Based CIMA can still go
This match was based as fuck
Why is it old japs can easily work great matches by older western wrestlers can’t? Guys like CIMA, Liger, Suzuki etc completely BTFO Taker, Jericho, HHH etc.
It was fucking awesome. The start was slow but they turned it up like crazy. Not gonna lie, it kind of saved AEW for me. Kenny is still the same guy.
MoTN easily but that's honestly not saying much. I didn't think it was that special, would just be there on a G1 block night.
>Kenny is still the same guy.
Of course he is why wouldn’t he be? Imagine being worked into believing Yea Forums shitposts.
Old japs adapt and work to their age.
WWE boomers still try and do the power moves they were doing at 30yo.
They had a slow start, a good two minutes, then a lot of boring meteora spam. The fact omegafags are trying to pass this off as good shows he’s finished.
That’s not really true. Tanahashi is one bump away from death (exaggeration but you get my point).
It’s possible Japs are just better at hiding it. An indie promoter on Reddit said that he booked Suzuki for a show and was shocked by just how banged up he really is. He’s apparently refusing to take back bumps.
It all comes down to the style and training. CIMA is regarded as one of the goat trainers for a reason
>Of course he is why wouldn’t he be?
Because he benefit massively having NJPW's guidance.
Kenny's still athletic but he doesn't have the mind for pacing they did.
This place has truly lost their minds since Tanahashi beat Omega. He's wrestling the same way he has been for the past 2-3 years. His selling is spectacular and he doesnt get into convoluted long reversal spots were his age wouldn't allow him to keep up in speed. Tanahashi is great because he has adapted to age.
It's not about shitposts, it's about how he hasn't had a good match in 6 months.
aewtists clinging on to whatever they can. solid 3 star match. meltz will only give it 4.25 which says it all
>post NJPW Kenny vs spotmonkey meme shitter
crunfe i couldn't even finish the match
>poster count didn’t go up
ya weight went up
I haven't watched day 3 yet but it was better than anything in the first 2 days of G1 although I surprisingly loved the Moxley / Taichi match
kek it wouldn't make top 3 either night
Ok but it would. CIMA is a master.
It wasn't better than Osprey/Archer, SANADA/ZSJ, White/Goto. Day 3 was weak as shit but Osprey/SANADA was also better.
It was better than any match except Ishii vs Cobb
I haven’t seen Day 3 yet but if it’s worse than the Dallas show this G1 isn’t off to a good start. The Dallas show as average.
lmao cultist coep
It's about the same. You're right, pretty average but still better than Fart for the fallen.
I got too drunk, should I rewatch?
You niggas are crazy, Osprey/Archer, SANADA/ZSJ, Okada/Tana, White/Goto, Juice/Shingo, Cobb/Ishii, Moxley/Taichi were much better than Meteora spam vs V-trigger spam.
>Juice/Shingo, Moxley/Taichi
Nice try, fagget
Not even that the G1 is off to a fire start, Omega/CIMA was just very basic.
>Ospreay Archer
All better on night 1
All better on night 2
Not him, but what's wrong with that match?
It was sub-15 and fast-paced. It knew it's place as a fiery opener. Omega/CIMA dragged on too much and the pay-off wasn't good enough to substantiate the length.
>Archer vs Ospreay, SANADA vs ZSJ and Okada vs Tana
You should probably stop watching pro wrestling because you're gonna find every show bad or average.
gain taste while you dilate
They were out of sync all match what the fuck is wrong with you?
Examples? They went through their spots to eachother's moves very well, they had particular counters to their specific movesets and never fumbled anything. If you're gonna say they were desynced, provide some examples.
Why do you retards argue over this shit? Nothing any of you say is going to change each other’s minds. Enjoy what you wanna enjoy. For what it’s worth Shinto/Juice is my second favourite match behind Ishii/Cobb (I haven’t seen Day 3 yet).
Fucker, watch the damn match. I've been a huge fan of Shingo for years and I don't even dislike Juice but that match sucked. Their constant reversals were slow and ass looking, even their strikes. There's a point where he's supposed to grab the leg and it looked SO bad.
he's only had 5 matches in the last 6 months
>why do you discuss wrestling on a wrestling board?
You thinking they're slow doesn't mean they're out of sync. Those are different things. Out of sync means trying to do different shit entirely, which they weren't, they were moving through their stuff and had no match-marring botches, so your perceived sluggishness wasn't really a huge detriment considering they completed their sequences and the crowd was super into it.
Discussing wrestling is one thing, getting into a bitch fight over what match was better is just a waste of time.
You're such a fucking retard, if we were watching a boxing match and some guy punched another's lights out you'd say "holy shit, what a cool ass kick" and when told it was a punch you'd just continue with "well in my opinion it was a kick". They were out if synch, deal with it.
I'm not getting into a bitch fight I'm just sharing my thoughts you manlet nerd, the other simp is clearly agitated
t. Hothead
I think you're confusing Shingo/Juice with Brandi/Allie
No, I don't watch that cringe shit.