AEW - DOA (dead on arrival)

3 PPVs in, not a single good match yet.

Over reliance on guys who failed in WWE (CAWdy, Shitdust, Jeriflab, and Dean Cuckrose).

No storylines to draw people in. I don’t care about any of these losers, meanwhile I’m insanely hyped for Extreme Rules.

Nobody on the roster can have a good match. It’s all formulaic BS with flippy shit and false finishes. These guys need ring generals like Roman, Taker, Rollins, Cena, etc to run a good match. And sadly, the closest they have is Jeribloat, who hasn’t had a good match since HHH dragged him to one in the 2000s.

No hot women and no cool guys. Kenny Omega aka Kenny Beta is a video game playing loser. Dean is a drug addicted lazy failure who insulted and lied to the company that paid his bills for years. I don’t want to see these people on my TV.

Lots of rumors that TNT is not happy and is already considering axing the show. Plus rumors of money issues already. It doesn’t sound like AEW is gonna last long! Good riddance!!!

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>no hot women
also cope harder edrone, AEW is doing fine

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Not blonde, barely any tits, piss poor feet. Try again AEWtist.

Based E-Chad. Can't wait for MOTY tonight bro.

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>Jasethy is a ring general
kek the pathetic state WWE has reached.

holy based

E-Chads win again

Yuka actually has cute feet but I'm not a footchad so I have nothing saved. Keep seething, Yuka is top tier waifu material

Attached: DyVELWHUwAAMyuP.jpg (900x676, 119K)

*debuts at All Out*
*does the tampon spot*
*shoot kills Cornette who has a heart attack upon watching it*

Attached: MIhbAOP[1].jpg (1200x795, 133K)

>seething e-drones are really trying to push this false narrative that AEW has had a bad show

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>Lots of rumors that TNT is not happy and is already considering axing the show. Plus rumors of money issues already. It doesn’t sound like AEW is gonna last long! Good riddance!!!


Agreed. The WWE power couple vs two of the biggest heels in modern history. It may not be a 5 star affair, but it’s gonna be entertaining as heck.

Never had worse than a 4 star match and has the most exciting matches in WWE today.3 bad shows actually!

It’s all out there online, if you read financial sites and stuff like that. WWE stock is meanwhile doing extremely well!

>Waifufags think these creatures are attractive

Have you got a legit source? Give me an actual link.

>implying Yuka isn't attractive

Attached: D1-xj6jUwAA6oWz.jpg (1520x2048, 447K)

So then the source was your ass.
The only TV companies that I've seen that are pissed is USA and fox about wwe shit tier ratings

he doesn't, he is playing off some post from somewhere else he put into OP, if I have to guess, it would be reddit, because I am led to believe it is the place all these posts come from.

>he thinks that was good
Cultists have standards THAT low?

>flat as a board
>no tits
>no ass
>no curves to speak of
>looks like a boy
>40 yrs old, acts like a 5 yr old

lol one of their divas was such a shitter that she went to the wrong turner in a tag match and then pretended to be concussed due to embarrassment. no wwe diva is that much of a shitter

Looks like a burn victim

All wrestling women are ugly. But you weebs are choose the worse.

>ring generals like taker and roman
hella fcking epic

I read forbe’s magazine and the wall street journal. That’s 2 sources. I’m also investing a lot for my 401k and guys are telling me AEW has problems and to stay away from investing in that.

Only if you like girls that look like boys or boys that look like girls.

Here's your (you)

I agree. WWE - Then, Now, Forever.

Investing in what, user. Just asking you. Because there is no way you can invest in AEW right now. They have no stock... user, user, you are really trying, but you are failing.

You can still invest in basically anything if you have the money, which I do. Unlike you AEWtists.

those aren't women, they're 12 year old girls

12 year old lolis would be based. AEW sucks so bad it’s 12 year old boys.


flippy bagel midgets btfo once again

>unironically expecting to be entertained from a wrestling show, regardless of which company
lmao you're ALL autistic niggers

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How do you invest in something privately owned

>reddit spacing

You don't believe any of those words you just said right now.

holy fucking bait
>I'm insanely hyped for Extreme Rules
al least try harder

>meanwhile I’m insanely hyped for Extreme Rules.

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>all of Fight for the Fallen's gate proceeds would be donated to victims of gun violence.


You don't find hardcore matches entertaining?