Simple Question: What is your favorite finishing move?

Mine is the Styles Clash.

Attached: DROZUHOH.jpg (310x550, 32K)

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LastRide Powerbomb and BurningHammer are close to my heart


The Bulbasaur Driver '92

Sky High

Attached: dMOmxGy.gif (240x180, 1016K)

sweet chin music


Attached: Kenny_Omega_Croyt's_Wrath.webm (384x288, 329K)

Attached: croyt.webm (480x360, 308K)

Has a double electric chair like that ever been done with three actual people? Get Braun to carry two cruiserweight flippy shits like that and drop them down. Would be dimes.



Top 3
Snap Brainbuster
Crossface Chickenwing
Jumping/Spike Piledriver

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Pole Shift Emerald Flowsion

Motherfucker.. that's impressive

Mayu’s XL Pizza Plex

Curb stomp, hands down. Simple, yet brutal looking


wait a minute, that's not a styles clash

The Japanese are such a serene, intelligent people.

The finisher of finishers

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Do you not recognize Ibushi? Not sure why you're surprised to find a webm of him landing on his ding-dong diddly head.

Anti draw manlet shitter shouldn't use Burning Hammer.

Emerald flowsion

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i'm based
so it's the western lariat

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DESTINOOO for me, judge me idgaf

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Yeah, Super Dragon had some killer moves.

Shit like this is why I think the Rainmaker is goofy as hell. Okada doesn't have the size to make it look good.


Always been partial to 3D especially when they hit it on women in ECW

I used to think that too, but he's so good that he makes it work and it grew on me, especially since with his size he can make any counter to it work, like he did with the spanish fly now, no way in hell he could do that if he was as big as hansen.

Diamond Cutter
Sweet chin music before everyone and their mother started using superkicks

I'm not saying this is bad, just that the clothesline from hell is better.

Attached: magicalgirlsplash.webm (450x246, 1.77M)

Big boot and drop the leg brother

German Suplex

If I was a wrestler, Jay White's "complete shot into lifting german" would probably be the finisher I use if they kick out of my first one.

Nick Momdo's assault driver, too bad ospraey appropriated it and that simp chris charlton calls it the "iconoclasm"

That's probably a really fucking nasty bump for the guy on top. You're basically taking a body slam off a ladder.

Tombstone piledriver, and the Rock Bottom.

Attached: tombstone.gif (250x192, 3.23M)


Also the Shining Wizard

Do it through a table to break the fall then.

does he still do this?

>Would be dimes.
Would be forgotten in two weeks, and contribute no actual dimes. You marks are idiots.

Wow you are literally fucking boiling you jabroni.

Does anyone else ever do the F5 besides Brock? I can't recall seeing an indie shitter doing it.

Brian Cage does it but he's a manlet

The Crossface Chicken Wing
But the one time Asuka did the Super Asukalock out of it was probably the best finisher in the history of wresting

Attached: super asuka lock.webm (906x510, 2.32M)

Too flippy for my tastw

Nothing wrong with flashy flips. They just gotta have impact and mean something, and that move ends matches. Completely different from something like this that is just a nonstop gymnastics routine where nobody gets hurt.

Attached: flippyshit.webm (744x404, 1.95M)

unironically mine is the cross rhodes. Super simple super versatile like the RKO and can literally come out of nowhere

Attached: crossrhodes.gif (220x124, 441K)

Shatter machine is pretty dope
also the name itself is cool

Attached: Shatterfuckingmachine.gif (300x168, 1.95M)

my favorite move

Attached: Rush Driver.webm (626x346, 1.49M)

>cross rhodes
I think you mean the test drive ya simp

Test Drive? hmm not ringing a bell, honestly sounds like something a no dimes shitter who overdosed on pills would come up with... also, gain height


Same here because it actually has the potential to kill you/end your career

Attached: steinerdriver.webm (480x360, 2.82M)

Jake the snake's ddt

The Hogan comeback if that counts

Sweet chin music is still good when JR or an announcer calls it out

High Fly Flow
also like the Black Mass when Black uses his foot to get the opponent up from the canvas

Should the F5 be taken face-first or on the side? Face-first looks better, in my opinion.

For me,its the lariato

Attached: g1.webm (640x360, 2.77M)


Sweet Chin Music good second.

Neither of them did anything like this after they left. They also did crazier shit than this in DDT. Omega said he would never do half the shit he did in DDT before going to NJPW and Ibushi, well, Ibushi calmed down a bit but he's still a crazy fuck, just more controlled and with less crazy flips.


becky needs to go back to this gear ASAP

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Diamond Cutter
Muscle Buster
Black Hole Slam

Some of my favourites