Who got buried the worst by this guy? Booker T? RVD? Eugene? Punk? Chat me up

Who got buried the worst by this guy? Booker T? RVD? Eugene? Punk? Chat me up.

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Jericho easily. Jericho should have been at rock or austin level but he was triple h's personal jobber so he never could get past ic title status

Viewers. They left in drones when this guy opened up each Raw to 30 minute promos. HHH is anti-dimes, pro-AIDS

Randy Orton

Booker shouldn't have won. he should have never been in that position against triple H though.

>Jericho should have been at rock or austin level

lmao, even with a seth rollins overpush jericho was always mid card status.

he came back like a star in 09 or so and still was relegated to the mid card.

even in AEW or NJPW he wasn't the biggest draw.

Jericho lacked the talent to be a rock or austin. To believe anything else is just thinking like a simp.

In terms of making a new star: Either RVD or Randy Orton. Partial to RVD because he was one of the few people that came out of the Invasion angle not looking like a dweeb.
In terms of biggest dick move: Eugene far and away. The dude's ceiling was probably the US title, no threat to take his spotlight. The fact he was so insecure about Eugene getting pops than him goes to show how much of a tool he was/is.

Booker T in my opinion.
Literally zero reason to bury him. How the fuck do you build an entire program based around “guys like you” not winning a championship, shit on him for months, and then bury him in one of the only heel WM wins ever. We could have avoided the “first black champion” thing with Kofi 15+ years earlier if HHH wasn’t such a massive tool
Also, RVD and Orton. In particular, fuck Haitch for killing Orton’s passion to wrestle. He’s been phoning it in for a decade now because he knows he’s just going to have a WM retirement match with Hunter anyway

Maybe nit to their level but he really could have had a much better run. Guy knows how to get the crowd to boo him or cheer him.


Booker 100%

Even though he came back and had a main event run with King Booker that was complete and utter horseshit at the time

What's the story with Eugene? I must've missed this

He never had the physique sadly.

> Not including CHYNA in your list ?

Booker T easily. He should've put him over and continued getting him that push but killed it instead


Van Dam, easily. Dude should've held the world heavyweight title for much of 2003 instead of being in midcard hell. Booker could've been redeemed if he got JBL's 9 month reign as wwe champion. He got drafted to SD after Mania XX and didn't do shit during this time other than jobbing to Cena a bunch of times.

Punk. All of his heat died at NoC 2011. Then Cunter added insult to injury by teaming up with Punk at Vengeance and he ate the pin. He killed the summer of Punk because he couldn't handle the spotlight being on someone else. Excluding Mania 27, NoC was his first match in over a year and he STILL insisted on going over.

Punk or Sting. Booker was egregious and Eugene was too (it's amazing to consider how over that guy was in 04 and he's not well remembered now), as was Golderg and Kane and a lot of other guys, but at least he was an active wrestler and a credible contender for the world title when all that went down. Summer of Punk was dead in its tracks as soon as Triple H got involved. He had no place in that storyline and everything he did as COO was nonsensical at the time.

Sting was just silly. Nobody asked for this match, they wanted to see Sting/Taker. It killed his momentum too, which is sad because he probably would've wrestled a few more matches if he hadn't gotten injured in the match with Seth.

Go to sleep Phil you whiny fuck, you got the strap out of your run

Same poster. For what it's worth, I was able to survive Triple H's reign of terror but gave up and stopped watching during Cena's. I actually wanted Triple H to win at WrestleMania 22. I don't think either of those guys get the credit they deserve for tanking the ratings, in part because ratings only got worse without them.

>Lacked the talent
>Rock and Austin more talent then Jericho

The delusion is real, both were over by their promos and the push rock got later on was Reigns level shit. Dont get me wrong, i like both of them but in terms of pure talent they werent better then Jericho, especially Austin, he had to tone down his stuff in his prime due the neck injury and it was just brawling.

Jericho was only over because of his promos too, nobody gave a fuck about his workrate

RVD as the top guy would have been worse for business desu

Booker match was for the WHC which has been won by several black men including Booker T.

The company. Because of this shitter, people tuned out in droves.

Unironically this

The fans. Big nose anti draw.

Eugene got over as fuck, but like user said, he was never gonna become the face of the company. He could've let him have his 15 minutes of fame, but Cunter buried him.

These are good posts user

This by far. Jericho was clearly the best guy they had for the new face of the company after Austin and Rock and he was more over and better at everything than Triple H so Triple H always hated him and made sure to bury him as much as possible.

Punk is the only one even close to the level of Jericho as an actual talent but Triple H only went over him once. Against Jericho he booked himself to have like 10-1 record out of pure fear and pettiness.

What did gaytch do? Burial match? Promo? Try to leach off his popularity and tank it because he sucks?

The Punk burial was a pretty terrible one imho. Punk was white hot at the time and while Haitch going over wouldn't be a crime if it led to punk eventually overcoming the odds and going over but it just happened and nothing came of it but Haitch stealing punks feud with Big Daddy Bitch and pushing Punk down the card. It made no sense at all. Phil can be a bitter dick sometimes but his hatred for haitch is understandable.

Attached: NOC-Punk-vs.-Triple-H-645x361.0.0.jpg (1600x900, 200K)


Beat him to a bloody pulp multiple times on Raw and buried him 6 feet under at Summerslam 04

Eugene was a joke character and it's actually a case where just being in the same ring as Triple H was a big thing. Him jobbing was the obvious and correct outcome.


Attached: Triple H.jpg (236x167, 7K)

He may not have been Rock or Austin level but he certainly was better than Haitch who was pushed to that status anyway. If it was Jericho with the world champ on Raw people would have actually watched.

Imagine if in the modern WWE, idk, No Way Jose suddenly got a new gimmick and it was getting pops. Not the biggest pops in the company, but stuff where he was getting a great reaction every week and it looked like it could be time to put a minor belt on him, shift some merch, ride it out until the fans get tired of it in six/nine months. Then imagine that instead of doing that, the WWE booked him in a steel cage match against Brock Lesnar where he was just brutalised like an ISIS prisoner non-stop for 25 minutes.

>[Randy's] been phoning it in for a decade now because he knows he’s just going to have a WM retirement match with Hunter anyway

That's probably why he's still wrestling. He has to keep going long enough for Hunter to fucking die so he doesn't have to do that shit you said.

>Enhancement talent doing enhancement talent things
Pick one

It is always going to be Booker. Vince pissed away so much money just to make his shithead son-in-law feel special and validated.

And Jericho was a better promo than The Rock ever was. Rock was Attitude Era "LOL PIE SMELLELELELELLELELELELE" bullshit that died a death when feuding with Cena a decade later. Jericho was working crowds with promos then, and is working crowds with promos now.

Friendly reminder that Booker T didn't want to win because he was seriously considering retirement.

Such great stuff...

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>hunter is face
>being beat down by heels
>london and kendrick make the save
>as they are all celebrating hunter gives them both the pedigree
>is still a face the next week
it's not like he killed a potential top star, but it's up there in being petty

Didn't Randy recently refuse to renew his contract? Maybe he wants more money or a new title shot, maybe he wanted to beat Triple Gay at Saudi Arabia but just maybe he wants to leave to AEW with his good friend Cody Rhodes

He's gonna get a lot of money and an even more reduced schedule. He'll never go to AEW.

Personally I think its Punk

Id stopped watching wrestling all together but would occasionally watch some highlight vids on youtube. There was the whole Cena vs Nexus angle which got me back in because I desperately wanted Cena to become a heel.
Then the punk pipe bomb got me completely hooked again and I was all about Punk. Punk at the time was probably as over as you can get, has the rebel against the authority persona but in a different way than stone cold did, much more could have come of it.

Instead gaytch felt slighted by punks popularity and stopped it dead in the water for no reason. As punk said in later interviews "I dont have to wrestle you, you have to wrestle me"

>Muh sugarcoated buttocks
Rock is everything wrong with American “humour”.

Haitch was right to bury London. That little shit is still butthurt about it to this day.

This thread reminds me that I should never get excited for shit in WWE cause they'll find a way to fuck it up

Cutting a promo on Chris Masters that basically went "hey, you're not on steroids anymore".

Punk because he was made in to a bit player while still holding the belt. It only took two weeks and punk didn't get his revenge on either guys involved

you again?

>Who got buried the worst by this guy?

The American wrestling industry itself. It is STILL being buried by this shitter.

Wasn’t Eugene’s gimmick that he was an autistic kid who loved wrestling!

yes, he even got two SummerSlam matches out of it, one with Triple H and one with Kurt Angle.

Hi Paul

Correct answer is Jericho I think, but Booker T was also atrocious at the time, the whole angle, the fact that HHH went over, and the way he did it by waiting 30 seconds between the finisher and the actual pinfall. Booker T recovered and become a mainevent guy on Smackdown though, so ultimately it stunted his career for a number of years but he still got there. Jericho on the other hand was never allowed to recover, which ridiculous because when he came in he was literally as over as the Rock.

That ear-piercing pop when he beat gaytch for the title only for it to be reversed. Still gives me chills.
That was the time to pull the trigger.