Attached: KENTA vs Tanahashi.webm (1074x602, 2.86M)

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knee looked like shit and he was going to die getting Tana up on his shoulders

I think the knee actually looked okay, he just threw it too late, it's kinda weird. He had to like spring his body up. He's not used to doing his own finisher anymore.
The kick at the start of the webm is embarrassing though

an incredible match

kicked looked shit too, almost fell over.

It's called selling, you fucking braindead moron.

Sure it is, buddy.

How was the match?


Oh look, two guys way past their prime! How exciting!

Fuck this bingo hall fed

Pretty good. Better than the one with Ibushi. Nice bit of hate going on there.

I'm sorry to say but KENTA is the worst wrestler in the G1.
Yes, he's a has been. You have mediocre matches with Ibushi and Tana? Good luck with everyone else.

If Okada can't carry him to something good someone needs to talk lil yeller out back and put his slant-eyed ass down

Tana was way too heavy for him

The paper is too heavy for him.

Ibushi just had a great match with Evil, while his match with KENTA was a shitter.
Okada and Naito are pretty good at letting the other guys look great but I don't know, I think he's simply over his head right now.

God like

Surprised by how good this match was. Reminded me of Tana vs. Suzuki last year.

I honestly enjoyed Tana/KENTA more than EVIL/Ibushi. Both weren't great matches tho.

What a shitter.
>Bad WWE habits
>Fucked neck/balance
>6/10 matches with fucking Kota and Tana
>Terrible kicks

He'll be lucky having the privilege putting over guys like Shingo and Taichi by NYD 2020 after his Okada title match at KOPW as a bone they throw to him.

How does this guy keep botching his own finish? Even punketty did it better

Maybe he's actually changed the move to hitting the chest instead of the head so he doesn't risk killing anyone anymore


It was fine.

i like that only the US dojo boys help him after the match while the Japanese rush to tanahashi aid

we will never see this again

His shoulder is still giving him problems. He should just use a new finisher at this point.

fuck off that was a fucking fine match and so were the spots, you purofags (salty Noahcucks) need to seek the sun and haveth some sex once in a while

Based KENTA chad working these snowflake into a seethe

It was a legitimately good match

This GTS unironically looked decent, he should keep hitting them in the chest so the hit can actually connect instead of faking it to the head so the opponent doesnt get brain damage

I haven't even seen the match yet ya seething simp I was just commenting on the webm

go watch it then ya geek, its a great match

>Worst wrestler in the G1...
>NOT Fale.
Fucking hell.

>lil yeller
Either boomer with based racust nickname or cringe zoomer who never actaully felt the pain of Ol' Yeller

Oh you be with them steppers huh?

>worst wrestler in the G1
based retard

Fale does the refreshingly unique "lazy fat unathletic big man" style like puro legend Abdullah The Butcher and consistently has fun G1 matches with the top workers like Styles, Tana, Ishii, Okada.

kentetty does a bad KENTA impression when there are better, heavier hitting Jrs in this same G1 like Ibushi or Shingo.