Can we have a Women's Wrestling thread?
Can we have a Women's Wrestling thread?
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>Riho literally laughing at her
the aew divas were horrible last night. the wwe divas are much better and thats a fact jack
Post Deanetty running the ropes like a woman for his suicide dive.
I'll share I have. Women's wrestling deserves to be mocked.
holy shit
Is this a gear choice or does she have a super puffy pussy
Either way I'd drag myself across broken glass to sniff this gook's vulva
Ay yo, which one of these niggas is Riho?
Who was in the wrong here?
the doctor. she is a shitter
Lmao at Riho corpsing
This looks good when someone like Kurt, a real athlete that knows wrestling inside out, does it. She looks like a fucking shitty geek.
wow racist
all asians look the same to her
This is my favorite.
funny joke lad
Damn this Bea shitter is as unsafe as Mandy. Where do they get all these untrained girls from?
Was Ruby right for not selling the intended move and exposing the business or wrong for making her co-worker look the the biggest geek who ever stepped into a ring?
tope suicida*
Sell what?
The intended spot was Bayley baseball slide kicking Ruby in her back while she was distracted. A lot of times wrestlers just do the sell regardless if the move connected or not, Ruby chose to improvise.
Bea for concussing the dentist with this being the end result.
Selling when the opponent misses is the worst.
jesus christ
>This is the woman throwing hissyfits and pretending to walk out of the company for not being always in the spotlight
one of the ways aew could have distinguished itself from wwe - not having women's wrestling to dilute their matchcards and making the shows that much more overlong
Or they could've hired actually good women wrestlers.
She goes for this move regularly and rarely ever hits it.
>She goes for this move regularly
Big if true
There are none under 40.
Hottest woman wrestler was Fabulous Moolah.
And? AEW hasn't and doesn't need to hire 40 women wrestlers.
i dont blame her
they look alike
40 years of age, you brainlet.
Well that's just wrong, ya simp.
Meiko Satomura is technically under 40.
They should have listened to Kenny and brought in more Joshi wrestlers instead of these simps who are trying out to become WWE divas
Fucking embarassing
Got me there.
>button mashing
What the fuck was she doing? Lucky she wasn't seriously injured.
You mean unfortunate
there is no 'technically' you're either over or under 40 or you are 40.
huh wat u mean?
I want to impregnate Tamu so hard
Once you're 39 and 8 months you're practically 40, so saying that she's technically under 40, is technically correct.
LMAO what the fuck was this shitter even trying to do
>be born at noon on jan 2nd
>be 39
>be technically 40 at 11am on jan 2nd
seethe harder you literal autist
That is an incredible camtoe.
if she sold for nothing she'd look like the geek instead of bayley
This just makes people in attendance think "I paid $30 for this?"
I think it's the cut of the shorts. Kyona wore Tam's outfit in the Costume Change Battle Royal, and ended up with a tameltoe
you don't bump when someone whiffs that terribly. bayley is one of the worst of all time only rivaled by sasha
Damn, worked again, and by a wrestler of all people.
britt baker is gonna go to work on monday and she ding-dong diddly start pulling out the wrong teeth because her scrambled ass brain
every time i see this thumbnail i get fooled for a second, looks like she's between 2 bent over bare ass men
Wait does she actually work as a dentist on the weekdays? I thought that was just a gimmick.
Kek, I don't think it's that though. Look at this picture:
The crotch of the pants goes right up, whereas in the cameltoe knickers it just creates bumps at the front. Look closely, and you can see a seam going up the middle. I believe Tam has had them tailored specially to show off the real tameltoe. Or maybe that's just what I want to believe.
wow, bea is worse than anyone i've seen
i actually gasped at that, what the fuck is wrong with this woman.
>LMAO what the fuck was this shitter even trying to do
Nobody has ever been able to answer this.
maybe thought about a fallaway slam and then realized she couldn't lift a miniature horse?
she didnt go to medical school for a gimmick.
It is both. Its a shoot that she uses as her gimmick.
holy shit kek
It's underwear designed to look like camel toe. It's a fashion trend in Asia.
Wow this is fucking hideous
Why were they wearing shoes. Gotta leave some to the imagination?
Ah yes, the classic telltale sign of a shitter.
jfc what a mess. even if that move (?) had been properly executed, every moment is ugly and visually unappealing
what's wrong here?
Just look at Brandy and her arms
lol, thank you
Lita the 20 year veteran should know better, too.
Fucking awful
AEW is the worst shit I've ever seen
Can't tell the slants apart is a problem for all people, not just women.
train them
The best in the world isn't even 30
this kills the crab.
I still can't believe they signed her. Saw her few times before aew and she was awful. They should stick with the Japanese for the women division. That match would have been at least 10x better as a singles match. They shouldn't have a women's division just to be "politically correct", someone's really going to get hurt.
lol based Sasha
can't blame her, gooks on both sides
WTF? match?
to be fair, she had just been concussed
the ultimate mixture of extreme confidence and extreme lack of skills
She can't help it as that's now her senpai trained her.
The best in the world ladies and gentlemen.
Looks like an attempt at this.
Mayu/Kid/Tam/Saki vs Io/Konami/AZM/Momo Shining Stars day 3 in 2018
What am I missing here?
A wrestling move. There isn't one here.
this is one of my favs. i think bayley's worse than sasha. at least when sasha botches she gets over it while bayley starts pouting.
I still have no clue wtf Charlotte was even trying to do?!
This ->
That was literally the spot.
Too bad Paige spine was basically sawdust already.
Sasha didn't have to kick her as hard as she could, though.
What was she a 6 time world champion at this point? And her opponents are lucky to get through a match without getting murdered by her due to gross incompetence.
What was her excuse in her double or nothing match?
probably fake toe
Lita did nothing wrong here
no one should take any kind of hit like this if there's no way you know it's coming
Based cocussed dumb white woman
She knew it was coming. They did the exact same spot the night before with Bayley in Sasha's place.
Lmfao and some faggot had the balls to say Bae was crisp last night
>Can we have a Women's Wrestling thread?
This is it the thread that turned Yea Forums into Reddit.
I hope she gets dropped on her skull or pops another titty for this at some point. You dont fucking hurt your partner like that
I hate when wwe tries to copy wrestlers
It's not as bad as you think. It hurts about as much as getting slapped in the face.
the fuck is this supposed to be?
>implying Yea Forums hasn't been pozzed as fuck since the paige leaks
>a women's wrestling thread has done it and not the numerous waifu generals that even absolutely degenerate boards like Yea Forums don't allow
this but reverse desu because of its true intentions
based Konami going into business for herself
Check the catalogue if you're looking to fap otherwise no.
these webms are legitimately hard to watch, jesus christ
But Yea Forums keeps telling me Stardom is actually good?
Based retards who cant think for themselves listened to
>le meltz
and checked it out and since these chicks are asian and stiff each other, they think its the gold standard of womeme since they arent divas.
Youre getting played like a fiddle, its one of those wearable cameltoes they put over their coochie.
Its a small fad right now.
Tiger Driver is based but that fucked up pin attempt tho kek
based fuck generals
There's a reason Stardom fans hate Bea and gaijin in general.
This makes me sad in pants.
I love a nice meaty pussy. The outer lips I mean, not 2 ounces of roast beef on the inside. But big meaty outer pussy lips are GOAT.
It looks so stupid when these shitters try to bust out a movie they saw on the indies. It's like they watch a bunch of old tapes and decided they were talented enough to safely pull it off.
Can't wait till Sasha goes off script and tries to do a joker driver.
Who the fuck was her Senpai? Shibata?
The booty that killed Chikara.
Konami is her only trainee.
Nothing exposes the business more like two women in the ring
>Nothing exposes the business more like two women in the ring
or a man doing a spot with a woman
which one is the man?
the worst part is she actually has "fans" who defend her as if she wasnt kayfabe terrible
This is the truly baffling part.
Theyre actually reporting she got a concussion during the match
Not sure when it happened but it could explain some of these clips here
really puts the elite in AEW!
the bitch had a concussion and that was the preshow
keep slurpin vinces geriatric shrivelled balls tho
Azm enjoy it
what is this move called? i want to compare it to someone doing it properly but can't remember
the curly shuffle
based stooges working the marks
Based Charlotte trying to take this self-mark out the ring permanently
Well kid tagged out, was send to the back and didn't came back out. She just got a bloody nose and wrestled the next week but it hurts more than a slap.
It happened in the first 2 minutes, she's probably a shitter but that could explain why she tried to tag the wrong jap. Oh and fuck Bea Priestley.
What did she do to upset the horse?
>thinking meltz has ever put over Stardom
Kek. Truly a drone.
shes definitly a shitter, but ya she was particularly bad here
and ya fuck feminine Chyna
In fairness to Britt, Gooks all look the same
Bea is a sleeper agent sent by Rossy, at the behest or Vince, to wreck the AEW women's division.