Things that didn't happen

>Things that didn't happen

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Things that didn't happen
Her husband winning a UFC fight

>Things that didn't happen
OP having sex

The future is brown and female, sweetie.

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Oh no.... no...... NOOOOOO...............

Why do you think this stuff does not happen irl?

>Things that didn’t happen
The holocaust

Would fuck AOC. The rest should be at home

>I'm going to go back to writing about fictional characters while my people are deported, that'll show her!

Yeah i'm sure that such a woman passes her time reading your shitty Latinx capeshit fanfictions.

There is no future without men to do all the hard work.

Hey is AJ still famous? She wants to be a superhero by writing about it? Do women even like AJ because she really bitches a lot and usually women stray away from whiners.

Can confirm, I’m the car.

Then half the street started applauding.

Kek what a bitch

what are you talking about this just happened to a pregnant black politician at a supermarket in Georgia

The women will be in charge and the men will be their obedient slaves like worker bees. This is already starting to be the case.


That woman's name? Albert Einstein

America was a mistake

ITT: people who would do this saying no one would ever do this

Im in so called liberal SoCal and there isnt a day I dont come across someone I could tell is a white supremacist, you can tell by just the look in their eyes. Whites have become our Muslims basically, awful intolerant people angry at everything who occasionally commit terror acts

Fuck off back to your own board faggot

I am extremely racist and I would never do this. I did once yell "gross" at an interracial couple as I drove by them. You really don't have time to give someone a whole sentence about how they should be deported

Holy shit does she actually except non-retards to believe this? lol
Yea I'm sure it's just a coincidence the media has been REEEEE-ing the last few days over a troll chant by Trumpchads to send back a shitty immigrant and then this suddenly happened. Jesus Christ. Why are leftshits so obvious and stupid?

She's got the crazy eyes, but a nice rack worthy of blowing my load onto.

Literally who

I wouldn't even mind a bit of teeth

I randomly yell white genocide at whites who look more conservative leaning, is that racist?

>in charge
total societal collapse in

Go back

This is why the only women I talk to are bar maids and hookers

Does any woman actually like any other woman?

Ive been told to go back to Iran before, the look on her face when I told her im Greek and German you dumb white trash was priceless lol

So you only talk to your mom?

Nope, also you are way too big of a pussy to do that.

Go back to Greece ya dirty sanchez looking motherfucker

That's the problem with you muck mucks, can never tell what you are. There is a Romanian in my class at college, assumed he was Indian for ages. I was nice to him and everything. Then he tells me he is genetic trash.


It will be a very short future because that's when all these civilizations will fall and it will need to be reset and men will take their place once again.

Its called a “false flag.” Take the pill user.

>Greek and German
not body believes you, roach.


Kek none of them will be re-elected and they will be responsible for re-electing Trump. What a legacy.

Why do you think non Americans should be deported? Serious question. Whats with with other nationalities living together?

Wow what an intelligent response!! You are an incredibly smart person user!! You're right and I'm wrong!!
Yea Forums is full of racist people who think that but she must be lying for whatever reason!!

I wish I was as smart as you user!!

Nah they know it happened. They're just too full of their hateful ways that they're trying to spin it.

>Kek none of them will be re-elected
>Women who are practically celebrity politicians wont be re-elected
Imagine being this delusional, and you can thank Trump for getting them reelected

Don’t care what race you are. If you’re in this country legally, then you’re fine. If you’re here illegally, then you need to fuck off. Simple as.

The problem with America is that we have been purposely letting in the worst possible legal immigrants for over 50 years. 850,000 people from shithole countries every year. Import the third world, become the third world. If we only allowed immigrants from functioning countries like Norway or Korea, we wouldn't be having these problems.

No one likes them you fucking idiot. They’re destroying their own parties. Dems will primary them.

Ive been told go back randomly while at an ATM by some fat white boomer hag. Why are white racists always hideous? ive noticed that pattern

>selective immigration by country
you fucking idiot lmao go back to school

>Polls show
Those ever reliable polls

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ugly opinions make you ugly

Thats literally ass backwards, most of the nonwhite legal immigrants are out preforming whites, its the illegals and blacks that are the far rights only argument.

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Yes, AJ was just minding her business and didn’t do anything to anyone and someone, in Chicago mind you, drove by and told the possibly Chinese/Indian/Latina/White-looking girl to go back where she came from for no reason. That’s completely believable. Dumbass.

can confirm racist people are ugly fucks

It happens.

There was literally just a story last week in IL of a cashier telling a group of Hispanic women to go back to Mexico. Its extremely believable, especially if it was some white trash idiot that was pissed the cashier was fired for that and wanted to retaliate on some random nonwhite looking woman

This. She is trying to get over by tying her self to Trumps face run.


How weak minded you need to be to have the need to be represented in media?


It doesn't matter who gets the strap jews always book themselves to get over.

Shut the fuck up!

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ask white people? they are the ones who get bent out of shape when someone non white is cast in a role.

Leftists just love playing the victim don't they, she saw these other brown goblinas getting all the attention and decided she wanted a piece of that tasty pie


How weak minded to you have to be to not recognize that youve been spoiled by overrepresentation your entire life and that your confidence is strongly tied to this unearned privilege?

Trump banned 7 muslim countries from immigrating here, retard

No Africans or Central Americans or Mexicans there. Most of our legal immigrants come from those shitholes, not Jews and Australians.

100% agree.

But remember the white men that invaded this country and took it from the Natives were here illegally.

Absolute STATE of Americuckistan

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She is the spic version of a house nigger anyway no indio features, no accent, married to white trash, don't know of she can speak spanish but i haven't heard it. Your typical "white" hispanic who picks and chooses as it benefits her.

>Leftists just love playing the victim don't they
>Muh illegals
>Muh white victimhood
>Muh Joos
>Muh White genocide
>Muh Its ok to be white
Yea those leftists are the ones that love to play victim

I sowwy u can be confidan cuz da movie man no look like u

Because good looking, in shape people with good jobs and a nice stable life are usually the least hateful people around.

The whites who came here were not invading a functional country with immigration laws


What country with established borders and laws was that, again?

>actually believing this

>implying that would’ve stopped them

See pics of Yea Forums meetups on google.


>why do you think non citizens should be deported
Bruh u dubm

I'm not white and i don't consume (((western))) media.

There's vids of it happening all the time on social media.

But of course the geniuses on Yea Forums with 150IQ think it must be fake.

They were invading a functioning culture, then they brought disease that wiped out 80% of the population then judged those people solely on the behavior they saw after the initial devastation of a apocalyptic pandemic and used that to genocide and colonize the survivors

No, I mean young girls sometimes do but when they grow up they stop having role models.

Natives didn't have any concept of land ownership plus were migratory so a lot the land wasn't taken it was uninhabited. Plus by that logic the natives have no claim and invaded america from canada and invaded canada from russia if you go far back enough since they aren't really native to north America but i know this is b8 anyway so here's a (You)

So whats your point. You'll find asshats everywhere on this planet. Why do race insults sting more than random insults. Real or fake doesn't matter

But non of that is made up unlike the shit in the OP

Why are you bringing facts and intelligent, factual points to a discussion on Yea Forums?

Literally fake news, she recanted her story and got confronted and btfo'd by the Cuban dude. Don't make me do this here, user.

Those whites brought civilisation to savage barbarians. That's not what the current illegals are doing

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The human race has a lot of blood on its hands.

When natives came over from the Bering Strait
14-15 thousand years ago white people didnt even exist, Europe was full of brown neolithic Europeans

t. reddit far-leftist

>a functioning culture
Natives hadn't domesticated animals or invented the fucking wheel. They were savages and were rightly conquered by a superior people, as has happened throughout history.

Civilization that has put excess and comfort above all else, civilization that has created the climate change that will eventually wipe mankind out. Thanks white people, at least I got this sweet phone

Lol I'm not right ot left. Just pointing out both sides whine over different things, whether correct or not.

I'm half Jew half Irish. Am I white?

She double down and is stickign with her story, and that "Cuban" dude is a white af manlet

We think it's fake in regards to AJ "almost entirely indistinguishable from a white woman" Mendez yes

>Yea those leftists are the ones that love to play victim
>muh racism
>muh sexism
>muh misogyny
>muh homophobia
>muh transphobia
>muh islamophobia
>muh pronouns
>muh hate speech laws
>muh censorship of different opinions
>muh media representation
>muh black victimhood
>muh latin victimhood
>muh illegal immigrant victimhood
>muh tranny victimhood
>muh womyn victimhood
>"laws are racist"
Yeah they sure are

Which of your mom or dad is the jew? If your mom is a jew, you are not white. If your dad is a jew, you are white.

She looks Asian if anything, people here call her little Indian boy soooo


I’m a coward but if you have the balls you will tweet this to her
>this story is like your husband winning a match in the octagon, it actually didn’t happen

>Im I white
No, youre Irish

>Other anons (You)'ing this with thoughtful discourse instead of ding-dong diddly dabbing on him and calling him a tranny nigger

I honestly didn't intend for this to turn into /pol/ I just wanted everyone to see this mentally ill slag using a current news story to try and get over. All you ameritards are Whitney little fags on each side, and bongistan is getting as bad. Stop taking life so seriously you bitches

the superior people that then began starving to death because they had no fucking clue how to farm. OH NO OH NO

Dads side are the cock choppers. I'm also a bong

irrelevant. they had no real fixed boundries and constantly migrated based on season so claiming that they somehow owned the land they themselves found uninhabited is stupid. even then before European colonists even came they had been wiping out other tribes and raping and pillaging land for thousands of years so the native sob story doesn't really hold water.

>"You can see videos of it all the time on heavily censored, far-left hugbox echo chamber social media websites!"

They were working an angle on indianetty

Welcome to being white, my white friend!

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but the main conceit of the reservations was to convert and teach the indians farming and be sustainable instead of letting them be hunters and gatherers. i think you may be confused.

Yeah, they were making preparations to sail the seas, and after checking the supplies for potable water and food, Mr. Evil Whitey White reminded the other dastardly white patriarchs to load up on diseases to eradicate the savage tribes of America. A+ logic

I don't have a Twitter account, you do it homo

The pilgrims landed in November and didn't have enough supplies to make it through winter so the indians helped out with the shit they had stored. This has been corrupted into "the injuns taught da ebil whitey to farm" as if the British themselves were starving at home.

Whats with crying about those? Unless you think everyone should just be secist, racist, homophobic and just generally full of hate 24/.

I don't see a problem with trying to eliminate hate and push the human race forward.

Pffft, get a load of this dialating jabronie

>they hate israel

wtf I thought you guys said these gals weren't based?

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Could have been avoided if they had just stayed in their own filthy disease infested lands but Europe was so overpopulated, polluted and resource taxed they thought hey lets bring this to other people and take their shit

Interesting how so called """centrists""" always cry about the right-wing and have mainly left-wing views

Almost as if """centrists""" are just leftists who don't like being called leftists

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Always doubt of the veracity of the shit you see on the internet, don't be a mark.

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10 years ago Nancy Pelosi was a far left wacko. All her opinions are the same and she is now basically a "centrist". Anyone to the right of her is a far-right extremist.

Youre right, look how brown this Cuban beaner is....

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Do you have a degree in rewriting history, or do you just write these fanfics for shits and giggles?

imagine being too scared to post a joke to twitter. you mus be a yuropoor who will get arrested for hate speech

Well the right seems to be more racist, sexist, homophobic and just generally more hatefilled than the left.

I know its an online meme to shit on 'lefties' but all they do is push equality and try to eliminate hate, why is that so bad?

you have to go back

Because anybody who doesn't strictly conform to far-left ideology is all of those things and more in their opinion. They cry about those things purely to shut down opinions they don't agree with, they don't want racism and sexism to go away because then they can't play the victim and label their enemies

Shocking that you hadn't realised that by now, how old are you kid?

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You first honey

Because soil is the same no matter where you are on the planet. Holy shit some of you are sub-Stormfront fucking retarded.

>big fat retarded sheboon thinks da rulez dont apply to her cuz her fatass cant stand fo a long period of time

This is an elected official. America, 2019.

I'm a centrist who hates kikes and wishy washy leftshit pc politics, but knows the right is also in the pocket of the Jews and fragrantly abuses environmental regulations and prioritizes profit over everything yet drags the US into a deeper deficit every year

Equality is a retarded concept. Everyone is different. Nobody is equal. Everyone has the exact same rights in America. Pushing for further "equality" is not necessary at all.

I'm not racist, some of my favourite wrestlers are Monty Brown

Not going to even argue with a brainlet. Its common knowledge Europe was overpopulated, polluted and resource taxed by the 15th century. Had they not found the near limitless resources in the New World, Europe would have withered away and been a footnote in history

>Well the right seems to be more racist, sexist, homophobic and just generally more hatefilled than the left.
Only in the opinion of the left

>all they do is push equality and try to eliminate hate, why is that so bad?
Give some examples of the equality the left have achieved for men and where they have fought anti-white racism

What's the name of this stable?

Sistas of White Genocide

>mhu hate
>mhu [prefix]phobic
Politics should put reason above emotion.

Very few tribes gave a shit about agriculture friend and even when they did it was purely seasonal and for onenor few specific crops.

A lot of those twitter lefties bring it upon themselves for literally shitting the bed by attacking anyone who doesn't drink the kool-aid. And i'm not talking about conservatives, but even leftists such as Tim Pool and Amazing atheist. Being a pedantic elitist cunt for social signaling brownie points isn't going to bring you anywhere

>Tim Pool
He's a centrist fag that panders to both sides

Yea Forums is 99% right and every other comment is fuck niggers, monkey this monkey that. You won't see lefties talking like that, so if they're more racist then they hide it better.

They want gay people to more accepted and less homophobia, want sexism eliminated and less like it was 100 years ago, want all colours to live together which will help bring us together in hundreds of years time.

Missing anything?

Anyone who doesn't support antifa (anti-fascists) is not a leftist and is probably a crypto fascist

What rights do faggots, coloreds, and broads not have?

Everyone has the same rights on paper but you have to be willfully ignorant to not see how that doesnt really play out for everyone in day to day life.

I don't get the gay shit. Like it's just a preference, a fetish. I shoot love face sitting, it's not my entire identity. Because it isn't mainstream am I being oppressed? should I take a load of big booty hoes in to schools and have them sit on child's faces?

Surely then you can provide a few examples.

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What!? The left openly hates men and white people. And if a woman or minority dare to be right-wing they’re called an Uncle Tom or a traitor. The left is WAY more racist than the right and covers it under the guise of throwing money at poor minorities. Make no mistake, the party of slaveowners still think they own black people.

Absolutely Based and Progress-pilled

Well for nonwhites, white supremacy is preserved through the police and courts. Police go out of their way to target nonwhites, that is why you see so many stories of random white people calling the police on some minority for the most mundane shit, its away white have always intimidated nonwhites to keep them in "their place". Police are also responsible for more killings than mass shootings and terrorism combined every single year. The Courts also clearly cater towards whites, blacks and hispanics are 10x more likely to get more time for the same offense a white person would get for committing that crime

The bullshit you’re making up is insane. I bet those women and AJ dindu nuffin to deserve it either.

Of course they have the same rights. But point is they still recieve so much hate. And they want to eliminate that.

I'm a white male and have never recieved hate in my life, knowing what kind of racism/sexism/homophobia other people recieve I think its stupid and wouldnt want the same to happen to me.

>believing this

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You can admit you're wrong you know it's an anonymous anime message board no one will know the difference

>instead of being angry
>I'm going to be angry

>Police go out of their way to target nonwhites
They commit more crimes
>Police are also responsible for more killings than mass shootings
They kill more white people than black people
>The Courts also clearly cater towards whites, blacks and hispanics are 10x more likely to get more time for the same offense a white person would get for committing that crime
This is bullshit and it has been proven that when criminal history is taken into account sentencing is almost identical. Minorities just commit more crimes and have more criminal history.

look at this dood, oh no no no no

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>Doesn’t refute
Thanks for proving me right, racist

Let’s all laugh at this moron.

Theres actual footage of the incident in the article, dipshit

>Things that didn't happen
Ashley Massaro's bullshit rape story that was fake as fuck for numerous, very obvious reasons to anyone who isn't a complete retard or desperate white knight beta orbiter

Wrong, she was raped by a jarhead baby killer and they covered it up

Looks like George Lopez's TV father-in-law to me, hamigo.

>If white people weren't so smart, they wouldn't have been able to contribute so many good things to the world

Why is this news, but 7 nogs beating the shit out of some white dude for the $24 in his wallet never is?

Because the president didn't soak in a chant about muggings at a campaign rally?

It's a stool sample color chart.


Hi, comic book expert here! While there are tons of LatinX Superheroes and Superheroines I fail to understand what that has to do with this FUCKING WRESTLING BOARD, you simp smooth brain fuck.

>comic book expert
How many more variations of gay are these faggots going to come up with?

In comics? The gay has been in comcis for fucking EVER dude. Northstar was gay, Extrano was gay. Gay is part of life ya fucking simp.

I hope everyone in this thread dies of cancer. Fuck off with your stupid politics.

I just did. Thanks for the bantz

the 2 on the left can fuck off
the 2 on the right can get the d

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Part of yours no doubt. Faggot


>how old are you kid?

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She could've said the same thing about racism and the importance of representation in media (lol) without making a bullshit story up. What an insufferable cunt

That smell

What "Latino" superheroes even are there besides Jaime Reyes and the new Ghost Rider?


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drumpfs america sounds awful,i hope democrats win next year,this is embarrasing

>eating their own

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ding-dong diddly dumbass

I love all this retarded vernacular Tumblr lefties have been coining, it's so much easier for them to expose themselves

Looks like we got a salty nigger here


>You can pander to all my political sensibilities but if you do it the wrong way then I'm going to call you out on your privilege
Bruh why do they think this is a sustainable mentality

nah I'm not German

>You won't see lefties talking like that
instead of insulting minorities and people of color they just insult people who don't share their worldview
>they want bring us together in hundreds of years time
which will never happen since people can't live together in peace, centuries of wars already proved that, they just don't want to accept it like how they don't accept that transgender people are just mentally ill

>Give some examples of the equality the left have achieved for men and where they have fought anti-white racism
I love how just ignores it and instead of answering the question starts to talk about other things


She should go home and fuck off out of this country. That shouldn't be taboo

Those FBI statistics are based on who gets arrested more, not who committed the crimes. The reason blacks are higher is because they are targeted more. Get woke bitch

if lefty cucks are so smart (according to themselves) then why do they get triggered by literal strangers? checkmate, lads

Why does ACO remind me of Sasha Banks?

Pull your head out of your ass and stop crying, mutt.

So should all the germans and Irish potato fuckers. This is an English protestant country, if your of any other descent, you can get the fuck out.

>niggas dindu nuffin
face reality, whites are bad but blacks are worse

Nice response, that's for showing me that I'm right.

Based and redpilled.

Nah everyone is bad, there is no worse.

I'm not arguing with you, I'm just pointing out that you're an uppity bitch.

>there are people who unironically believe this

Except when it comes to blacks and gypsies.

Rather be an uppity bitch than someone who takes statistics without context as hard science and builds their whole worldview around it. But it's ok, be proud to hate black people. I bet it gets you mad pussy.


Oh hey, it's the suicide squad.

I'm not that other guy, I just hate uppity bitches. But it's ok, be proud to seethe blindly at randos on the internet. I bet it gets you mad pussy.


>Statistics are fake if they don't match with my worldview
I bet if statistics said whites and blacks commit crimes equally it would be the Bible of alt-left brainlets

Sorry I'm not a retard who takes statistics as hard science, maybe go to school, find out what real science is, and then you'll see why you are the one who has no idea what the fuck he is talking about

There's some merit to this argument, but not the kind lefties think. Policemen get a bulletin about a black suspect and they go out looking for blacks that would fit the bill, and when said blacks are confronted by the policemen they either 1) chimp out and get themselves arrested for their actions, 2) are actively in the middle of unrelated illegal shit and get arrested, or 3) answer a few questions and go on their way, and they don't tend to pick number 3 a lot

>he is just now figuring out that statistics can be manipulated to fit anyone's agenda
Did you just pass the 8th grade or something, dumbshit?

>the only counter-argument is "you are dumb"

She's not triggered. In fact she is calm as a lake, writing latinxs characters that nobody will ever read