Chicken nuggets lady, would you??

Attached: 0104102mcnuggets1.jpg (675x500, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally whom


>nothing to do with alternative sports
looks like Yea Forums truly stands for aspergers.

Oh my fucking god.
Thank you user this shit is fucking bananas. Fucking all of that rage before 11am over some nuggies.

Hey let the user post this shit. I am so far out of the loop of whatever the fuck is current I probably wouldve never seen this gem.

That happened 3+ years ago.

Attached: dco803v.gif (360x230, 1.2M)

Scratch that, the article is from 2010.

See 9 years went by and I havent seen it. I am 29 years old. This was worth whatever thread that died.

Also yes she looks better than the last girl I was fucking and I love sticking my dick in crazy

Smh marks getting worked by fake audio

It's not fake audio, that's the actual video

Ding-Dong Diddlymark

What proof do you have that it's fake?

That you’re a nigger newfag

That's what I thought simp

Fuck you man
Fuck you
I wanted to believe.

Looks like chicken nugget lady found this board

It's real
