Smarks worked into seething shoot

Smarks worked into seething shoot

Attached: rip.png (1080x425, 100K)

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>Rip Rogers

He's getting BTFO in the replies under that tweet

Legit don't know who the fuck is this


Rip is a boomer fossil that somehow against all odds is still alive

Seethe more

Who? But also based.

Nobody cares about what seething beta repliers have to say ya dork

Based Japan living rent free in boomer heads

Looks like you're the one seething over people not knowing this jobber, OP

Attached: Rip Rogers.jpg (640x717, 69K)

Keep that shit in Japan. It has invaded the States.

Nah, noodle armed dweebs who do a shitty imitation of it has


>willingly letting someone stiff punch you for money like a beaten housewife
At least MMA etc they try their best NOT to get hit and if they do they can let that frustration out with hard submissions, strong style is more degenerate and carny than any other type of wrestling.

Literally who


Based Zoomers getting worked into frothing shoots by the best trainer of the 90s and 00s.

based, fuck zoomers

They literally and unironically don't know any better though. WWE has been conditioning people to eat dogshit for fucking years.

All I see is a bunch of basedboys saying "It's the current year". Nobody even points out that it's a strawman thereby confirming they watch the kind of retarded pro wrestling Rip talks about

All I see is your bitch ass getting completely BTFO by the filter taking that clean "L" and jobbing out.


>The Guy who trained Cena, Batista and Lesnar.
>Literally who

I thought Rip Rogers died the other week, weird.

ok now go and suck my fuckin dick

I didn't realize WWE invented strong style and indy matchflow, I guess they really do do it all


I mean, he's got a point here.

Strong style is hitting people hard, but in safe parts of the body. It might leave a bruise and hurt for a few days, but nobody is getting injured from knees and kicks to the chest and shoulder, and there is still selling involved because the receiver makes it look like their face was just hit.

The problem is when untrained American shitters watch one Japanese match and start thinking they can kick people in the head safely. They can't.

>he doesn't think finisher stealing is based
what a faggot

All those wrestlers with brain injuries are just a coincidence

The WCCW in Dallas worked "American Strong Style" if you could call it that. Their brawling was snug, their rings were shitty so the bumps looked (and were) painful, 99% of the time if someone was bleeding it was a hard way.. But you would also have a ten minuet match with that many punches in it total, if that. You would work someone into a hold and THEN cheap shot them. Or throw them into the corner. Or some other way to explain why you are getting a free haymaker on someone who is ostensibly an athlete competing in a combat sport.

Compared to "hit me with clackity shinguard kicks until i have blood oozing from under my skin" or guys standing there potatoing eachother in the forehead without making any kind of defensive maneuvering its a whole different animal. At this point I feel like pro wrestlers should legit take at least a months worth of boxing lessons so they have some idea of how to protect yourself. Matches today are "punch punch punch" but nobody ever gets their fucking hands up, nobody has any head movement, nobody tucks their chin, its literally just standing there waiting for the other guy to hit you. If you watch oldschool wrestling Blackjack Mulligan didn't just stand there and let someone dome him. Even Jerry Lawler, midget carny fuck that he is, wouldn't just stand there with his hands at his waist while the other guy telegraphed a swing from a mile away.

Also because wrestlers today are so small and don't tan and don't have any physique it literally looks like middle schoolers having an arm punching contest 90% of the time. Most of those faggots look like they couldn't really hurt you even if they were throwing live rounds.

who the ding-dong diddly fuck is this boomer

all these faggot ZOOMERS don't know about the wrestling legend on Rip Rogers who drew more dimes in the territories than any simp cuck here ever could

>Rip Whogers was a draw
No wonder the territories are dead

Called him a carnie on Twitter and got blocked

nice digits


not a single lie detected based boomer