that the majority of wrestling discussion surrounds ratings, attendance, and drawing power rather than the artistic merits of the show.
I'm from the UK and football is far less of a cultural phenomenon compared to the past.
>RA Era WWE is leagues better than anything that currently exists because it had almost everything
For the casual viewer,granted it had "almost everything" compared to current WWE that has almost nothing.
>live matches
Most "casuals" sport fans watch highlights,that's hardly a great indicator
this is why I stopped watching and just come here to shitpost
>But after you have watched maybe a year of wrestling matches you've seen 90% of what wrestling has to offer
If you watch WWE exclusively, yeah. If you watch one NJPW show then you've effectively seen every NJPW show as well, so far as the structure of the show goes and specific to the Bushiroad era.
But you're a pleb who knows nothing if you think AAA, CMLL, DTU, Toryumon, DDT, Gatoh Move, BJW, AJPW, Tokyo Gurentai, Dragon Gate, GCW, etc aren't offering completely different products that have changed over time.
A lot of wrestling is decades behind other media, which is why the audience is mostly complete retards in the West. There are things from the 1800s that are culturally ahead of contemporary wwe. Another issue with the product is that it needs to be fake, but they try hard to present it as real and it makes it look second rate or that it is insulting the intelligence of the viewer. Furthermore, again specific to wwe, you will have a segment that is nonsense comedy and immediately after you'll have a "these are real athletes, only the best work here in wwe" match that isn't even good and its completely jarring.
HD also hurt the business, especially in the West, because things on TV looking like they are on TV is gone, HD makes it look like real life. The characters have to be real people in HD and that doesn't translate well with how US wrestling presents itself - it comes across as guys LARPing as athletes (which they are, but actors don't come across as LARPing as characters).
The big issues in pro wrestling popularity are to do with the presentation of the show not adapting with technology and the culture. The reliance on TV hurts too since new viewers aren't a thing anymore, no one is going to start watching TV ever again.
The Young Bucks are idiots for not closing the deal with Netflix they were negotiating, that's the actual platform with a growing audience.
>AAA, CMLL, DTU, Toryumon, DDT, Gatoh Move, BJW, AJPW, Tokyo Gurentai, Dragon Gate, GCW, etc aren't offering completely different products
They're really not that different. WWE has versions of most of the things in those. And the difference between each of those is less than their difference from WWE. You think there's any real difference between CMLL and AAA? Come on now.
>A lot of wrestling is decades behind other media, which is why the audience is mostly complete retards in the West.
It's not that it's decades behind, but actually centuries. It's absolutely garbage tier storytelling compared to even the lowest of the low scripted television shows.
>Another issue with the product is that it needs to be fake, but they try hard to present it as real and it makes it look second rate or that it is insulting the intelligence of the viewer. Furthermore, again specific to wwe, you will have a segment that is nonsense comedy and immediately after you'll have a "these are real athletes, only the best work here in wwe" match that isn't even good and its completely jarring.
No disagreement.
>HD also hurt the business
I also agree with this. Not only in how the wrestling is perceived, but in how it becomes much more clear that indie companies are wrestling in front of smaller crowds in high school gyms.
It's be crazy if someone out there started presenting wrestling in 4:3 60 fields per second (fields! not frames!) with vintage TV cameras and equipment to give that old WWF look and feel.
>The Young Bucks are idiots for not closing the deal with Netflix they were negotiating, that's the actual platform with a growing audience.
The Young Bucks are hipsters in over their heads. The true carnies like Cody will run them out of the company soon enough.
We're better than bronies at least.
Sadly, not true
I think that's just the tar pit of assholes in Yea Forums, most people outside this bubble care about how good the wrestling is.
Every fandom does this.
There are video game fans that only play AAA games, comic book fans that only watch Marvel movies and anime fans that only watch Dragon Ball.