>All those WWE Hall of Famers
>and Christian
All those WWE Hall of Famers
Christian > Cuck Angle
Five time world champion. All the niggers and Slaughter stand out much more.
None of them are atheist/muslim or buddist?
And why did you capjtalize "christian"?
Also, who's the guy top center?!
>5 time world champion
>ecw title and world heavyweight championship after 2010
good for him for holding some midcard belts
Where's the undertaker?
Oh wait, forgot that poor bastard is still employed so he can't come to the reunion
I didn't count ECW title because it wasn't a world title when he won it.
Why didnt Rock come out?
Got super busy with two movies coming this year.
In terms of current appeal
Austin>Hogan>Flair>Foley>Angle>Micheals>Nash>Christian=Booker T>Slaughter>Farooq>Mark Henry
Slaughter is probably bigger than Nash. People know him from GI Joe and got huge heat for the Iraq angle.
Only 4 certified draws in that pic
>christian gets the 2nd best spot
Move Hogan in front of Austin and Michaels in front Angles and i'm inclined to agree
That said, feels bad Hart ain't around
I'll bite, which ones user?
Hogan had that bulbasaur accident recently and this is the 50 billionth time he steps into a ring,don't know what was the last time Austin showed his face in WWE.
only 2 men on the poster that have been NWA World Heavyweight Champion and a WWE World Heavyweight Champion
>Ric Flair
only 2 men on the poster that have PPV's literally named after matches they helped create
>Shawn Michaels
Austin, Hogan, Christian, Flair
he was there last year for raw 25, but I don't think they ever gave him a mic so I understand nobody remembering it
Jay reso pls
Michaels didn't actually have any hand in creating Hell in a Cell aside from being in the match. Concept came from Cornette and Russo claims he made up the name.
HBK was so over he was tag team partners with God though
is he one of the greatest workers of all time?
>Vince hated him
>won a title in his very first WWE match
>took Vince's dimes for 10-years
>then quit WWE
>then went to TNA and took a couple million of Dixie's dimes
>Vince wanted him back
>became the top champion on 2/3 brands
>become a Triple Crown winner
>become a Grand Slam champion
>got booked on 100 WWE PPV's
>win over 20 championships in Vince's company
>retires and gets a show on Vince's Network
>will probably go into Vince's HOF twice
>Vince hated him
he out carnied the master carny. He took millions of Vince's dimes without ever drawing any of his own
created is probably the wrong word. Innovated would be it. I'd argue Foley should get that credit.
Based as fuck!
This will be such a trainwreck.
I can't wait for the botches
God I hope he shows up. He's my favorite. Fuck Austin and the rest, I wanna see 'Taker.