post your best wrestling fan pics and webms anons

Attached: AEW fans.jpg (1366x768, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: ECHADtat.jpg (588x940, 178K)

This shot made me literally turn off the stream. They'll probably be booked for future pre-shows as another go away heat gimmick

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Attached: 1556409177822.jpg (768x768, 70K)

guy on the left literally looks like a fucking pedo

Attached: 1553560171372.jpg (1080x1503, 598K)

Attached: orton fan.jpg (640x640, 205K)

Kek this faggot had blocked me

Attached: IMG_20180215_050410.jpg (1080x1041, 160K)

Can anybody share wrestling Twitter autists?

Attached: (1080x1103, 195K)

Attached: (1080x917, 137K)

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Attached: Bliss tism.jpg (3898x1724, 1.13M)

This fucking cunt pissed me off through the whole show. Her "AWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" every 2 minutes was cringe. Clearly has an identity crises / mental issues.

the asuka jew

Attached: IMG_20180222_021858.jpg (1080x763, 166K)

Attached: WCW sweepstakes winners.jpg (480x480, 63K)

>All threse chads behind.
Where they gone bros?

Attached: (1080x1028, 228K)

Attached: edrone.jpg (900x1200, 119K)

Attached: DM2DBruWkAAb4Ln.jpg (900x1200, 139K)

Attached: 9oEfFHK.jpg (455x395, 26K)

>I am a mark, acknowledge me!

>cat fights, bra and panties matches and TnA (not that TNA) removed from wrestling
>chads and drawing power leave
Really activates the almonds

Meanwhile in Arena Mexico...

Attached: comfy baby.jpg (979x549, 276K)

>Let me get one thing straight
>I'm ding dong diddly not

Is that Bret on the left? You'd think they wouldn't just dump a hall of famer in the crowd. Also why is he with not so grump from the Game Grumps?

Attached: blue red green.jpg (1098x492, 162K)

The Kajewki Warriors

Attached: take shoot.jpg (640x505, 27K)

Attached: blisschaddd.jpg (730x960, 70K)

me w Asuka

Attached: Echad.jpg (960x1200, 173K)


Attached: nekocon2013-7081.jpg (801x1200, 566K)

me w Bayley

Attached: Bayley and Me 10.18.17.jpg (1536x2048, 496K)

why's bob backlund wearing all that cena gear?

Attached: paige.jpg (850x900, 147K)

why do you have a face growing out of your leg

She's so perfect.

Why did they keep showing these fags? Is this what their general fan base looks like?

Attached: 1531338871021.jpg (918x597, 216K)

Attached: jap fans 2019.jpg (1920x1080, 586K)

Attached: 1554137479728.jpg (1578x528, 118K)

Those guys are unironically based.

Attached: jap fans.jpg (1024x768, 188K)

Attached: tUANfj6.jpg (600x308, 46K)

Attached: japanese fans.jpg (612x612, 154K)


Attached: 1563051301214.webm (316x316, 1.92M)

Chris is a chad

Attached: japanese rasslers.jpg (981x735, 226K)

Attached: 7XL.png (640x252, 26K)

Attached: 1560284344199.jpg (1200x1600, 336K)

>jap fan ko looks better than real ko

reminder wrestling is for artistic and intellectual people now, sweetie

Where's Mo and Curly?

>Big Show meets a lucky fan

Rock Guy is basado

W-wait! How much is that scarf? Has Kairi done this to her? She was so pure, and untainted by rampant commercialism.

I never really noticed the two guys in the background trying really hard not to burst out laughing.

Attached: yh no1 fan.webm (640x360, 2.58M)

>Shockmaster Bayley

audibly kek


Perfect women don't exi-

Holy based Usos!

Is that really Asuka?

You see that flab and still have to ask?

I hope he went and got tested after touching her. He probably caught everything including the BLACKED plague.

Attached: carlos.jpg (500x367, 20K)

That's a man.

This is fucking based.

I wish I had a bunch of cosplay wrestling fans who'd go to shows with me. None of my bros ever want to dress up when we go to shows.

Attached: 1509670334769.jpg (635x473, 44K)

One of Codys great twitter promos


A fellow Pepsi Pimp.

Looks like AOC in a disguise

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-14-10-43-47-401.jpg (715x346, 99K)


Based physically and mentally retarded e-chad making sure that he's never going to get laid with both sexes instead of just one.

Bray Wyatt fan has to be relieved his costume is cheaper now.

is their stable name the sneeze shield?

Holy molly that HBK
MMMMMMMMM don't wanna mess with that

>Bray minisaw

Attached: 1558664236753.jpg (433x419, 97K)

Attached: WWE roster.jpg (1080x808, 164K)

>not fat
>cosplaying kevin owens
come the fuck on, you work with what you have. amateur hour in here


Bex is a dead ringer.

Attached: marty.jpg (640x480, 61K)

Attached: strong style.png (439x1063, 566K)

Attached: Sting cure.jpg (239x241, 25K)

i think the eldest brother knows he just doesn't want to expose the business

>worked by burberry
the state of (You)

>that LIJ shirt with the US flag colors
*spic name*
*Jap group*
*US flag*
that's going to be hard to explain to non fans though I doubt anyone actually would talk to a person wearing a pro wrestling shirt

fucking based

Attached: 1561517822880.jpg (1200x900, 204K)

Attached: Dudley Girls 2.png (1024x768, 1.71M)

here is his little brother with Roman

Attached: Roman tarp.png (750x743, 499K)

i spent a good chunk of the show watching him

Attached: Dudley Girls.png (1019x703, 1.47M)

Attached: WM VII Cry.gif (394x294, 2.38M)


: )

Dudley's are known for being huge into rangrats. No doubt they shoot fucked them.

Attached: FLEX WITH LEX.png (1008x751, 953K)

Attached: Stacy ass chadfans.webm (1920x1080, 1.06M)

Attached: GOAT.jpg (1370x964, 121K)



Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-07-01-at-12.53.52-PM.png (768x570, 752K)

Attached: CZW fans.png (750x1334, 1.1M)

Attached: Lexstacy.png (1009x754, 1.03M)

>that lazy Asuka cosplayer who just did the hair and nothing else

that's one uglu asuka

Yup, went to totally rad AEW show and later had a fucc with my cool gamer GF.
You e-drones, have sex.

Attached: ezgif-3-2a6155553045.gif (355x200, 1.4M)

>They're out of vegan friendly food at the AEW concession stand

Me in the back fading out of existence

Becky looks 2000x cuter than the real one.


Attached: 1563114703884.jpg (400x929, 242K)

Onita looking like a Bogdanoff.

like that's hard

Attached: Gatoh Move sold out crowd.jpg (2048x1536, 426K)

Based and cute and comfypilled

Based blackface Big E

>me on the left

Attached: tumblr_nxur8hTk2S1rg89a6o2_1280.jpg (642x361, 80K)

Sam looks like shit without the beard now.


>simon in the picture
>sign that says kinoslayer in it

imagine the smell in that tiny shack

Attached: X-PacRules.png (709x534, 700K)

Didn't know this level of retardadment was possible. She behaves like those 15 yr old fans, unreaL

rip angry grandpa

Cm punk is 4ft 9 hahahahahahah

Fashion police. Nice

Fatsuka is always accurate

Source and context please


Attached: Shield1.jpg (738x553, 49K)

A million doujin start like that


what a worker

Why is there a foxtail there?

>That Bray
>Bay Leno shockmaster
Also that Lacey a cute. Would fug

Attached: ENfIUxz.jpg (459x611, 83K)

fucking chad

Attached: 20e9e14592c035ecb3ec2903c4a3fdc335d63679d674f7b4bb0250c108cfae21.jpg (2448x3264, 645K)

Now that's a pro wrestling fan! BIG BASED BOWL CUT

>he did not know his gf was a bf

I don't see what's so horrible about this one. It's just a mom happy that there's been a push for female wrestling, yeah?

Some construction worker who probably found a winning mountain dew cap, the tape trader's mom, the tape trader

Attached: muhautism.jpg (400x400, 39K)

Wrestling fans are the worse most cringe worthy ugly fans i have ever seen. Man can you imagine how these waifu cucks look like. Holy shit.

Unironically based as fuck.

This is the most American post I've ever fucking seen.

Now that I think about it bayley does have a face like a stormtrooper

Attached: 52975D19-78E7-44AF-BA64-296EFB7624D8.jpg (1068x1335, 280K)

Mordecai is the best one.

Attached: 96FCD8BA-E8F3-4721-B261-D1583CE4D0C1.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

First... it's a dude. Second... he only became a supporter of girls and transexuals because he had a daughter (which is onions to the max). Third... I also see no problem with him empowering his daughter, I'd sure like to meet her some day, so I can give her my full support!

Attached: Izzy future WWE superstar.jpg (640x640, 120K)

let's just say... my eyes aren't the only things that go both ways

Time code fucked up for some reason.
Start at 4:00

your mother is a whore


Attached: BEEB35F2-02CA-4889-A570-D7070134E5DD.png (700x700, 134K)

Based and underrated.

based berries and cream lad bulking up

The Enigma! We use to have a drinking game that every time we saw the Enigma, you took a shot.

Attached: kenny.jpg (600x450, 92K)


Attached: giphy.gif (529x329, 2.96M)

>me in the black hat

is this a young WALTER

which one is the janetty?

it's Florida so I shouldn't be surprised but every shot of the crowd yesterday was a feast

Attached: AEW.Fight.For.The.Fallen.png (960x540, 755K)

paulis is great

Oh man the things I would do to Izzy... like take her out to get Ice cream after getting permission and supervision from her parents. What you thought it was going to be something inappropriate?

Attached: 1560975463525.jpg (636x644, 40K)

This is what the average joshi/womeme's wrestling fan looks like

Attached: vlcsnap-error413.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

I'm seeing 19x! 361 Asukas.

I don't follow njpw, what is happening here?

is this fuckin toni storm?

why you would give a fuck about what other man is wearing?

t. wears pro wrestling shirts

god I hate rollins

why didn't you protect her, Yea Forums?

I'm sorry

LOL, no fucking way this is real.