Fixing AEW Before Weekly TV Debut

All Elite Wrestling has something no other US-based promotion that isn't the WWE has: hype, strong financial backing, a TV deal on a major network. However, there are still things that need to be addressed and here's some of them which I REALLY do not like.

>Company Name: All Elite Wrestling
>there's a team called "The Elite" which consists of The Young Bucks (and Kenny?), the EVP's of the company
What the fuck? How does that make any sense? Either change your stable name or get rid of it altogether.

Also, the fucking YouTube Channels.
>Being The Elite (Young Bucks, Kenny, Cody, and other AEW people appear here).
>Nightmare Family (Cody's channel)
>All Elite Wrestling
I can understand BTE is their "comedy"/fan-focused YT channel, and that's fine. There, AEW talent can just mess around and have fun and appear and what not. All good fun. However, Nightmare Family needs to go and stop posting AEW shit on it. Just put it all on the fucking main AEW YouTube channel! Why the fuck should one need to subscribed to Cody's random-ass channel to learn more about an event, or get inside info on it? Makes no fucking sense. It's stupid. The average fan wouldn't know how to find that shit, let alone knowing Nightmare Family somehow is Cody. It's so fucking dumb,

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I don't watch semen slurping wrestling so i don't care

What things would you modify before their TV show, Yea Forums?

They need to purchase Impact. Outright. They need to get serious. Impact has a very great roster. AEW's biggest problem is the lack of a strong roster, Impact's biggest problem is the lack of buzz, a merger would be perfect. If AEW: Impact is presented as a show, they're far more likely to land on a Turner Network, which is one of Impact's biggest problems as well. AEW needs help in preparation for TV and Impact has a strong enough roster to really elevate them, there were conversations in January about AEW buying out Impact.

I would demote the young cucks back to the midcard. Push lucha brothers to the moon. That's a start. This main event was embarrassing. Crowd hated it. The game thread on Yea Forums slowed to a crawl. You can tell they legitimately killed the momentum.

Furthermore, they need to strengthen relationships with other companies. AAA, NOAH, AJPW, DDT. AEW should serve as a hub, where companies can send their wrestlers to perform for. AEW is sending Cody, Kenny, the Bucks to AAA but they're getting nothing in return since the Lucha Bros are already with AEW. Commentary sucks, they need Goldenboy to replace Marvez permanently.

I dont care what Khan says, they NEED to go out of the ring, out of the arena, shoot pretapes, build angles and stories. If its just fucking indy style spotfest wrestling without any character building and story development outside the ring, casuals will find it boring as fuck which is quite counter productive if Khan wants to bring back all the "lapsed fans"

Having relationships with companies is a hell. Riho got pinned by a chick that isn't going to be full time with the company.

Literally Road to shows and in-ring matches. The MJF/Spears match was literally building a story. The wrestling was secondary.


aew was screwed the moment they started naming "wrestlers" to their roster

Riho and Nakajima are very good friends, though. And Riho did a bunch of dates for TJPW. They tagged together many times, that's not an issue whatsoever.

While I agree with what you said user, I don't think that's happening anytime soon because the guys are "Executive Vice Presidents" of the company. Blegh. I'm honestly getting so tired of seeing Cody, Kenny, and the Young Bucks stroke their cocks so often. I also feel like Tony Khan, just from what I've seen and heard of him, doesn't have the will/backbone to demote any of the EVPs. Shit, there's probably something in their contract guaranteeing good positions on the card. Main event fucking sucked.

>young bucks in charge of demoting themselves
Good fucking luck lmao

I keep forgetting Kenny is actually a Vice President. I always just think of him as a talent. I also feel like he doesn't want that title and just wants to wrestle and perform well.

Replace everyone with cute Japanese girls

>everyone talks about how WWE will die in your lifetime
>Aew will die way earlier than WWE in our lifetime

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Well, he's obviously in charge of the women. If he didn't have that power, he wouldn't have signed with AEW.

I agree 100%. Impact (from what I've read) is doing amazing things apparently, but the sad part is that, at least for me, Impact will ALWAYS be associated to the absolute garbage fire that was TNA during the Bischoff/Hogan days. What a fucking disaster of a time. Really hope AEW buys them outright like you said, Impact on TV gets cancelled and absorbed with AEW TV.

Four Points
Dear fucking God, they have Jake and/or Dustin handling that shit, or at least acting like a goddamn fuck no to all 4 of the EVPs. Which will likely take out the goddamn at the midpoint to end of every tag match anything goes, the goddamn narcissistic booking (fucking Kenny is the only one who seems to have a "nah famalamadingdongdiddlyboing gonna put over other talent" attitude.
>2. Comedy
Fucking fully commit ON SHOW. have the goddamn comedy acts only go against other comedy acts (Peter Avalon vs Orange Cassidy, blow your wad and sign David Arquette and keep him towards the top of the undercard, etc.) Separate Nightmare Family and Being the Elite from the product (at the very least once it stops being PPVs), put the promo style shit that is on Nightmare Family on the goddamn AEW channel.
>3. More Belts
Seriously you have the top 3 but no mid card, and absolutely no undercard belts, and they're all being held right now by Vacant (who's held gold in every single promotion known to man) come on now.
>4. Just don't compete with the E.
Be your own goddamn product and quit taking shots at Stanford. Carve out your niche.

Here's what I'm guessing. AEW: Dynamite on Wednesdays on TNT, AEW: Impact on Thursdays on TBS or another Turner network, possibly TruTV. AEW buys the names, the rights, everyone under contract and most importantly, their tape library. Impact has a wealth of talent that AEW would benefit tremendously from, Brian Cage, LAX, Killer Kross, Moose, Johnny Impact. LAX looks to be staying with Impact. Also, AAA is a mutual partner of both AEW and Impact, meaning you don't have to sacrifice your AAA bookings if you work for AEW. Further, AEW gets access to prime Mexican talent, guys like Aerostar, El Texano Jr., Lady Shani. AEW has a very weak roster and they need guys who look like superstars like fish needs water. If AEW buys Impact, they become significantly stronger and they also save Impact's ass, quite frankly.

>already struggling and weekly booking hasn’t even started yet
>haha they should buy Impact and run two shows weekly
What a fucking retard you are.

>More belts

This "everyone gets a belt" shit is 100% cancer. There shouldn't be ANY belts for the undercard, because that devalues the very concept of champion belts, you tremendous faggot, you.

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>AEW: Impact

At this point in time man, I'd just drop the "Impact" name. That way, it doesn't link to anything TNA. I'm thinking they just buy the whole damn company and use their roster and market the combination as just All Elite Wrestling, and completely killing anything TNA/Impact/Anthem had its hands on.

Fuck it, then. Run one show with a stacked roster. They seriously need to get more from their partners. What the fuck is AAA doing, AAA isn't sending over anyone. The only people sending AEW their talents are TJPW, the Joshi fed.

Add that on to, buy either RoH or Impact.
Hell fuck it buy both, Impact as the second brand (I mean fuck some signees are getting checks for literally sitting ontheir asses, give them a place) And RoH as pretty much their Developmental brand.
The undercard is where the constantly changing shit goes, you know Hardcore/Deathmatch title
It's more that they need that midcard belt (to use the E the Intercontinental/US or Impact's X-Division) to get people ready for a push, instead of just "lol you're in the main event scene now".

I'd fire almost the entire roster and hire a bunch of bodybuilders, actual wrestlers, and ex-football players.

>Undercard is bad
Did you niggas missed Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus and Darby became stars in two shows?.

They are over as FUCK.

Same, but you have to admit Impact does make for an edgy second show name.
>being this much of a faggot
Jim or Vince, you decide.

Youtube smarks are the worst.
The company will tank.

Some of them are over, they just need to be given fucking storylines

Sinclair isn't selling ROH, so ROH is doomed for a permanent existence of mediocrity after NJPW dumps them. Anthem actually wants and wanted to sell Impact. AEW absolutely should've snapped them up when they had the chance. Can you fucking imagine how powerful that company would be if they had said yes in January instead of no?

Darby is on the midle of a storyline with Cody and Spears. Cody couldn't put him away in 20 minutes.
Spears just pinned him clean.

Lucha and JB are going to be the chasers of the division.

Thank you for saying it for me. Only one person can be the champion because only one can be the best. Mid card belts destroy the concept of being the best. Having one Mcguffin for everyone to fight over makes that Mcguffin have more value and prestige.

Fucking should have bought the goddamn shit Tony, fuck what Christopher Keith Irvine of Winnipeg-you-idiot, Manitoba wanted.

lol you mad as fuck. I'm sorry your manlet indie outlaw geeks draw zero dimes and are only in AEW because all the actual decent talent are working for other promotions.

>"This went down in September and Anthem was willing to talk but Khan said that he was not interested in buying an existing company."

God damn, what a fucking retard. You're in a war with Vincent Kennedy McMahon, who will try his hardest to put you out of business before buying your company. Grow a fucking pair of balls and step up already. Good lord.

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It would be refreshing to just see 1 Singles Championship. I am absolutely exhausted with the midcard shit, especially how in the WWE for example, it means fucking nothing.

1 Singles Title
1 Tag Team Title
1 Women's

That's a good fucking starting point for now.

>decent talent
You mean the guys who have to dodge piss tests who are working for promotions that have had the feds constantly seeing if they're still giving them juice?

>crying about steroids in pro-wrestling

The booking is perfect if you pay any attention and aren't a brainlet.

They have been setting up a feud between Spears and Darby

So, not only does Spears look better than Cody for pinning Darby - he also secures a future feud

At the same time, MJF's love for his 'bro' Cody is kinda in questions - because at the end, he backed away from Spears

The Lucha Brothers needed a win to before challenging the bucks again and settle the score.

The bucks winning made sense. They are permanent tag team. Cody is mostly a singles guy.

I'd say at least one more, have a trios title as well, I mean fuck if we want to have the AAA and OWE partnerships matter, bring those in.

Says the guy popping boners over roided out guys he wants to train his ass like 9 black guys did to Kevin Nash in the Summer of 92.

The first time I heard of AEW being backed by a billionaire the first thing I thought they should have done is buy Impact.

WWE is never going to be defeated while the rest of the wrestling talent in America is spread over AEW, ROH and Impact.

How about the fact that the BTE “comedy” which set the tone for the entire promotion is fucking terrible and they should actually throw a writer or two a bone asap

Is there anyone backstage to keep the checks and balances in AEW? I tire of the Young Bucks's matches and since they're Vice Presidents, I expect them to book themselves well and shit and whatnot.

I don't know of Shahid Khan is too involved with decision-making, and Tony comes across as "you guys do whatever you want". I don't know. I just really don't like the "oh hey those are the vice presidents wrestling!"

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Project your gay thoughts harder queer.
You talk like a faggot.

I really hate the elite being the name of the company. It just shows it is going to be the bucks and friends show.

They have a sober Jake Roberts, and a by god I'm sure he wants to retire from the ring Dustin Rhodes, at least have non-competitors book the goddamn matches.
He's not and it looks to be more and more there's nobody there to really reign in the EVPs aside from themselves.

>nash 92 poster

Aaaand opinion discarded and invalidated. Go back to /r/squaredcircle. Maybe you'll get some epic upvotes over there with that material bro!

changing none of this is worth it just to work the smarks

Says the guy who wants roided idiots who stopped drawing dimes in 1997 because he just can't find gay porn.

There is no fixing it
It is what it is and it will succeed or fail according to those merits

It would make the most sense for the Young Bucks if they are going to give themselves the tag team belts for them to turn heel, and then lose it to Lucha bros

But I get the feeling the bucks are never going to go outright heel and just want to stay fluid and be what ever they want on any given day. I think they get off too much on the "holy shit" reactions and the synchronized action spots than to go full heel.

They could just run with the "we are the ELITE and built this company ourselves fuck you" attitude, hell even have MJF team up with them too.

But none of that will happen.

>Fire everyone
>Fold AEW

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Let’s be real, they debut with this content on TNT it’s going to be ridiculed. Like it may actually go viral only for the fact it’s so fucking bad and some people are ironically watching it for some memes

Eat shit faggot

The only two things they need to fix imo is their production and their commentary.

The production isn’t that big of a deal. They’re only three shows in so they’re bound to make some mistakes. It’s all new, and it’s going to take awhile to get in the flow of things.

The commentary is an issue imo. Excalibur is really good, JR goes up and down and Alex is fucking awful. They need to ditch Alex, and tell JR to let Excalibur call the match. All JR needs to do is sell the drama.

Other than that I think they’re doing okay. So far they’ve show that they’re conscious of what fans like and don’t like. Their roster is solid, and there’s still a few guys and girls who are yet to sign but are likely too.

Fuck... I can see it already. The first show will begin with the fucking Elite coming out, give the "WE ARE AWSUM NOBODY CAN DO US BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" promo where Cody sounds terrible.

Motherfucker, the way to kick off AEW on TNT is to do this:
>video package about AEW is shown
>it ends
>go to explosive pyro
>Jim Ross spills his heart with "Welcome to All Elite Wrestling on TNT!"
>exciting tag team match THAT DOESNT FEATURE ANY OF THE FUCKING ELITE takes place
>it's a hit
>NOW at any point The Elite can come out and jerk themselves off on camera

Fuck lads, why aren't people less self-centered and egotistical? I swear if I was in The Elite, I'd let other talent flourish and shine and put others over me. I have a feeling Kenny's doing a bit of that, but I'm getting sick of Cody and The Bucks.

Im just sick of the bucks

Ive genuinely liked cody so far, hes one of the best genuine wrestlers in the company thats not just doing gymnastics

The bucks just want to win every match and make it all about them.

I feel like Cody will put other people over. But I don't think the Bucks will, personally. They seem to be buying a lot of their shit hype.


I guarantee you that the fucking bucks will go over the Lucha Bros again in the rematch. Their egos are out of control. It's like a tag team Triple Gaytch.

Maybe the Bucks are sleeping with Tony Khan

Based Don samefagging on Yea Forums

Cody seems like Kenny in even if he wins, he's getting that other guy over as fuck. The Cucks are the weakest link in the EVP grouping, and I'm even counting goddamn Brandy in that group.
Like seriously, who do you honestly think is making every tag team go out there and turn it into a tornado tag at the end of every match, maybe the guys in charge who literally have a double team finisher that requires them to be in the ring regardless of the tag.

The booking is so wrestling bubble. If it was Attitude Era, Cody would came out guns blazing blasting Shawn Spears' head in to a pulp after his attack.

okay at first it was a joke, but i genuinely think they will barely last 2 years.

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There's no way in hell this outlaw shit will appeal to a mainstream audience. There's a reason outlaw shit is outlaw shit.

>the goddamn narcissistic booking (fucking Kenny is the only one who seems to have a "nah famalamadingdongdiddlyboing gonna put over other talent" attitude.
the Bucks wanted to lose at DoN put Tony has the final say and put them over. all booking decisions are Tony.

lol Impact begging to be bought and put out of their misery

>buying a shit, dead, failed, cursed company

Everyone should have been worried from the get when it was called All Elite Wrestling. Just like we should have known shit was going to go south when Impact was renamed TNA by Russo. Instead of giving it a name that focused solely on wrestling it was named after a stable. And that is the start of the problem. The focus is not on the in ring product regardless of what their PR machine says and that is obvious to eyeballs and the fact that they're creating angles that require viewing BTE to have any sense of the bad joke theyre trying to make with certain matches. None of this shit meshes. The Young Bucks and Omegas humor clashes with Cody's style of booking his matches and that clashes with the joshis and other irregular fringe stuff theyre trying to incorporate. Even if you like joshis and what not the point is that you know jit is a niche of a niche and they do next to nothing of explaining any of it. Tonight they said Beau Priestly had been one of their first sign ups and it was 5 months in the making for her to debut. She debuts cold in a match with joshis. I have no idea who she is, and have never heard of the promotion she was with so why should I care? This isnt a Jericho or Mox who has a history and is a known commodity. This is literally someone only the people already following her would know. They're running this like a glorified indy league. ROH with more money or early TNA with a less talented roster. And then to make things even more strange suddenly there is a Championship Committee. Who the fuck is that? Are they trying to say someone other than the Bucks, Cody and the rest of the Elite are booking when in kayfabe and shoot we know thats true. Did they rename that group? No one knows. So now they have a corporate entity that apparently makes matches and there is even less separation between them and the company they keep swearing theyre not competing with.

it's literally the 5 of them, Kenny, Cody, Bucks and Tony. they run the company inside a WhatsApp groupchat.

>Tonight they said Beau Priestly had been one of their first sign ups and it was 5 months in the making for her to debut. She debuts cold in a match with joshis. I have no idea who she is, and have never heard of the promotion she was with so why should I care?
these PPVs are filler shows before the TNT show starts airing. when the show starts they are going to have to introduce everyone, Kenny and the Bucks etc to a casual audience. they aren't explaining who the joshis and Bea are because if you're watching FTFF chances are you're a smark who doesn't need this information

Not everything needs to be a long match. I was complaining about this in the live threads, was there any reason to drag out Page vs. Kip for 19 minutes? You trim all the fat and slowness out of that and it would've been a stellar outting for both talent, but I felt myself age physically during some of these matches.

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really? did they come out and say that?

yep, watch the Chris Van Vliet interview

But that doesnt hold water because I cant be the only person who doesnt know and you cant run shows up to a TV weekly show that have nothing to do with the product they're going to be presenting. They already had a number 1 contenders match on one show and decided the other opponent on another show. No one needs the main guys explained because they have name recognition. They dont have to introduce any of those guys. It's 5 top guys. 90% of the roster are unknowns that have not been addressed at all.

They need actually physically fit guys and not emeaciated male models like Guverra or Allin. Killer Kross, Tim Thatcher, Brian Cage, Alex Hammerstone, Brian Pillman Jr. Hell get fucking Low Ki if you're desperate enough. Just get someone who looks like a star

I think the show will be cancelled before the new year

>crowd sourcing ideas on a mongolian cave drawings board

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I think there are problems much much much much much mich much much bigger than those OP

TNT aired Nitro on Mondays and aired it twice back to back in case anybody missed it. If they run from the competition then they aren't competition. They are just another wrestling show.

They need to get rid of or at least improve their "filler content." The pre shows have been mostly cringeworthy filler segments that diminish the entire card. They can tone down some of the outlaw shit too. If you want to bring wrestling to a mainstream audience you can't have autistic Japanese girls, oily dudes or twerking faggots. As a heterosexual Black man I find that Sunny faggot to be even more offensive than Vince saying nigga in TV.

They seem to have the same problem that WWE has. For every great match, moment or wrestler there seems to be a shit match, shit moment or shit wrestler to point to. What made 1997 - 2009 the best period in WWE history is the quality of the lower card content. I wouldn't want to miss a minute of Raw / Smackdown 15 years ago. I have no problem taking piss breaks during the first half of AEW's shows though.