What a surprise that the best worker in NJPW right now is KENTA because he is psychically incapable of doing any of the...

What a surprise that the best worker in NJPW right now is KENTA because he is psychically incapable of doing any of the you reverse my finisher i reverse your finisher dance spam and is therefore the best wrestler they have. Really makes you think why wrestling is so shit now because of all those semen slurping moves marks.

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>the you reverse my finisher i reverse your finisher dance spam
I like to call it "swing wrestling" since it resembles swing dancing.

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this fucking subreddit-tier board is so fucking shit some people scream he is THE GOAT others how he is WASHED UP, i think he is doing okay.

Fuck this broken hack. There are women with harder kicks than him now

KENTER is a shitter and the worst in the G1 after Cobb and Mox

>its good if a worker is mediocre

WWE really drove standards to a record low

I bet the basedaboys in NXT pressured him into soft kicks.

He is fucking insanely amazing by wwmeme standards, if the shitters watching that garbage got a match like KENTA vs Tana from the G1 they would non stop spam this board with MOTY MOTY AEWHO NJPWHO BTFO

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So many seething movez mark KWAB

He's worse than them.


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He is.

Simpblade to C and based Lance to A

The best worker in NJPW is Tanahashi. After that its Shingo, then Jay, then Sho, then Ishii.

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Why does he hide his baby arm?

Whoever made this chart didn't watch the G1
Should be at B. Except the Ospreay the match his matches have been underwhelming
Should be at B, average matches. I quite enjoyed the Taichi match tho.
>Tana and Ishii
Imagine not putting this 2 on S-tier, they had nothing but great matches, except the Tana vs KENTA, still was the best KENTA match of the tournament so far.
That shitter his dragging his opponents down, he should be next to Fale in the D-tier.
3 great matches, he should be at least on A-tier, I'll put him in the S-tier.
Great match with Ospreay, great match with Tana, fun hoss fight with Fale (this probably will be the best Fale match of the whole tournament), only bad match is with KENTA. He is over as fuck with the corwd too. He should be in the A-tier.
I'll probably switch some other guys too but those are the big ones.

He is wrestling the same way he did in 205, in which he was a shitter sorrounded by better talent
Now hes still a shitter sorrounded by better talent, but he can kick slightly harder

Why couldn't user spell surrounded?

KENTA is by far the worst and his matches are shitting up the g1

Cobb is surprisingly based so far. The Mox match sucked but oh well.

Mox in C tier, wHAT

Naito has absolutely sucked this tournament

William 'Spreay is the best.
Then Kazuchika Okada.
Then Jay White.
Then Hiroshi Tanahashi.
Then Tomohiro Ishii.
Then Zack Sabre Jr.

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He's had two decent matches and a mediocre one but nothing "based". He's definitely more tolerable than kenta and mox because at least he's taking losses and his matches are short.

Not a consensus opinion.
Mox-Ishii has been getting many many rave reviews.

>but he can kick slightly harder
Someone should tell him that because he isn't kicking harder than he was in 205.

New Japan fans, as in the live crowds (not dickheads on the internet), want hot finishes with twists and turns.

He only had a very good match,the rest was okay to meh

His kicking is fine,its his finisher that absolutely sucks

Deserved imo. But his two other matches have been lackluster.

His kicks suck, he's the worst kick guy in Japan right now.

also, I don't mean no disrespect. But I gotta swap Ishii for Naito on that one.


The work with Shota's been great, the Juice match was good, the Taichi match was good, the Ishii match was one of the best so far (Ishii match, so no surprises). The guy's been here for about a month and I'm loving what he's been doing. Aside from a few tag matches with Rollins, he hasn't had matches this good since at least 2016

>Ishii not in S
Naito is a talented fuck but he's hurting badly and has no knees. Of course he will still have great matches even with all that shit but till now Ishii has had a much better tournament.