How small is Paul's penis that he has to do this shit every fucking year?

How small is Paul's penis that he has to do this shit every fucking year?

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he's a millionaire and you hate yourself

"How cool was that!?"
He told michael cole to say this.

Actually he has a huge penis, otherwise he wouldnt be fucking the bosses daughter. Triple H is just that damn good, deal with it incel

Why is it wrong that the guy does showmanship? If you had the ability to budget cool shit like this you would too

Triple H is a known self-mark who constantly trying to find ways to put force himself into angles

Based King of Kings working the obese smarks

Every wrestler used to do this back in the day. Gaudy BS is what wrestling is about.

Thats not the point of this thread. Its his entrance. Reminder that Flair, Taker, and other big names all had elaborate entrances and always will

The point is that trips ALWAYS tries to one up everyone and act like he had a epic moment because he's a self mark
Fuck, remember the terminator shit?

That terminator shit was only a fecal starter before the massive poop taco that we got with that match!

B-but my serious flippy manlet same face sport!!!

>Fuck, remember the terminator shit?
You're fucking yourself over by pretending you don't know that was a promotional tie-in with a movie, you're worked son

Again that isnt the point. He is second in the company. He still wrestles. Like it or not the guy is a legend. Wherever he is on your list or anyone elses he's a legend. Being a mark is something all stars are. There has never been a wrestler who was a star and not a mark for himself in some way. This is about entrances, and if the guy has the budget for it why not make a big entrance? Who wouldnt? The fans like it too because if you pay for a ticket like Wrestlemania you want some spectacle. So again nothing wrong with this to me. He's the same guy that pushed for Finn's demon persona entrances in NXT.

You should check out TWFS, they explain why Trips entrances are pretty lame. I mean yeah showmanship but still.

Dont know TWFS and dont really care. Its fine if they think they're lame. I dont and a lot of fans dont either. Dont like the entrance just skip it you know.

It's not so much the entrances, it's more the whole choreographed stand here, pose 2, 3, 4 and walk 2, 3, 4 and taunt 2, 3, 4 and enter the ring 2, 3, 4 and corner pose 2, 3, 4. It's just.... gay, it's theatre.

he's been doing the over-the-top WrestleMania entrances for almost twenty years, he's not just going to walk to the ring after all this time

>it's theatre.
So is all good wrestling. Maybe this just isnt the thing for you. Taker does it. Austin did it. The Rock. Cena. Every big star does something "theatrical". You just dont like him maybe. Thats ok but it still doesnt mean the fucker is going to stop or should. Plenty of people like his schtick. The japs went crazy for hsi entrance when they went there

>It's just.... gay, it's theatre
Wrestling is literally a form of theatre you brainlet.

I actually dont mind it. With everything becoming so boring and generic, at least its something to look forward to.

mmmmmmmmmm now that's bad ass

>You should check out TWFS
Literal whos