Be completely honest, are you gonna be at all bored when he continues steamrolling through G1, loses in the final and then wins his title defense against the G1 winner at WK in another 40 minute 5 star match? Even a little?
Be completely honest, are you gonna be at all bored when he continues steamrolling through G1...
Yeah but you gotta keep that title prestige brother
No. Because I enjoy watching super dominant guy dominate other people.
I like Brock Lesnar as well.
No since thats not going to happen
>are you gonna be at all bored
you're talking about okada matches, so yes of course
what makes you think he's getting to the final? KENTA and Sanada will beat him. Maybe even Lance will to get him through to the finals without him taking a loss to Ibushi.
I would be happy with anybody winning the g1 except okada and KENTA. Last year I was fully behind ACE, and while my love for tanahashi is eternal I dont want him to win this years g1. He proved himself yet again last year, and at wrestle kingdom this year. I want the ACE to settle down and mentor someone to be his successor
I got bored of him dominating years ago and haven't watched a single match since
Lads if you had to pick someone to win G1 and beat Okada for the title at G1, who would it be?
Why are you such a wimp?
how can you call anyone a wimp when your hero is a ladyboy?
Naito,White already had its chance and it didn't work out
Naito moves like my grandpa. He had the misfortune of peaking when Omega was hot.
Naito is gonna win the G1 and beat Okada at WK i thought this was obvious
He needs to be able to walk to the ring first.
I wouldnt dislike Okada winning the G1 desu. The champion hasnt won in a long time and if they want to do it again this is the opportunity. Also it would be interesting to see Okada taking his time to pick an opponent.
>Naito moves like my grandpa
If that's what you think I wonder what you think of Tanahashi. Either way, Naito is still smoother than guys like Juice or Evil. And far faster than 50 year old KENTA.
Keep saying it
Okada was based till Rainmaker, and still ok in the balloon phase but I find him pretty boring since he separated from Gedo and became Reddit Kazu
it's going to be Naito to finish the story
Kota would be the other safe bet
Or you could make a new start out of ospreay
>2 Chaos guys in your main event
Not happening unless Okada or Ospreay become heel
Okada winning and challenging Omega
yeah because thats really gonna help someone in NJPW get over
Ospreay is already a star and he's holding the Jr belt. This is how I expect his next 18 months to go
>finish this G1 middling
>Lose the Jr belt right before BOSJ as he makes the "official" transition over to heavyweight
>Lose his first two G1 30 bouts
>Run a redemption arc to show his "fighting spirit" and win his block
>Other block will be won by an old guard (Tana, Ishii, Naito if he's not in the title picture) to put Ospreay over
>At WK Ospreay wins the belt
>BC runs in as he's celebrating
>Ospreay fucks up White
>Turns and fucks up his defeated opponent (probably Okada) with help of BC for a full heel turn
If you watch the Okada match it's obvious the time to pull the trigger on him is now. They're gonna wait too long and he's gonna cool, if the wait a whole year until NEXT G1 they are fucking retarded. Holy shit this is sounding familiar...
he could always win the cup. if okada makes it out of WK as champ. im pretty sure him and eagles is gonna win jr tag league
Leave Okada to me
I love the guy, but Ospreay can't be a serious belt contender yet if they want him to be a thing for a decade instead of a season. Ospreay's problem is that he's very good at what he does but he isn't great at stringing it together in different ways. Spinning back kick, Robinson special, missed Oscutter, kick out run the ropes, hook kick, missed Oscutter, spinning back kick, successful Oscutter, Shooting Star, some bullshit, two missed Stormbreakers, then either a successful Stormbreaker or a a Hidden Blade followed by a Stormbreaker if his opponent was booked tough. Every single match. He has enormous range and his striking has gotten good, but he needs to vary it up and leave the indy GMSI mentality behind.
This is all true of Omega too though
Yeah, but would you rather Ospreay have the shelf life of Okada or of Omega? If you just want Ospreay to use the IWGP as a stepping stone and take the cash before getting buried at WWE or getting retirement money from AEW, fine, put him over now.
Thing is, Liger is retiring. Tana is going to be in his role as the old man of NJPW. Okada is getting older so he'll be the new past-his-prime Ace they have to remind you is the Ace. Who's going to step into Okada's position as top guy? If NJPW wants it to be Ospreay he's going to have to learn how to put together an interesting match with a substandard opponent when he doesn't have access to his signature stuff. He needs to step up his skill.
Ospreay wont be the guy, ever. The gaijin ceiling is Kenny, the ace will always be a jap.
>Yeah, but would you rather Ospreay have the shelf life of Okada or of Omega? If you just want Ospreay to use the IWGP as a stepping stone and take the cash before getting buried at WWE or getting retirement money from AEW, fine, put him over now.
Omega left because of how he was treated. Kenny crushed G1 in 2016 and then he dicked around for TWO YEARS waiting for the strap when he was white hot. He even had to book his own gimmicky match with a surprise guest legend Jericho to stay at the top of the card. Ospreay is where Kenny was in 2016, I'm sure he's happy but how will he feel waiting two years for the belt? Probably ready to go to AEW just like Kenny. Gedo drives the gaijin away.
Sure as shit ain't gonna be Cringeblade
Normally yeah, but i'll just be happy if that flabby fuck Kenta doesn't win. He's so lazy and awful.
He's had a really dominant year. Can't remember the last time the champ ran wild like this, I know Omega was doing the I'LL REMAIN UNDEFEATED before getting murdered by ZSJ, Ibushi, Ishii
Absolutely not
Pizza Mayu
No, because Ishii is winning and getting the title at Wrestle Kingdom.
Only one correct choice.
ospreay cant speak japanese so he's never winning the g1 and it wont be for another 3 years before he wins the big one
>ospreay cant speak japanese so he's never winning the g1
He will start speaking japanese sooner or later,he lives there for fuck's sake
They'd strap the rocket to SANADA's back, but they know he wants WWE.
Not really, no. I wouldn't even be bothered if he won the whole G1. Okada is absolutely based.
doesn't mean he will pick up on it quickly
until he proves to be exactly where omega was at in terms of being a major asset to the company he isnt winning the g1
unless due to omega they dont give a shit anymore