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>let me use your song
>sure, pay us

it is probably a really fuxking gay song

it's shit, he's better off getting a new song
although knowing ospreay it'll probably be even gayer

This generic one he has now is just temporary right? NJPW must be working on something?

ospreay is so fucking irritating and unlikable

>band makes song about you
>chant your name in it
>band are happy for you to use it
>record label says you cant use it
man record labels are fucking weird. what do they even do in 2019, upload a song to spotify for you?

It's retarded. The song being used in Will's entrances is free advertising

He should go back to his original theme, I used to like it a lot.

they're all broke so they're autistic about rights

>NJPW is the big lea....

The did the same shit with Jericho. Couldn't even paid for one of their top guys songs.

It's not "free advertising" it's using IP to further ones own IP for free. Using your logic we should be able to put Superman in the Avengers because it's "free advertising bro"

Jericho said it was some miscommunication thing. Some backstage crew monkey must've just assumed Judas was by some American rock band and went straight to their default royalty free tracks.

Not when they want it associated with a faggot like Ospreay.

Its not his call and the label isnt being unreasonable, he is for assuming he can use the property of another because he's Will 'pay my mums car for me' ospreay

worked ya seething little bitch. kys faggot.

He said that NJPW decided not to pay for the song.

>what do they even do in 2019
Own your balls in their manpurse.

How's that bank account looking young William?

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Promotion if they like you but in reality they just own your masters and give you a sliver of cash.

He should get a based yonosuke kitamura theme now

seethe doesn't even have the rights to his own name and his theme is acoustic diarrhea. i don't think anyone would bemoan that shit getting censored.

Pissed that it grew on me hard with BosJ and now it's gone.

Sup needledick Tarpins

For the first time the royalty free replacement theme is actually really good, wouldn’t mind if he just used that from now on

This argument would work for Naito coming out to Du Hast or Bryan coming out to The Final Countdown or CM Phil coming out to Cult of Personality. It kind of falls apart when the band literally wrote the song for and about Ospreay. By you retards' logic, Ospreay should be getting paid for them using his name in the song. Keep defending this blatant jewry though. Fucking kikes.

His theme fucking sucked, this could be good.


t. (((Harold)))

>aren't being reasonable
Maybe you outted yourself as a faggot selt mark and they decided not to let you use their property.
Gays aren't reasonable.

This is from the band's official Youtube page.
>It Lives, It Breathes - Elevated (Official Will Ospreay Entrance Theme)
>Will Ospreay's official wrestling entrance theme written and performed by It Lives, It Breathes!

Unreasonable? Be Careful, Mr. Ospreay. That sounds an awful lot like anti semitism.

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Meanwhile, what's actually happening
>"Hey I'm a fan of the work you guys do, I'd love to have my entrance music written and performed by you"
>"Hey we're fans of you ourselves, we'd absolutely love to do your entrance music, plus it would be a great way for us to get exposure"
>"Oy vey! Aren't you forgetting about someone?"


Oy gevalt

Let it be a lesson, guys. Always self publish. No musician in 2019 should sell their soul to a label.

That actually sucks. It was a great theme. Also a really good track to listen to when working out.

I remember watching Wrestle Kingdom 13 (my first NJPW show) and after the intro video, the show began with that song. "WELCOME TO WRESTLE KINGDOM IN TOKYO DOOOMEEE!" while that song played. Pure kino.

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It was wills fault for trusting (((THEM)))

You’re literally me
That amazing NEVER Openweight title bout between Ospreay and Ibushi will forever be ingrained in my mind

tell me the name of the band and if anyone responses to even knowing these literally who's maybe then you can talk shit

ding ding ding ding ding

osprey would have an argument for not having to pay the label if the songwriter sold the rights after he gave osprey permission to use the song. if not, then he's SOL