Why can't he teach the new kiddos how to cut a fucking promo?
Why can't he teach the new kiddos how to cut a fucking promo?
Because it's a waste of his time when they're just going to read from a script anyway.
Because he hasn't taken sensitivity training.
Why would he when they don't get to do their own promos. Fuck writers and fuck scripts and most importantly, fuck you Vince.
He was born kino. New guys genetically don't have it.
Because you can't teach charisma or the ability to know what is/isn't cringe. Seth Rollins can't be taught to cut a promo because he actually thought what he did tonight was cool and you could never explain to him why it wasn't.
You don't get taught how to do that shit. Its a gift. You either have it or not
wwe will die unless they learn this lesson
Extroverts and indy geeks.
You mean introverts
Just face it, there's never going to be anyone that good again. The system that made men like this is long gone. We had Hogan, Flair, Austin and Rock within two decades. 20 years later, there's still nobody that can touch them.
Because it wasn't him who was over, it was Vince Mcmahons heel persona
What happened tonight is exactly why they need to stop bringing back old fucks. How the fuck do they expect people to watch modern wwe when they bring back someone like Austin to tease the audience? He comes and shows us all what wwe should be then next week we’re right back to the usual trash.
Yeah rip nwa and wcw and awa.
Raw just needs to go full improv for at least a month to see who can handle the pressure and who can't.
Yup but they won’t do it. I have to question weather anyone on the roster could even do it. They’ve all been conditioned to follow a script so it wouldn’t surprise me if they simply can’t improv anymore
They did it a couple of weeks ago and I think most of the roster sank without the scripts.
The PC is completely pointless because all it does is force these guys into conformity. Most of them can only wrestle one match, and none of them came out better promos.
One came close but red*it queers decided his non guilty verdict from a United States judge was false
There would only be Samoa Joe and Heyman left.
exactly this
>there's never going to be anyone that good again
There are people on the roster who are that good but they are not allowed to do a real promo.
he was scripted from top to bottom. no ones saying he can talk but current wwe wrestlers don't stand a chance being scripted
Fuck off indy lover.
It had more to do with the fact that he was hiding that he was accused of rape from the WWE
He was over before Mr. McMahon was a thing. They complemented each other.
>Daniel Bryan
>Smores Joe
>The Miz
>Alexa Piss
>Drake Maverick
>R Truth
>Samuel Zayne
>Occasionally Becky Lynch
Every single one better than Seth and every one scripted. You can't tell me the script is always to blame. 90% of these faggots just can't talk and the ones that do get stuck in terrible stories.
HBK is teaching them promo skills
HBK is Carder tier on the mic
Oh the rape he didn't even know he was accused of until the cops showed up?
Because they suck. Austin despite his limited style was actually a genius when it came to working a wrestling match.
Only Flair and Okada are better (maybe Thez and Bruno too).
You can't just teach it. Dusty Rhodes used to teach them and it still didn't help because it's something you learn by doing. As long as they have scripted promos they will never learn.
The same reason that Michael Jordan or Lebron James couldn’t be good coaches. They’re naturally gifted at what they do, they don’t understand how to *teach* someone how to do a good promo, they just know how to do one. Some mid card Attitude Era guy who had to actively work on improving himself would probably be the best teacher
they arent cool people seth is cringe incarnate, the only two with any charisma are baron and bryan, which is why they are the only two legitimate heels,
>maybe dolph as well plus heyman/brock obviously
the faces and 90% of the heels are just douchey fags
>20 years since Attitude Era
>No one can touch either of these on the mic
It has to do with the fact that the 90s allowed such creativity to flow, or it was just a freak accident that two extremely magnetic and charismatic wrestlers developed themselves at the same time, and there clearly won't be one for the forseeable future..until culture changes again.
>they arent cool people
Neither is Dwayne Johnson, he doesn't even have a real personality of his own but he was still able to master cutting promos because he practiced at it in a sink or swim environment.
Same with Steve Austin for that matter. He even admits before getting into wrestling and learning to cut promos he was a quiet introvert who disliked talking to people and would make his sister talk on the phone for him.
That's not very cool yet he became a dimes magnet due to being able to learn the craft.
Why don't they just bring the attitude era back?
>you now remember BEASTIE BOY
He said today he was nervous, then Jon Coachman told him to be himself...felt to me like Austin was sending a message to the young lads.
Based HHH
Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens, Bray Wyatt, New Day, Rusev, AJ Styles. That's a strong core of top talkers to build around.
that seething kid flipping him off
It doesn't matter. The promos are scripted bullshit and they try too hard to act.
yep this, Billy Gunn is a pretty good teacher
lmao. There's no wrestler in the world that good today. Cena is close, if you count him.
You actually think you wrote something intelligent, lmao.
Yeah teach em to read a script that'll work. Go off script and try to get over and you get buried.
Fpbp. Kalisto's botched promo was a million times more memorable than any of the scripted garbage main eventers are given.
They had to use the vince mcmahon character because Bret Hart left and Pillman died, Austin was over long before that character
I agree with you but I think Daniel Bryan gets a lot of creative freedom, Seth is a shitter nonetheless
Because he's bad at it.
I'd actually like to see what Brayyyylmao could do if they just gave him total creative freedom and a winning streak.
You forgot Samoa fucking Joe. Him and Bryan are the only ones who consistently spit fire on WWE television.
Seth Rollins voice, mannerisms, tone, EVERYTHING, is fucking terrible. I don't really watch much but checkout some of the show and that guy is supposed to be the top guy?
Austin has said that he was a quiet guy who didn’t like talking to people.
Foley said the same of himself. How he was meekish and shy during his college years.