What has he ever really........
What has he ever really........
ALL the flips.
Drew dimes
Draw merchandise dimes
stole a gimmick
Pizza Mayu
He slowed down a bit after his WK loos, but his run between 2015-18 was fucking amazing and megadimes. Finally beating Okada at WK while unifying the belts would be 10/10 wrestlekino, I'm hoping Gedo won't fuck up this based redemption arc.
>1 of only 4 ever to win back-to-back Tokyo Sport MVP awards
>won every title there is to win in NJPW
>won multiple G1's
>won New Japan Cups
>main evented Tokyo Domes
>is a dimes machine
>fucked pizza Mayu
that about covers it
>fucked pizza Mayu
For real tho?
He is the Chono
Newfag question, like others have said he’s won every title and is a dimes machine.
and in his physical prime around 2013 he was a complete fucning specimen athlete. He wasn’t over but fuck if he wasn’t an absolute GOD in the ring. Go back and watch some of his Stardust Genius matches like vs AJ G1 25 and the rematch at WK9 - dramatic, compelling match to match storytelling.
He was called the Stardust Genius because he’s literally a wrestling savant. Then after that he became the most over wrestler in his entire country. Look how this kid reacted when Jericho busted him open with the chair. Newfags please don’t ask dumb shit anymore
Draw dimes and move major merch
He was and still is a garbage tier wrestler. His move set is virtually a ripoff of Tanahashi’s move set, except without the drama of actually doing those moves. So all of his matches just end up being athleticism for the sake of athleticism. Not to mention he is god awful at selling his leg. If he ever has a good match it’s because he’s been carried by superior talent.
Made omega, and is about to make moxley.
Be Yujiro's tag partner for years.
Sold 6 million hats, never drew a dime.
ruined your shiny IC title and drew dimes while doing it.
I'm not sure if you're playing a gimmick here or not. I really hope so because boy you sound dumb as a sack of bricks.
>stole a gimmick
this meme again, naito made tranquilo
>carried by superior talent
Look, I get why Naito might not be everyone's thing, but watch his matches with Ibushi. You simply cannot do those matches without two incredibly safe workers. Naito is able to do things at a speed and intensity that would end his and other's careers. Theres an understanding of position and body control that Naito has which is virtually unmatched and which has developed since his injuries.
I liked flippy Naito, but he was just another good, athletic guy in a company that was deep in that. As he got older and got hurt he had to give that up, and moved into something more subtle. He had to learn how to work a gimmick, he had to learn how to do things that required skill and timing instead of raw talent. He had to learn how to make other people look good because he wasn't going to be the ace. I love post-knee problem Naito in a way that flippy Naito never would have entertained me.
I think the best example of what I like about Naito is is slingshot drop kick. Its not an uncommon move, its not special in itself. Plenty of other guys do dropkicks on seated opponents in the corner. Naito does it almost every match. He does it at speed. Most guys don't even put up their hands. Its smooth, its gorgeous, its common, and nobody gets hurt. Nobody gets a broken nose or a black eye or whip lash.
I get why you wouldn't love Naito, I get why you wouldn't even like him, but to call him garbage suggests you're not paying attention.
I’ve been watching longer than you which is why I know he’s garbage. He does lucharesu horribly compared to guys from Dragon Gate.
What held Naito back was that he was handpicked to be the ace before Okada but he isn't the sort of character that New Japan books as an ace so he was in limbo until he joined Los Ingobernables.
Saying he isn't a good wrestler is retarded. Stop getting worked by the NJPW ace gimmick.
¿estas hirviente?
>I've been watching longer and that makes me right
Absolute cringe
I might have been born at night, it was wasn't last night. 3/10 attempt at working me, heres your (You).
bumped his neck into sawdust
Naito is dog shit.
Naito is... cute!