Is there any wrestler alive that can do this move

Is there any wrestler alive that can do this move

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what the fuck am i looking at

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I think the better question is that is there someone alive who accepts taking such move
Heres a step by step version of it

Attached: Sengoku Pro wrestling.png (900x1200, 1.8M)

A combo of someone with ungodly strength like Cesaro or peak Cena and a really small agile guy taking the bump like Ricochet might be able to pull it off

The only guy.

Never mind, that webm was pretty shitty so i didn’t get a good look at the full rotation. That extra flip after you leave the suplex from the middle rope might be actually physically impossible

What about this move.
Is there someone who can do or someone who can take it and not end up with their arms broken

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I assume this is to the outside, so it could be done, but:
>Needs a big enough ring apron that red could land on his feet before rolling into the bomb on the floor
>This also makes it Destroyer tier in that it relies on the other guy too much

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>hurr let's add spins to a move for no reason and watch everyone who attempts it completely botch and break the opponent's neck

Darby Allin or Ibushi could take it.
Anyone with arms should be able to do it

Plausible, but since there isn't a good way to post it's hard to take care of the guy.

worked by a literal cartoon

This is doable, but I imagine you'd have a tough time getting most guys to take it.

Please lose your virginity.

Hey man, it's just anime wrestling.
I think this one is a plausible suplex variation desu.

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Show these to Teddy Hart

>flippy/twirly shit

Attached: bbaj.png (1144x4616, 1.99M)

>Pro wrestling is all about visual flare to wow the audience
>Hurr why are you making moves more visually interesting
That's a toughie, user.

Based Brock Lesnar getting over even on Japanese Fanart

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jeff cobb could do it

This must fuck up your shoulder something fierce, but I suppose it could be a neat, rarely used kill move like the Burning Hammer.

Is this just a hammerlock emerald flowsion?

Who else 5-9 partner master race here?

I can't believe Shinsuke just killed Goldust like that

That's just a straight-jacket suplex.

This nigga bout to take that Zandig vs. Joey Janela bump.

the straight jacket suplex crosses the arm on the belly though, not on the neck

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From Bret's rope.

t. Bryan Alvarez

If your statement was correct then Ricochet would be bringing the ratings back into the 5s

>TV ratings in the year 2019 of Our Lord
Yikes, I keep forgetting about the sheer number of retards in this board.

Bring back the Calf Branding desu

Attached: Calf Branding.png (900x1200, 1.47M)

I was alluding to the fact nobody watches flippy midgets you absolute pinhead

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thanks for helping me form my persona

Based, break someone's neck

please no one show this to some indie wrestler at next years mania weekend looking to make a name for himself

Please, someone show this to Teddy Hart

Someone in the mexican indies will try this if they see it.