Would you?

Would you?

Attached: 34424627su011.jpg (1280x824, 151K)

No, I don't support race mixing.

Maybe after a fifth of whiskey.

Be EVIL's best man at the wedding? Absolutely, but I think that'll be SANADA's gimmick.

Hey, a pussy is a pussy and you even gave me a pretty holder for that pussy.
Why the fuck not?

Does she shave/wax now that she lives in America just like all the other good little western whores?

Hell yes!

I think she probably did while she was still in Japan

I need to know who she is before i make that decision

Would I?

io shirai

Attached: io-shirai-stardom-bikini.jpg (1280x850, 1.11M)

Must be a newfag

Yes. Literally over and over again until we became bored of each other’s love making skills and then went our separate ways.

I don't watch WWE

Cum inside her until I’m shooting dust? Yes

lol wear our her tits?

Well she's spammed here every now and then so either you don't pay attention to the board itself or you're a newfag.


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seriously who is she? all these female Chinamen look the same to me

How do I, a slightly above average looking white guy with mental health problems, acquire a jap gf with the body type and beauty of Io? Can it be done, or should I just end it all?

I don't usually care about waifufags threads

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bro you need to take that one final walk in a national park

you gotta believe in yourself user
be the chad you wanna be
and go conquer these qt jap pussies

Holy yumoli I need more


all you have to do is

be rich

I would pump and dump every living thing that is able to cast a shadow. That gay twink would also fall to my cock.

Chloroform usually does the job.

>Female Chinamen

Attached: stone-cold-1.jpg (715x400, 29K)

Can't get hard unless there's a dick, faggot?

sure why not

Would I have sex with some pie-faced gook? You bet ya ding-dong diddly dick I would!

Hell yeah.

Attached: IoNaturalFace-4.jpg (386x600, 43K)

Yeah, mine obviously.

She was created for me and for me only.


I love when a fake news that I invented now is spread worldwide.

Nice thing the internet

Hi Act.

Until my dick was sore

Attached: Squidward really wants.jpg (360x240, 13K)


Yes. Nothing gets me harder than a soft Asian.

By being white. Japs are hungry for gaijin cock like you wouldn't believe

Say what you want about her, but Io definitely put some work into her shit. Doesn't have the awkward forced to do this feel to it at all. Would've loved a video though.

Attached: iobook.jpg (1000x1333, 126K)

Fuck. I would burn down an animal shelter just for a suck of those perfect tits.

She will never do a gravure like Asuka and it hurts.

Io is classy and tasteful unlike that whore

you're an idiot

no girls are gross and smell weird.

>Doesn't have the awkward forced to do this feel to it at all
Photoshoots generally don't, to be fair. The girls in almost all the Stardom photobooks I've seen at least _look_ reasonably comfortable (except Momo, but I think Momo just literally can't make a sexy face).
It's only in gravure that 85% of girls make the "yakuza behind the camera blackmailed me into doing this" face.

Based and pure pilled

your an idiot you fucking bitch

Seething joshifag. She’s shoot engaged to EVIL, bud. Take it from someone who would know, not some obsessed loser who will never meet his crush.

>Io will never sell you her bath water

Attached: iobath.jpg (525x700, 55K)

How exactly would you know? No one here was saying that until I brought the meme over from 2ch

Would I ha...my clothes would fly off my body on it's own if I was in such a situation.

>She’s shoot engaged to EVIL
The concept or the wrestler?

>dated and had sex with old drug addict

Kaiju don't wear clothes.