>Wrestler put in submission hold
>immediate taps out
>super kicks/suicide dives
>Everyone spams them now.
>Chicken shit heel turns face
>no longer a coward
Wrestling related things that make you seethe
Other urls found in this thread:
>wrestler lets go of submission hold in the middle of the ring to do a different move
>Wrestler put in submission hold
>immediate taps out
Its ok to do this if the guy gets "knocked out"
SANADA always chokes the guy out before going for a moonsault
The tapout one can work on occassion. The submission match Gulak had with Kushida's a good example: both are submission guys, Gulak moreso. Gulak knows better than anybody that Kushida's armbar can snap his arm and he's got nowhere to go, so he doesn't risk an injury. It's smart, and fits the character.
The move isn't even set in long enough to hurt. Example: as soon as opponent is turned on their stomach in sharpshooter they immediately tap out.
>Its ok to do this if the guy gets "knocked out"
that's even more stupid, because if the guy is unconscious in a sleeper hold you're 3 seconds away from a guaranteed win. you're just letting go to be a faggot at that point.
non pvp matches over 10 minutes long
Yeah, Sanada's kinda dumb now that I think about it...
>immediate taps out
That's how they work brainlet. Have you never watched any sort of shoot fighting?
>not putting a match for the top belt in the main event
>moves that take too long to be executed
>spotfests,especially if done by skinny manlets
>doing retarded joke spots like throwing invisible grenades
>random ass pairing of singles guys beating an actual tag team
A team is more than the sum of its parts. A tag team wrestler can lose a singles match to a singles wrestler just fine, but two singles wrestlers can't just beat a tag team. that's dumb
>mess up spot
>instead of just improvising try to do it again.
Prime example that Sasha banks spot where she tried to do the lucha arm drag to Peyton Royce where she fucks up, tries again and fucks up again
Every single wrestler in the 'E and AEW bases their ENTIRE match around "superkicks"
Superkicks have become the modern body slams
Bucks ruined the superkick
What about the opposite?
>Chicken shit heel turns face
>no longer a coward
isn’t that the point tho? he realizes running away won’t solve anything
brother had to reeeeally think about it
lol you fucking idiot, the whole idea behind submission moves is that they put extreme pressure on the joints, not "owwee this hurts and I'm a little bitch". When a dude taps immediately to a kimura in MMA, it's because his arm is about to be torn from its socket, not because he's a queef can't take the pain.
I know you're an E-drone, and a zoomer at that, so you're just over exposed to bad wrestling and can't wrap your mind around what good wrestling looks like, but spots where the babyface (and it should only ever be a babyface) is able to withstand the submission longer than a few scant seconds should be reserved as big spots, not fucking rest holds like your retarded ass is suggesting. You faggots bitch about finishers not being "finishers" all the time, but having a dude just chilling in a submission, "selling", for 30+ seconds is kosher? Are you kidding me?
And before someone brings up Nu Japan because I said "E-drone", this is exactly why ZSJ is a joke and it's impossible to take him seriously.
>wrestler takes a million finishes, weapon shots, insane bumps and keeps kicking out
>same wrestler is hit with one move while not in a match and dies
>wrestler gets whipped into the turnbuckles; hurt
>wrestler voluntarily runs into the turnbuckles as fast as they can; fine
Fucking boiling!
Take it easy Cornette
That's perfectly reasonable, if you're running into something of your own volition, you can brace yourself properly for it, and hit it in a way that's comfortable for you. If someone just throws you into something, you're going to hit it awkwardly and your body won't be ready for the impact.
Speaking of Sanada, that "paradise lock" is probably the dumbest shit I ever saw in wrestling.
>wrestler gets put in "paradise lock"
>acts like he can't move
>gets kicked
>immediately breaks out of the "lock"
Not the dumbest shit i ever saw in wrestling,not even remotely.
Its still dumb for a wrestler that wants to be taken seriously.
>constant hard cam panning.
the worst part is Ospreay being so focused on looking cool that he couldn't be bothered to sell the dumb move guys like ZSJ and Suzuki sold. fuckin' hell will, just be a team player
Can a chicken shit babyface work? Sounds interesting to have like a rogue hero.
Bitch you talking shit about Milano?
Except the impact looks the same both times.
That was kinda this dude's gimmick
Yeah, because wrestling isn't real, mark.
Toru Yano?
Santino is the GOAT
Super kicks were ruined way before the bucks.
The only thing that requires more suspension of disbelief is taking Shawn Michaels seriously as a physical threat to anyone ever.
>>Wrestler put in submission hold
>>immediate taps out
depends on the context.
>in a tournament setting, why accrue damage when there are other matches to come? Giving up quick = best psychology
>in an iron man match or 2/3 match you tap out quick because same logic
> Champ enters first
You knock that shit off right now.
> Closed Fists are not admonished/stopped by the referee (the 10 punches in the corner spot)
SANADA has lots of stupid shit now that I think about it
>Paradise Lock
>Letting go out of the Dragon Sleeper to go for a moonsault
>That shit where he does a springboard dropkick after an irish whip to the corner and his opponet has to stand there looking like an idiot
>His ugly as fuck pescado
Absolute brainlet
Based and redpilled