OK Joshifags

OK Joshifags

Explain this shit

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One goddess on the far right, and three useless fragile botch machines that can't work. What's there to explain that already hasn't?

One thing I did learn is that the Doctor is an autist that can't tell Asians apart.

Bea and Shoko and Riho all looked great.

God, I hate women

Britt Baker got concussed by Bea Priestley. Match fell apart immediately afterwards for obvious reasons. Nakajima and Riho interplay was so fucking great and smooth. Britt, in her daze, tried to tag in her opponent which will unfortunately probably be the most memorable thing out of this match. I feel so bad for Nakajima, her and Riho were by far the best.

"People’s interpretation of what they see depends on their personal degree of enlightenment."
You, evidently, are not enlightened enough to understand and appreciate joshi puroresu - or pro-wrestling in general for that matter.

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ding-dong diddly this desu

>I feel so bad for Nakajima, her and Riho were by far the best.
I don't understand. The match and the performers were all over with the crowd. Even Britt and Bea's standoff and subsequent trading of strikes got a huge pop despite Britt's "bad" performance. The match was successful.

What about "Women" with penises?

Two Joshi great Wrestlers, one babe who wears too much makeup, and one who pretty average in the Ring.

Women can't wrestle

Britt should work in Japan not just so she can get better but hopefully so she can sort out the absolute fucking state of Joshi teeth in 2019

>This is a good match for Joshifags

Even CMLL has better women, not even talking about AAA or WWE itself

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White womeme wrestlers were a mistake.

Bea- Top champ in Stardom
Shoko- Top champ in TJPW
Riho- Ace of Gatoh Move and long time champion
Britt- A dentist with little wrestling experience.

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match was thrown together last minute because yuka was injured
also britt may have been concussed

Riho looked good
Shoko found her footing towards the end
Bea was meh
Britt was concussed

The actual Joshis were pretty based and over but there's only so much you can do with a concussed broomstick and Osperay's ascended rat.

Based joshi chad

How do I achieve this physique?

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Lose height, hit the hormones, dilate, and get a clue

Britt being complete trash made Shoko look sloppy because she was out of position for literally everything so Shoko had to slow down all of her offense to compensate, which sucked. It was pretty good otherwise. Bea even looked good and got super over. Riho is a fucking star and I'm really worried about her getting seriously injured by shitters like Britt, Leva, etc.


Brittany confirming that she has a concussion.

So you are telling me, that these Japanese girls only are good when they have matches between themselves in a small arena in Japan when nobody watches.


>No medical staff at the venue
>Has to have a referee drive injured wrestlers to a hospital

This is the big leagues!?!?!?!?

Her very first act when getting into the ring was to give her opponent a concussion.

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No, I'm saying that despite having to carry an uncoordinated parttimer, Shoko, Riho and Bea managed to still have a really great women's match by US standards and managed to get over with the live crowd. Because they did.

>Shoko, Riho and Bea managed to still have a really great women's match

one of these things is not like the others

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>really great women's match by US standards
The match was a mess, and they "getting over" with that particular crowd ,it's not a big achievement

Was that supposed to be one of those Trevor Lee stomp spots but springboarding? Sounds dangerous af, tbqh

This one was legitimately on Britt, Bea did nothing wrong, but because Britt was spaced out she didn't fall down with Bea and just stood still and let Bea collapse into her awkwardly.

>adam coles gf is a shitter

Is that really her fault? Baker looked like she was out of position. I don't know. I don't really care, I wasn't dumb enough to watch this shit live.

Riho can fly, man.

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Technically they did have medical staff at the venue, unfortunately she was a dentist and was concussed.



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Congratulations you described joshi pro wrestling

That is very blatantly Britt Baker being out of position which was the story of the whole match. She was in n the wrong place for literally every spot - always too close. You must have a smooth brain if you can't figure that out, especially since its in the post you replied to ya simp.
ONE person was a mess, everyone else worked around that and did as good a job as is possible.


This match was a disaster.

That little midget furry looked like a joke. The other jap was a toothpick. The goth girl was okay tho. And Cole's girl is the absolute Worst of ALL TIME. Complete botch match and everything looked terrible. Imagine thinking anyone or anything about this match was good. The only thing worse than this...and I could not believe there could be such a thing...was the Brandi match. Omg.

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>posting a gif of the botch machine Charlotte Flair who can't do a moonsault without landing on her feet to try and show up the Joshis

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>because someone had to slow down and fuck up her own offense to protect Britt Baker who was actively shitting up the match they are bad
Nice negative IQ. Its lucky Shoko is so small, anyone else would have hit Britt in the face every time. Bea had to deal with her running right into her and could have been seriously hurt too. This dentist chick is horricially unsafe. Imagine if it was Miyu and not Shoko, like, Britt would have been KOed instantly.

The Joshi's are based and entertaining
The WWW (western women wrestlers) are cringe and shit

this is objectively true

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>The one that got a concussion because Bee kicked her in the back of the head like a dumbass is the unsafe one
Are you retarded?

>pin Riho to protect Britt
>Britt looks like such a retard during the match that she is way more damaged than if she was ever pinned
>ruin 2 girls for the price of one

I wonder who put her up to this, hmm...

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Riho should not have been pinned. Britt is a shitter and over-rated.

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I've seen Bea work safe matches, even though she's garbage. She's a lot less of a liability than this chick who is clearly not good enough to be working with people like Shoko or Riho.
Blows my mind that Shida, Britt and Bea are being focused on while being completely shit.

Tony decides W/Ls. Britt is his girl. Protect her.

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I'm going to rape Tony in the summer of '19 so that he pushes the joshis instead

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They're blatantly more popular and get better reactions so you won't have to. Riho will hopefully be the first champ.

Of course she worked safe matches but she isn't the safest wrestler, I'm surprised she hasn't injured more people in Stardom. This was my first time watching Britt Baker and I won't judge or blame her considering she was concussed 2 minutes into the match.

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Sorry Tony, you can't stop me I've already committed

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I'm pretty sure Toni Storm hurt more people in Stardom than Bea has and people act like she's incredible. Bea is atleast passable.

Only people that don't watch Stardom think Toni is great. Both Bee and Toni are shitters.

True. But they're both better than Britt Baker.

thats not a high bar

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In the grand scheme of Western women wrestling its the highest standard.

let's be honest

There are like 5 great Joshi in Japan, a dozen that go from good to decent and a lot of mediocre overhyped idols (as you can see in this thread)



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Dr. Britt Baker bay bay

Konami, Arisa, AZM, Yuka, Saree, Mio Momono, Tsukka, Chihiro, Yuu, Mizuki, Riho, Cherry, Tsukushi, Jungle Kyona, Momo, Starlight Kid.
I just named more than that off the top of my head while walking my dog and I barely watch joshi ya mark.

go back to eating out Steph please Adam

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There's 5 great wrestlers and a bunch of good ones in Stardom alone so that statement is wrong.

trips of truth

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as you can see Joshifags like their girls VERY YOUNG

Yep. Meiko, Nanae, Arisa Nakajima, Sareee, Takumi. That's who'd I say are tier 1.

>AZM, Starlight Kid
Nah dude they are not there yet, switch them with Mayu and Kagetsu
Which one Hoshiki or Nakajima? Both are great tho



>forgetting based DASH

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>Cherry, Tsukka, Yuka
Pls go back to r/edrones
I was doing a 2 for 1 desu.

Yuka is like 28 you simp

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Yuuka looks and acts like a little girl, that's why you idiots post her instead a better but uglier Joshi

>Omagad people post the better looking joshis on an image board
Truly shocking

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no Yuka is just cute

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You know the gag, dude. I actually did a school exchange as a teenager in Japan and met teenage Yuka so I know she's the same age as me.

true, also my dad is tony khan

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my uncle knows Yuka, he said he grew up with her in Fukuoka back in 1873

Based Shoko

Yuka is a genie so she is immortal

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How old are you if your uncle is 144 years old?

>all of those busted faces

Yeah. That's a hard pass from me.

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10/10 post

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triple threat with yuka as well

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>Miyu is like Godzilla, Yuka is like Mothra, and I am just a nobody kaiju like Anguirus, but I want to see Anguirus win! I will get it done at Korakuen! Please come watch!

Was this the ultimate TJPW promo?

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And no, I am not crying.

>watching this
>Baker tries to tag in shoko BEFORE getting heemed
lol from the way people were talking they made it sound like the heemening happened at the beginning of the match and Baker was out of it for the rest of the time
Baker is just fucking sloppy as fuck, this is embarrassing.

you are incorrect. watch it again.

About what? Baker doesn't get heemed until like 10 minutes into the match, she tries to tag Shoko in like 5 minutes in.

she gets kicked into the head the second Bea gets tagged in for the first time, it's the first thing Bea does in the match, concuss her.

She got rocked a few times and could have hurt both Shoko and Bea by being ludicrously bad, but the alleged concussion happened before the tag mistake.
I've actually never seen someone manage to be out of position for literally every move in a match before this.

Based Shoko

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That isn't where she got the concussion you fucking mouthbreather. It was this spot Compare the referee's reactions, it's obvious where she got fucking injured. You have to be the biggest fucking mark on the planet to get worked by a basic fucking stomp like that.

that spot happened because Britt was already concussed and fucked it up

Yes it was. She hitted her hard on the head at the beginning. The kick later on just made things worse.

She literally calls the ref over after the botched tag to tell her she's fucked so it's obvious it happened at the start.
The stomp botch was Britt fault though and was more likely to hurt Bea.

Watched this match just now. the one acting like a dog was cringey as fuck.

It was this spot you fucking retard. If you watched the match you would have saw that after Britt makes the tag she calls the ref to tell her she is kinda fucked and it's before the flying knees.


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She has a tail she is clearly a dog

She's a wolf ya dingus.

She's a bitch

When did she change her name from Kris Wolf to Shoko Nakajima?

I don't care how fragile and made of glass her dome piece is, that isn't hard enough to get a concussion.
>Britt makes the tag she calls the ref to tell her she is kinda fucked
Wow, I didn't realize they mic'd the ring that well.

>that isn't hard enough to get a concussion
Are you a doctor that can judge from videos? People get KO'd from shitty looking shots in combat sports all the time.
>Wow, I didn't realize they mic'd the ring that well.
I'm sure they were talking about earings while a match was happening in the midle of the ring.

>Abdullah the Butcher hoodie
Well dang she based

why did the ref allow this then

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what's to explain? women can't wrestle

the fuck if I know, Britt probably told the ref she could continue the match when clearly she should have stayed on the apron and just let Riho do the work.

>Are you a doctor that can judge from videos? People get KO'd from shitty looking shots in combat sports all the time.
Actually, recognizing and diagnosing concussions is a big part of my job.
>I'm sure they were talking about earings while a match was happening in the midle of the ring.
Probably talking about the fucking botch that just happened, idiot.

>Actually, recognizing and diagnosing concussions is a big part of my job.
nice LARP
>Probably talking about the fucking botch that just happened, idiot.
Yeah right, the ref stopped paying attention to the action in the ring to go talk with Britt how funny it was that she tried to tag to wrong jap.