You have to like us because of our sexuality rather than our actual accomplishments. Not doing so is discrimination

>You have to like us because of our sexuality rather than our actual accomplishments. Not doing so is discrimination.

Attached: HAHGAY.png (594x157, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw modern wrestlers have to get over on instagram instead of the ring

nah, this is the smart way of optimising search for "which wrestlers are gay" without explicitly doing so.

Homosexuality is literally just a behavior, not a demographic of people

Hate fags? The answer's yes

based and anthropologypilled

You know who was actually a great homo wrestler? Alex Shelly. Literally invented the X Divison style with Hidaka and co in Z1 (although he openly hated it). And he stayed in the closet and just did his fuckin' job and didn't get half the respect or credit he deserved and wasn't even a whiny bitch about it.

Truly the hero we didn't deserve.

Paige is a dyke?

My money is on tranny.

fucking disgusting
wrestling can't die fast enough

Why do they have to bring sex into it?

How many times have you heard somebody say "Hey, you need to check out this new sitcom on TV about a heterosexual family" or "This guy is the best heterosexual wrestler in the business today" etc.

This is what I hate about gays today, they have to announce their sexuality as if it's some important aspect about them that we need to know. When's the last time a straight person announced themselves as being heterosexual like "Hello, my name is John and I'm a heterosexual with an engineering degree. That means I like having sex with women....and I'm proud of it!"

Because they are only interested in making a statement and doing propaganda

The victims of the propaganda become husks capable only of regurgitating the propaganda when trained to, on command, like a dog. Jannies are asleep, post redpills

By the way I like wrestling and discussing wrestling on the wrestling thread. Hulk Hogan. John Cena.

tbf it's usually not gays promoting this shit it's whiteknighting virtue signalling white liberals and media corps with no ethics who could give a fuck about the plight of gays and are just shilling it because it's fashionable for the shekels

Almost all the gays I know of who are accomplished in their respective fields are just going about their business quietly being openly gay but not advertising it, until a magazine or blogger gets wind of them and exploits their "brave story" for clicks

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Well then I think everyone should be open about their sexuality then. Just announce that you are heterosexual and/or that you masturbate at least 3 times a week etc.

Try to organize a hetereosexual-only event or a hetereosexual pride parade. See how you'll be slaughtered in the media and online for not being inclusive and get accused of discrimination. .

>By the way I like wrestling and discussing wrestling on the wrestling thread. Hulk Hogan. John Cena.

Ah, so do I. They are two of my top 5 favorite heterosexual wrestlers, along with The Rock, Stone Cold and Ric Flair.

They have done great things in both the pro-wrestling and heterosexual communities and should be proud!

Attached: picunrelated.jpg (600x600, 42K)

>hetereosexual pride parade. See how you'll be slaughtered in the media and online for not being inclusive and get accused of discrimination. .

Well, you can have a pride parade but as long as you don't exclude homosexuals from attending the parade and watching then I don't see the problem.

They can just watch on the sidewalk as the heterosexual pride floats roll down the street. You can have one where a giant Twinkie is going through a giant donut, it would be fun for the entire family!

And Ric Flair could be one of the celebrities as he gloats about all of the heterosexual women that took a ride on Space Mountain back in the day.

>slim anus

Attached: C3DD917E-CC84-4E92-92D0-F33BC72D6B83.jpg (645x773, 86K)

Here is Ric Flair, a proud heterosexual wrestler!

Attached: flairsteamboat.jpg (1024x576, 63K)

>Slim Anus? You damn right, slim anus I don't get fucked in mine like you two little flamin' faggots

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>you god damn right, slim anus. I don't get fucked in mine like you two little flaming faggots.

Attached: 1562557975531.gif (447x251, 1.59M)

And here is a pic from the great Steamboat vs. Flair trilogy of matches.
Ricky Steamboat, another great and proud heterosexual male. However, unlike Flair, Steamboat was married to a heterosexual woman named Bonnie and believed that marriage was more important than having multiple affairs with many different women.
Marriage, a sacred union between one man and one woman.

Attached: steamboatVSflair.jpg (800x449, 38K)

(((Merchants))) treat it as a demographic because is easy to sell them stuff just slap a rainbow in voalá your company is becomes socially responsible and can't be criticized.
>Marriage, a sacred union between one man and one woman.

Shelley is a fag? I had no idea. MCMG ruled