I liked what I saw of him at Evolve, he's a Fantastic Promo.
Redpill me on him. I just watch NXT, NJPW & AEW so I have no clue about him.
Eddie Kingston
Other urls found in this thread:
He's pretty much king of the indies.
He's been literally everywhere.
He kayfabe ran over a kid in Impact
The last of the top of the bingo generation of the 00's still doing indy wrestling.
If you're going to watch anything with him, try to catch all his matches he did with Chris Hero, now Kassius Ohno. Probably the most iconic singles feud in the indies during the 00's
He's been the new Reckless Youth for well over a decade
Before he was the Mad King he was the Last of a Dying Breed. I've always taken this as he's one of the last guys that is more about promo ability than wrestling ability.
I feel that unlike many people Eddie can cut a great and intense promo and not rely on swearing, his entire Chikara run is proof of that.
Lince Dorado is portrayed as a babyface, but the Chikara fans doesn't really like him and boo him. Lince nearly died when he landed badly in the ring and started to convulse in the middle of the ring.
Eddie was on a warpath through Chikara and amazingly Lince Dorado and his team managed to beat Eddie at King of Trios and Eddie proceded to beat the shit out of him the next time they were facing each other.
>Fails a million WWE tryouts in your path
Why do some Indie Legends like Gulak just get offered contracts whilst others have to tryout with green as grass NFL shitters?
>Fails tryout
>Still manage to get on the network
Mia Yim dumped him
Cut probably the best "mad about being cucked by someone" promo ever made. No other wrestler has ever managed to deliver the rage of having his loved one stealed by someone else like Kingston. And he was talking about a belt.
Starts around 2:45
Gulak got in because they were specifically looking for small guys, if he were the exact same individual but 6'2 he would probably have to tryout too.
The other way to think this is that Eddie Kingston plowed Mia Yim.
Gulak was going to be just contracted as a coach, but managed to impress people with his mic skills, if I'm not mistaken
Kingston's best feuds has been with Kings of Wrestling guys. His feud with Claudio is fucking kino
Man, Claudio in Chikara was so fucking funny. All these tiny skinny IT people in lucha masks working their weekend jobs and just this massive chiseled superhuman among them.
The fact that AEW didn't reach for Kingston proves to me that the Elite doesn't understand talent.
What they desperately need are mic guys. Who the fuck can even cut a promo in that company? Maybe 4 people tops.
Trained by Hero in CZW. Infamous for having a bad attitude. Was a top guy in CZW, ROH, Chikara. Had a based tag team with Homicide. Was misused in TNA. He also puts people over.
Sucks that we never got that blowoff match between the two.
He was never really a top guy for ROH.
Never really had a lengthy run there.
All that talent that came out of this Chikara roster
>Jonathan Gresham
>Drew Gulak
>Orange Cassidy
>Tracy Williams
>Super Smash Bros
>Lince Dorado
Gresham doesn't really fit there.
the LAX vs OGz feud was dope
I always thought Ophidian could've been a big name in American indy wrestling if he didn't commit so hard to the gimmick, which is commendable in its own way. He was such a unique worker.
Well, he had a couple main event programmes.
Only really vs Chris Hero.
The tag team with Homicide never really went anywhere and the crowd turned on them real quick.
A number of guys I feel have been limited by their Chikara loyalty somewhat.
guys like Ophidian, Hallowicked, Mr. Touchdown could have done well outside of Chikara. But I guess they don't see themselves having a chance of getting over without their gimmicks. I feel like it took years before Cassidy, Gulak & Williams broke out and become more known for their own stuff than their Colony stuff.
I dunno.
It's not like Hallowicked has a wacky gimmick. Even talks nowadays. There is no real reason why he isn't booked elsewhere.
Ayo holup I knew Gulak was Solider Ant, but are you telling me Fire and Worker were Orange Cassidy and Tracy Williams?
Orange Cassidy still wrestles as Fire Ant
Nah, I remember him having a title feud long after the CZW angle ended. I don't remember specifically because I barely ever watched roh.
He's also a really nice dude.
Also, not Worker Ant
Tracy Williams was Green/Silver Ant
I think Cassidy is still portraying Fire Ant, OG Green Ant was definitely Tracy Williams
Fire Ant as Mickey is funny to me.
Don't forget the Hallowicked feud
Which leads on to the Lince Dorado feud
I'm fucking shook. Fire Ant is really fucking good, I knew Cassidy could go when he wanted to, but I had no idea he was concealing his power level to this extent.
This would've been a kino feud if there was a big blowoff to it, but Lince being disliked just ended with Lince being disliked
Cassidy is a great worker. The gimmick holds him back a little, but like Team Tremendous, their skeletons are the reason they are stuck in the indies
Eddie telling letting that piece of shit green lantern fan how he really feels
>Let's just say I went on an odyssey to find myself with a bottle of Bacardi.
Kingston has some great lines
Thanks Lads.
bingo god
RIP lil richie
He's on my SIMP LIST after I found out he jobbed to a woman in some bingo hall promotion. 10 years from now, Charlotte will be a multiple time WWE Champion and it'll all be because of shitters like him.