Can we get an unironic AEW thread without cancerous console wars?

>what works?
>what doesn’t work?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>what works?
All things considered they’re doing okay. I think the roster is solid. When you look at potential main event guys and upper midcard guys you have:
>maybe Punk
That’s a solid list of guys. Combine that with the tag teams they have and with midcard guys like Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, MJF, Janela, Spears and Havoc and you have a good roster. People are really overreacting about their roster.

The only part of their roster that is lacking is their women’s division, but seeing as how Kenny is in charge of that I think they’ll be fine.

They also seem to be fully conscious of what fans like vs what they don’t like, which is a good thing imo.

>what needs improvement?
The production and commentary are the things that need the most attention imo.

The production isn’t that much of an issue as of right now. It’s a new company ran by a bunch of people new to their jobs. Hiccups are going to happen. Give it time and it will improve.

Commentary is sorta bad imo. Excalibur is fine, but Alex needs to go and someone needs to have a good sit down with JR. JR doesn’t need to be calling the matches. The only thing JR should be doing is selling the drama and putting things over.

Also, The Young Bucks need to turn heel.

Again, I think they’re in a good position atm. What I do hope though is that they don’t fall for all the external noise from the twitter crowd. Some smarks will literally never be happy so there’s really no need trying to appeal to them.

>this long ass essay within a minute of the thread going up
Did you make this thread just to paste your pre typed thesis as a reply?

Nah I fucked up the post and worked myself into a botch. Sorry fellas.

>>what works?
>>what doesn’t work?

Kek Awetists SEETHING


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>What works:
>What doesn’t work:
Non-Joshi wrestlers concussing and botching

>>what works?
>>what doesn’t work?

>What works
TV Deal and boss that has money
>What doesnt
Everything else apart maybe 5 guys on the roster

they really are just so short and it throws me off. the Shawn Spears Formerly Known as Tye Dillinger looks like Roman Reigns next to some of these guys!

Also, and maybe this is just a generational thing, but I feel like everybody does the same five moves and it pisses me off. Oh, oh, it's a superkikck! Ohno, a superkick from the heel! Wait-who is THIS?! THE HEEL'S BUDDY WITH A SUPERKICK!!! BAH GAWD ALICKS!!!

>>what works?
>what doesn’t work?
Self marks booking and producing the show

Go to squared or wooo for serious conversation tourist

This, but the 5 good guys don't matter, as they have to constantly work with the shitters.

Being completely honest and without shitposting. this shit just doesn't work. If the intended goal is to start another serious promotion this will go nowhere.

Wrestling is already seen as pretty cringey in the current day (WWE is no exception to this rule) however the stuff they do takes it to another level. they have an emphasis on doing goofy comedy shit (which really isn't funny) for their free content. Unfortunately it seems like not everyone in creative is taking their role very seriously in terms of booking something which they want to turn into weekly television.

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>>what works?
>>what doesn’t work?

You want the truth, no console wars bullshit? Ok, here goes: I watched that show with an open mind and now all I want out of you guys is a fucking APOLOGY. That was the worst fucking thing I've ever seen and 4 hours of my life I'll never get back! You sit here and fucking pretend you don't want a fight, but yet you flood this board with AEW threads daily. You disingenuous lying cucks. You don't want a war since you know you are losing and after that disgrace of a wrestling program i saw tonight... you're losing BIG TIME.

Tonight you created an enemy. You either apologize now or reap the fucking whirlwind my friend.

Main problem is that AEW is basically hype promotion right now. They live for the moment and book matches on the go. My main fear is that upcoming TV show will turn out to be the same zoomer product as their youtube shows but with bigger budget and matches inbeween
They might think of themselves as 'professioanls' but Young Bucks still got mindset of teenage indie fans from mid 00s and on the top of that is Tony Khan who`s basically young buisnesman from instragram with dad`s money and "OMG dude I luv rassin"
They don`t think about making their own stars because of "well, thats Kenny, how you cannot know him, what you don`t watch NJPW?", they put Kaz & Daniels on pre-show or lower card and say what you want about Triple H, but when it comes to spotlight its all abou Kenny, Cody, Brandy & Bucks

The weird self aware meta doesn’t mesh well when they are promoting a show about gun violence, or pandering for something else.
They need to ditch the entire YouTube show, the storylines, and keep us in the dark a little bit with the talent so that their target audience doesn’t get burnt out on terrible gimmicks that they want to see go away.
Sure they don’t want to copy WWE but they definitely need a company head character to give the show some narrative instead of having indie shitters kickoff the first hour and a half of their show.
Also Adam Page is getting Reigns booking and he’s putting people to sleep. They should be less worried about replacing the librarian gimmick when the guy they are trying to monster push sucks all of the air out of the room and is like 5’8

that ppv was like masterbating with a cheese grater -
slightly amusing, but mostly painful!

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>what works
They're not wwe
>what doesn't work
Their roster, their wrestling, and their presentation

I wish I had a Flux Capacitor to go back in time and murder each one of the knock off nWo the Bullet Club, them this shitty promotion wouldnt exist.

They only joined the BC to splinter it with a “premier” group of outsiders they kept bringing in. There is probably real heat between them OGBC.

>>what works?
>>what doesn’t work?
everything else


Sorry OP, I stopped reading your dissertation the moment I saw you included CM Punk as an AEW member. Seriously, take your fantasy booking and go get raped to death by a pack of nigs.

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They need to start explaining why x are fighting y more. Right now the matches just kinda happen. I get that they currently only have sporadic PPVs, but still. And I suppose it's part of the more sports-like presentation. There was the Jericho stuff at least, I guess

Yeah the matches are very samey, everybody flips and flops around. Like it's kinda funny when you really start thinking about how much almost everybody constantly jumps around now, it's entirely different compared to even five or ten years ago

> what works
Time limits automatically make the matches matter, keeping people in tag team matches for the most part is good for protecting them long term, having actual build up to the upcoming championship matches, dropping hints of future feuds and matches as soon as the bell rings, Cody is unironically shining big time and will potentially be the gatekeeper the company needs for their future plans
> what doesn't
A lot of the comedy comes off as forced and interrupts the flow of matches, way too many false finishes exhaust the viewer, throwing in spots in matches that aren't necessary or undermine the importance of the match (DoN battle royale, 3 way tag team match at FftF), putting shitters on the preshow

I think this show had noticeably little comedy. It was pretty serious all around, just a bunch of serious wrestling matches back to back

To be honest, I don't know much of anything about Bullet Club. So your reply falls on deaf ears.

But, I do feel that if the Bullet Club never rised to popularity, AEW would not have been created. The Bucks would be in NXT where they belong, Omega would be facing Brock at SummerSlam, and Stardust would still be jobbing to Bob y Roode on the preshow.

This is pretty accurate

They seem to be trying to build Hangman into something. Jericho coming out to attack him and then talking for ten minutes about how he has to beat the Hangman and trying to make them cheer for him. Remains to be seen if that will go anywhere. Right now he doesn't have much of a personality since they never get to talk much, so there's not really anything to grab onto. Maybe they should let everybody do short promos before going out to fight, instead of those video packages. Ultimately people are fans of the personalities.

Nothing. Just let it flop. Once this flops nobody will bother trying pour money in this fake and gay wrestling thing. Then we can all rejoice because wrestling will continue on its trajectory to irrelevancy, jobbing to other entertainment pastimes until it is no more.

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>retardation the post

Cody legitimately looks the most like a "star" on the roster, even just when he comes out he looks like a guy who's somebody. I think that's maybe something they're lacking, most people on the roster look like very plain humans apart from their ring gear


It's a small thing but I like how JR occasionally mentions different rules. Like "you can kick with your sole but not with the tip", little notes like that. The time limit is also fun, I was worried it would basically just give away match lengths, but they've circumvented that somewhat by not constantly finishing with almost all the time used. Though if they come out saying the time limit is 60 minutes, it's probably not going to last under half an hour

The only problem with the women’s division is that it exists at all

>replying to the wrong post

what works
>okay roster, stars dragged down with influx of shitters
>production is above back yard fed but below international showcase standard

what doesn't work
>no brand recognition
>no real storylines without tv (obviously will change though)
>smarky style booking will reject casuals
>a lot of matches are stunt shows over story telling

I think they need to go more of the NJPW serious sports presentation route and basically cleanse themselves of the stench of indie darling comedy spotfests because it really really lowers their image and makes them look like a carnie circus. You notice that AEW started out everyone was saying "WWE IS FINISHED" and by the third show people are saying "Ehh, it's still pretty okay!" They don't take themselves seriously enough. They're trying to be everything at once.

>being a retard

I replied to the guy who busted OP for making a fake thread just so he could post his "State of The AEW Address".

Then I called out OP by name and tore his ass apart, like I just did you. Don't fuck with me little kid, your arms are too short to box with God.

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>They might think of themselves as 'professioanls' but Young Bucks still got mindset of teenage indie fans from mid 00s and on the top of that is Tony Khan who`s basically young buisnesman from instragram with dad`s money and "OMG dude I luv rassin"
This is why they need to give Cody control of the company. He's the only one born into this and understands how to be a true successful carnie hustler.

Sorry, pal, but no way dude with cowboy attire can be a top star

Just looking at the facts, AEW's best wrestler (Omega) is on par with one of WWE's biggest jobbers (Gable).

You just cannot compare the two when one is so far superior. Saying there's a "war" btwn companies is like saying humans are at war with ants.


My biggest problems are
>The Production
I want to cut them some slack because it's only the 3rd show in, but the sound/camera/backstage direction is very sloppy
Holy fuck replace Marvez
>Women's Division
Allie/Bea/Britt/Brandi are all problems

Other than that I really have no issues. They even managed to turn the shit librarian gimmick into a legit heat drawing gimmick that helped get Sonny over. I trust some things will improve with time, but I also expect some things won't, and that will come down to people getting fired or reduced roles.


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Like I said, I think it's generational. Back when I was way into Edge and Eddie Guerrerro, it was chokeholds, wheel kicks and suplexes, now everybody has a tope, a crazy ass flip slam and a backflip press up their ass.

As far as explaining the action, they just need some weekly action to tie it together. I was thinking to myself how this and Fyter Fest felt more like double-length RAW episodes than actual PPVs, but that's gonna change once they have a flagship show.

>what works?
>what doesn’t work?
joshi shit
Young bucks

>Can we get an unironic AEW thread without cancerous console wars?

Nope. Fuck off back to Ribbit. AEW's shit, ya seethe?


-I think the tag division looks promising, I feel like they got a lot of good looking dudes in there who can all go, plus it actually looks like it's a "division" unlike there just being two teams feuding with each other constantly.
-I like Kenny, and I was pleasantly reminded why with that match against CIMA. Good match.
-Bringing in Joshi's to mix with decent women's wrestlers has worked out for them well so far.

-Every match was so needlessly long last night at Fight for the Fallen.
-Brandi isn't a good face and is a more natural heel, they also ruined the gimmick immediately at the end.
-What the fuck are they doing with Hangman Page? This is some real Lex Express sorta build they're attempting with him.

>what doesn't work
Excalibur needs to write down bullet points so he can say what he wants to say quickly and with energy so when the camera cuts to him he doesn't look like a retard with a mouth full of peanut butter.

I'd like to add to your point. If JR is gonna sound like a tired, sour boomer, then he needs to fuck off.

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This is literally what they were using that show for. They built plenty of all out matches......they dont have tv show yet so people expecting everything to be clear an explained are dumb

>posts the only two women worse than AEW's girl wrestlers
Ya blew it
>what works
So far, most of the matches are doing a fair job of establishing characters through action instead of running endless promos where a weird guy with a beard and a topknot rambles up a fight with whatever midcarder WWE needs to push. That's the only way they're ever gonna get Sonny Kiss over-bitch, shut up and fight!
The time limit makes every match mean something, which is important when pecking orders aren't fully established
>what doesn't?
The indie style is a little... Dramatic. The faster pacing is nice and everybody's selling their ass off but there's way too many flip moves, false finishes and comeback rallies. The key to wrestling is to make everybody look powerful and tough, but guys consistently kicking out of ring-apron DDTs and Canadian Destroyers just makes the guy doing the move look weak. Right now finishers need to finish shit, not just start the pinning stalemates.
They gotta get the women on one page, ASAP! The Western women hit stiff but work sloppy, and the joshis move and slam like machines but their punches are so soft even they can barely sell them. I know you gotta protect the moneymaker, but shit!
The production is wonky too, but the only part that really annoys me is the entrance music not being piped into the feed-Everybody's walking out dramatically on this amazing stage at this elaborate wrestling show and it always just sounds like a jukebox is on in the background. And the lighting's too bright, focus on the match!
I mean, why buildup at all? Shit should just be crashing into each other until they have a weekly show.

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>what doesn’t work?
Long matches
50 false finishes every match

Works: Joshi, Moxley as the major player, some different matches from the WWE style.

Doesn't Works: Too many tag matches, they should remain only for the legit tag teams and tag title picture going forward and shouldn't be the main event unless titles are on the line or something.
Hangman Page as a top guy: he doesn't really feel like he belongs there at all yet and him winning the title first would be a huge mistake. It reeks of desperate "see we can build our own guys!"
Production / Camera - They HAVE to get somebod(ies) in there who can make some good themes it's a huge part of wrestling. If everyone keeps coming out to shit muffled themes it will always feel like the bingo halls.
Bit too many slow build / long matches.

>what works

Seriously, explain to me what they doing better than WWE/NXT? Nothing. Worse wrestling. Worse entertainment. This is supposed to be an "alternative" but they're just an inferior copy of their competition. WWE/NXT-lite. They're just another TNA, not a WCW.

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AEW can officially be considered a failed experiment at this point. Debating as to why it failed is self masterbation at it's best.


>console wars
Can you please shut the fuck up and go back to Yea Forums? Also, it's Monday Night Wars for wrestling, you fucking idiot.

well for one it's not as fucking gaudy as the wwe is insisting to be

whats been there best match so far?

holy cringeola

>discussing wrestling unironically
Have sex

The show last night was fucking dog shit. Lucha Bros are cancerous, Youny Bucks are cancerous, muh moves, nobody sold any move at all, the women were somehow worse than WWE women, I really have no desire to watch AEW again after that shit show


if Kenny was in WWE he would be working programs with Dolph Ziggler in the middle of the 9 oclock hour.

he would be facing Tyler breeze or apollo crews on tv regularly.

He literally CANNOT TALK ever. It just goes to show you that being utterly protected by NEVER BEING SEEN IN NJPW. is all that makes someone 'cool'. Just never be seen.

99% of everyone, including 'fans' have ONLY seen Kenny Omega on Youtube. Hes an "on demand" superstar

when he starts working weekly tv, hes going to fall to pieces

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>What doesnt work
Brandi Rhodes is an absolute hysterical-tier narcissist mulatta that utterly hates humanity.

>"Im better than Stephanie Mcmahon"
posts her shitter on instagram, then literally actually chastises literal nobodies in the comments about "muh womens treatment" "repeck me!" and other lecturing. She is the diametric opposite of Stephanie.

something is functionally wrong with American mut-women. They are, all of them, utterly filled with hatred, and do nothing but chastise, lecture and growl at anyone and everyone they can.

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this e-drone absolutely SEETHING hahaha

That's IF they can get Penta and Fenix full time, Scurll won't be there for ages, Punk is never going, PAC won't until he drops his gate, Jericho is old and fat, and Mox is looking more suited to Japan. I really think their roster needs a lot of work. They have a shitload of people that have potential in a few years though.

There's also some clear geeks and i'm worried they won't be ruthless enough with their friends. Janela is a fat joke that can't wrestle, Havoc is a joke, the Librarians suck, Sonny Kiss for some fucking reason tries to wrestle like a mid 00s Diva.


How does this video make you feel Yea Forums.

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>PAC won't until he drops his gate
what do you mean?

>Jericho is old and fat
he can still go and they really need his star power, plus he'll probably retire after this contract

>Mox is looking more suited to Japan

>what doesn’t work?

their minor league production

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This shit is so gay it makes mens figure skating look straight. This shit is so gay Rupaul watches it for tips. This shit is so gay it got endorsed by US womens soccer team.

His open the dragon gate dealie, he's super loyal to them and by a long way their biggest star at the moment.

>Things that work:
Most of the shit Cody books is not bad. The Darby Anus match made him look week as fuck but the only matches that seem to have the "sports" "realism" "believability" they were going for involve his matches and they stand out because of that.
Production value of the show is nice in terms of stages, rings, pyro etc but considering there is a biilionaire backing it thats not surprising,
>What doesnt work:
The roster is as thin as bus terminal toliet paper. It has 5 top guys at most and then a gallery of Whoville citizens. No backgrounds are given and not enough info is given about any of these people. I dont care where they came from that shit isnt important because they all came from tiny promotions in comparison to what theyre trying to establish. Every other company either repackages the talent or puts together vignettes or interviews to help explain their characters. Booking is mess outside of Cody. The Young Cucks humor is not funny beyond the audience that watches BTE. Stop booking the show like an extension of BTE. Kenny seems lost or is being exposed or doesnt want to be there or idk. He's there to bring star power and legitimacy not to be tinkering with 80lb jap cosplayers. None of the styles presented in terms of wrestling mesh. It feels like a thrown together slop of indy ideas instead of a cohesive product. The commentary team is bloated. Go to a 2 man booth make the masked faggot unmask and stop belittling JR because he doesnt know what a hadouken is. JR is there to also bring legitimacy and put over stars because he has called some of the greatest moments in the past. If you're not going to respect that or make fun of it get rid of him.

Unironically true despite the faggot spacing

I think Penta has something but he needs to 1/4 the amount of times he says zero miedo. We fucking get it, mate. Also, the glove thing is reeeeally shitty. He looks like a fucking mime when he does it. A human's natural inclination is to want a mime to die, that is no good for a face.

>what doesn’t work?
this fucking dude right here

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>>what works?
everything that doesn't
>>what doesn’t work?
The Dark Order. The tranny. The non-japanese female wrestlers. Hangman Adam Page as a credible contender for the big title. Some of the matches are too long.

Wow, what a great wrestling match, packed with all kinds of great wrestling moves. We've got a great roster here at AEW and we're excited for what we've got to show you and we hope you'll be excited too.

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I honestly liked the Dark Order. Their gimmick fucking sucks, but they were good at doing tag team stuff. Spot on about Page though, he needs a few years and even then the more I see him, the less I think of him.

Penta is based reliable mexican worker who always puts on a good match whoever he is with

His gimmick is supposed to be comic-book tier digestible. It crosses language and cultural barriers that way.

>"Dark Order are from Places Unknown.."
>"I actually think they're from Canada."
This fucking dude

Oh ok, that actually makes sense.

Yeah, the Dark Order is a good tag team (formerly the Smash Brothers) but yeah the gimmick sucks. Maybe they can make it work. It isn't complete death like the Librarian shit.

Did notice that by the Rhodes/Bucks match Excalibur and JR were flat out ignoring him which I don't blame them at all

Penta is the most charismatic wrestler on the world. You can't understand what he says but he gets your attention when he talks trash on spanish.

I saw him cut a promo in english at a indie show, it wasn't much but it got the point across.

Marvez works as an NFL sportscaster so it's obvious that Tony brought him board as part of their attempt to become sports-centric. Just a shame that he's a fucking goofball and everything he says drips with insincerity and cringe worse than Michael Cole.

There. I just fixed AEW's commentary.

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>>what works?
Yuka is based
>>what doesn’t work?
Weak roster
No star besides Moxley
Too much indy spot monkey shitters
Adam Page has no credibility to be a top star
bad women division
the young bucks
kenny omega lost all his momentum and he is a traitor
the commentary
the smell of the fans

His voice literally sounds like his wife is getting fucked in another room while he is calling the action. How the fk is he working for the NFL? He can't be doing the same shit because his voice was straight up droopy, had no volume, no attack, no flavor, no memorable lines. I just seemed to auto-ignore the commentary after a point and I don't recall anything other than 'Meteora' being said twenty times.

Lads does anyone know what that banger of a song they played for Page’s video package was? Googling the lyrics doesn’t work and neither does Shazam, I can’t be the only one who thought it was hype shit.


Paul and Excalibur would be great.

>The Young Bucks need to turn heel.


Imagine being able to hear Tony Schiavone on TNT again to welcome us to the program. That'd be KINO. Make it happen, Khans.

Also, FUCK Alex Marvez.

Sorry I meant Tommy.

>Actually unironically discussing wrestling
The absolute literal STATE of this thread. BEGGIN Y'ALL to indulge in coitus

Spot on my man, spot on. 0 emotion coming from this dude -- WHICH IS THE ONE THING YOU NEED IF YOURE GOING TO BE A FUCKING WRESTLING COMMENTATOR ON TV!

The fuck were they thinking.

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The problem is they don't know how to use their talent properly. I mean, why the fuck would you sign Jimmy Havoc if you're not going to use him in the thing he's good at, deathmatches? Same with Moxley, he isn't that good in the ring but he's excelent in hardcore/deathmatches. They have a versatile guy in Penta that can work any type of matches yet he's only used in tag team matches (mostly because the young cucks want to inflate their little fragile ego), the guy solidified himself as a main eventer on the indies and should be treated as such. You can book Penta in a feud with either Jimmy Havoc or Darby Anus, both guys guys would work really great with him given their gimmicks. You can say the same for Fenix, the guy can have a 5 star match with a broom (he's like mexican Ibushi) and yet he's used in tag matches.

AEW feels like the elite's little project to put themselves over

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the only reason he has a job is because he's cawdy's friend or something, that's all.

> unironically discussing wrestling
And this faggot responding. Dont use words you dont understand

I showed my friend Fight for the Fallen last night (he hasn't watched wrestling in more than 10 years). He thought it was awesome, said it was much better than WWE, and he was cracking up all throughout the librarian "shhhssss" bits, which he said was the best taunt he'd ever seen LMAO.


Dont use terms you dont understand

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>"shiiiit son?! you tellin me dat bitch has a dick?! awww snap!! haha! I for real wanna fuck that dude. pass the blizunt and go back to sucking my black dick buddy. you were right, aew is way better than wwf. don't forget to mind the stepchildren little white boi best friend."

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I think you guys truly need your own board. All I ever see in every thread is aewcucks crying about this, seething about that. Being complete little bitches.
Believe it or not, but you're even more insufferable after you put up a shitty ppv - so much so that we actually want you guys to succeed now.
But the problem is... you never will. WWE is just too powerful. And their supporters on Yea Forums are seemingly more mature and better educated. I'd liken them to gods and aewcucks are little tiny ants.
That is why Yea Forums will always be a WWE owned and controlled board. Either get your own board, go back to redd1t where you came from, or kys. aewcucks crying everyday does not belong on our board.

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Keep dreaming, Vincel. Your best days are long behind you.

So how'd your thread go OP?

lemme guess... YOU KILLED YOURSELF!

Blahhahahaha!!!!! don't bring your redit shit around here black boy.

>What works
Billionaire owner, ready to throw money at any of his mark friend's mark friends
>What doesn't work
At the end of the day they aren't as big as a deal as they think and aren't presented as an alternative, just as another wrestling show.

What works
>Good roster of talent willing to go out and have good matches for you

What doesn't work
>The build of Page as being worthy of a main event spot has been pisspoor.
>Cody and The Bucks being self indulgent and taking the main event spots for 30 minute shit fest
>Long matches in general. Quality over quantity. I hate the forced epic meltzer bait shit.

>what works
Sonny Kiss
>what doesn't work
Everything else

This is a Sonny Kiss board. We're taking over.

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Last night was unironically just as bad as tonights "extreme" rules ppv

>cancerous console wars
well you guys started it first so

they have to get rid of that indie shit. it won't survive on tv. if they want to be a flash in the pan they are on the right track but why would anybody take this promotion serious?

they have few actual stars and only moxley vs cody/omega/jericho matches left. you can talk about 'star making performances' with guys like darby allin, but are you really expecting them to be wrestling for titles?

page is a black hole

>no pieter

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Joshi doesn't work. They consistently have the worst matches of the show. Either they hired the wrong Joshi or they're exposing Joshi as a fraud. Either way it's not good output.

thinking about the future, who do you guys think is going to be the 1st talent (men or women) who is going to jump ship/get stole/ betray/sell out to wwe.

I mean in the times wwf/wcw this was a common thing.

I think a lot CAN work, but I can't really tell what is working now because we need actual results.

What isn't working is pushing boomer Jericho when all steam has left the man's body. He's gotten significantly worse over the year.

George Barrios in disguise trying to sabotage the competition

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