Would a "post-modern deconstructionist" smark gimmick work out? Like the guy completely deconstructs wrestling in our faces. Whenever he gets irish whipped to the ropes he stops wags his finger and goes "no no no" (he would never be vulnerable to irish whips). If someone tries to do a ring walk move like Old School he just pulls them down. If he ever gets a title he just stands outside during each title match until counted out. If someone tries to do a figure 4 on him he quickly flips over like it was nothing. When he cuts promos he starts off saying shut like "i'm out here to cut this promo and tell you why so and so sucks" verbatim. He wouldn't point out anything wrong with the company like Seth or Punk, or say wrestling is fake, he would just point out the absurdities of wrestling in the ring and on the mic. He would be like the wrestling version of Frank Grimes from the Simpsons.
This is pretty much what Jay White is doing right now which is part of the reason everyone loves him.
When people line him up for a lariat or a big move just smirks and flops down on the ground, etc.
Jeremiah Rogers
would be kinda corny in the indies but it might be cool if a wwe wrestler did it and got some tv time. But that sounds like a heel gimmick and the wwe crowd is the type to give the guy face pops
John Anderson
That sounds really fucking gay and cringe. Would probably have a cult following of obssesed overweight Internet smarks while he continues to plummet ratings.
It's 2019. Everybody knows wrestling is fake. We know the submissions don't actually hurt. We know that the Undertaker isn't actually an undead zombie. You're not clever for pointing this out,, you're just insulting the fans' intelligence. They'll wonder why the hell they're still watching a product that even the wrestlers are making fun of, and then they'll stop watching it.
It's can work. Some of what Orange Cassidy does is pretty close. Like the Janela match where Janela threw a chair at him to set up a dan daminator and Cassidy just didn't catch he chair.
Robert Rodriguez
Everyone knows wrestling is fake and has cliches. People want someone who makes them believe what's going on is still important anyway.
Cameron Reed
OC is very similar to this, and he is pure cringe.
Matthew Long
Yeah, I'd say he's the only guy that does it well too.
Isaiah Garcia
What if Johnny Depp just didn't dress up for his roles and changed all of his lines to "I'm acting in a movie right now." Does it sound funny for 2 minutes and then boring forever? Yes, yes it does.
David Jones
Russo is that you?
Julian Sanders
Now i understand why Cornette hates those incompetent fucks
Jaxon Nelson
>We know the submissions don't actually hurt. Lion tamer/walls of Jericho/Boston crab does though
Jose Collins
Matt Riddle used to no sell Irish whips and other stupid pro rasslin shit.
Owen Richardson
This isn't far from the Young Bucks "the gimmick is we're wrestlers" gimmick and they send Yea Forums into a seething shoot
Zachary Phillips
That's standard weasel heel fare that doesn't expose the business,the thing that OP is suggesting is for one wrestler to bury his company and fellow workers by doing everything a wrestler shouldn't do.
Camden Scott
figure 4 and the sharpshooter hurt like a bitch fuck you mean
Andrew Ortiz
And in a company that acknowledges that wrestling is fake and uses that to put forward a contemporary product shit like that works. For boomers with autism it is "exposing the business" because for some reason they think people don't already know it's fake. Imagine these boomers going to see Being John Malkovich and screaming about it exposing the film business.
The Young Bucks gimmick is being completely incapable of getting anything over on their own.
Ian Bennett
>Stop having discussions and taking interest in what I do for a living thank you! It actually is fake and not that interesting! Are they trying to draw people away? Holy fuck.
Jaxson Ross
point proven
Landon Reed
The minds of the masses in general are limited. Every young adult who is into kino knows Being John Malkovich but most normies would really scream about stuff like this. Casual reviews (amazon, imdb) of experimental movies are a nightmare and cringy shit like mass walkouts at cannes also exist. There is some more advanced wrestling out there but the number one american sports-entertainment enthusiasts abomination destroyed the minds of so many people, it's all so tiresome. There will be a big cultural backlash, the whole thing is very intriguing
Parker Gonzalez
Calm down, grandpa, you might break a hip. Yeah. There's a reason young people don't watch wrestling. What it used to do is dated and shit and anything it can do to be cool is relegated to bar shows in the West - and young people actually go to it. The people who work those shows are the guys who built the hype for AEW, but that will likely be a standard US wrestling show and have mild success.