> What is Yea Forums Predicts...?
This is a thread where we all vote and see if we can correctly predict the results of the current PPV.
> What are the rules?
Just simply follow the link to do the survey and that's it. If a match ends in DQ or no contest however, that is scratched from the total for the interest of fairness.
> How's this gonna work?
After each match I will post the updated results to see WHO is on their way to being a clean sweeper.
> 10 matches in total to predict.
Link to vote: derpy.me
Please offer a courtesy bump after voting, good luck!
Yea Forums Predicts... Extreme Rules 2019
Once a kingdom that was built in a lifetime, see it crumbling to dust in a single night.
"And shall the mortified equivelant be incompetent to the swaying elbow"
Becky makes Corbin tap out via dildo in the ass.
Honestly, you're more like 8th. Stone Cuck Simp0!'s last thread died out of disinterest.
The moment he started including the preshow, we lost contributors exponentially and he's too much of a fucking retard to change it back.
Supposed AAA ratings were a lie, AEW BTFO
Oh look, it's this fag again. Cry about the preshow elsewhere. Do I have to tell you again that the preshow HASN'T BEEN ANNOUNCED YET? Or are you crying because it's too hard to predict one crusierweight against another?
Here I'll give you a clue, make it easier for you. Gulak only just won the title, so it's unlikely he'll lose it this clearly.
kek 2ColdPedO had to remake the thread
Gameday bumpino.
Being that there's ten matches, there's bound to be at least two preshow matches tonight. Based Gulak is a sure thing.
Wait Braun actually had a match, when was his last PPV match?
his last match on PPV was last month at Super ShowDown
Who was he against?
Wonder if the simps that will get eliminated at the preshow will cry again
hey man im glad u do these bumping as usual. can u do the results in alphabetical order so i dont have to search for 10 min just to find my name? thank you
They already are.
Usually I put them in order of which they post, but that seems reasonable. Would everyone else like that?
It's definitely not the hardest one to predict tonight. I would say the tag match on Smackdown is the one that stumped me.
Steve you do too much and receive nothing for it. Dont waste your time autistically alphabetizing everything. It takes a minute to find, it stays in the same place and if its really a problem all caps the name
It's a spreadsheet, it's literally just a click of the button to filter them alphabetically. But thanks.
True. You know New Day don't need another run and Heavy Machinery are shitters but you also know DBry needs to return to solo action.
Can user supply proof?
No. I like knowing at what place i submitted my predictions. If you're going to do that, at least add an extra submission number field.
I suppose I can do that, just put the number next to the name.
I voted heavy machinery and revivals, how fucked am I?
ding-dong diddly
I did the same.
Fïnna bump
SmackDown will rise up again.
Why are you using a brony website
>mfw da joe wins da belt
do as you like, based 2chad
joe new wwe champ confirmed
I think Bryan sees something in HM so i think they are pulling the trigger on them tonight.
Heavy Machinery going over! FAT BOYS RISE UP!
eh I find my entry pretty quick so I don't think it's really needed and seems like an extra burden on you. make the whiny alphabetizing pussies suffer.
>realize I selected a lot of heels winning
I'm gonna get blown the fuck out today. Still think Joe has this though. And my hope is that Corbin does too.
In all fairness to the guy, he did ask nicely, not whiny.
>still including preshows
Where's the All Autistic Predictions thread? This one is and continues to be bullshit.
Which matches are the preshow matches, retard?
I wonder how Nese and Gulak feel knowing that their match will more than likely be shoved to the corner of the screen when a promo for Bayley vs. Alex plays over it.
Bayley sells the most merch to little girls.
Heavy hints that Sasha's coming back. Sasha interference.
Maybe Bayley/Sasha heel turn.
Probably not.
Cruiserweight crap.
Okay, what if they're on the main show and it's actually one of the tag matches that is on the main show, are you still going to cry then?
pre-show match is going to fuck me again
Those that will be on the preshow. And they should be removed on the night.
I'm not even the person who was complaining about it I'm simply answering your question. Maybe loosen that butt plug a bit hombre.
It's not called "Predicts (most of) Extreme Rules" friend.
Preshow is free on Youtube, therefore it is not part of the PPV.
Doesn't matter if it's on the preshow or not, it's still Extreme Rules.
Think of it this way the pre-show is there to remove the shitters like you who couldn't predict their way out of a paper bag.
>implying matches with no build take skill to predict
>no build
sorry bro, but until you stop including preshow (manlet) matches that nobody cares about or watches, we're gonna do the autistic prediction thread instead
> If I keep pretending I'm a different person, no one will tell
Why aren't you?
If you're there, pick a winner for the Kingston, Joe match, you picked both Rollins & Lynch and Corbin & Evans to win the Universal / Women's match.
>he can't reliably land a 50/50 preshow gamble
Never gonna make it
I like how he says "we".
Will it still count as a win if Taker shoot kills Shane with a tombstone and the match gets called off?
The only one who's getting killed tonight is Carder.
>implying the pure strike king wouldn't just punch death as he comes to collect
>thinking Shane won't book himself to go over again
Thank you Steve.
Anyone watching in the Newport/Cincinnati area? Any bars show ppvs? I'm new.
Idk who's more pathetic ITT. The guys pretending they're mad about the preshow or the fucking brainlet simps who keep falling for it.
>watching this shit
Balor vs Nak and Owens vs Ziggler announced
>manlet preshow didn't knock out 80% of predictions as preusual
>"Tonight might be a good night for predictions.", per OP in gamethread
You are a fucking retard if you cannot see the irony in your own correlative statement.
StoneCold FagO! already went to bed. He didn't get to see that he did ALL this work for nothing! Blhahahahha!!! What a fucking retard.
Wastes his life appeasing you fucking losers for nothing. And to think that fucking homo is going to start doing AEW prediction threads too! That proves he literally has zero friends, negative family life, no social life. He is a worthless fucking LOSER just like all of you tonight.
Do the world a favor and kill yourselves!
I think I won
nobody won
Steve-O is based you are just a faggot.