just not good
What are the excuses this time? just not good
It's hot in Florida, the crowd was tired and dehydrated
Keep in mind WWE does far more charity work.
>It was only a house show so it doesn't have to be good
>It's WWE's fault for promoting the EVOLVE show
you're a retarded faggot with a single IQ
They also take blood money
Oh, boy. Someone is mad. : )
Unironically the booking of the undercard is killing it. Most of the undercard aren't actually feuding with anybody, it's just random matches of heel v face
>it was a free show
>it was hot and humid in the arena
>excalibur and alex marvez were nervous
>my feet hurt
Every match has to be epic. That SCU lucha bros match had like 5 spots that could have ended the match. But they jsut have to drag it on.
Sonny Kiss vs. The Librarian
I know what point you're trying to make but no one, nobody watched the Evolve show tonight. The game thread had 150 posts in it, while AEW breezed by threads.
Kenny vs Cima and Bucks vs Rhodes bros is exactly the same.
This is some top tier cope posting
>8 threads for a 5 hr ppv
>breezed by
This is your own fault for being autistic little faggots about thread counts. Extreme rules will get double that tomorrow in less time
>blood money
>AEW breezed by threads
This show was 5 hours long and legit felt like it was 9 hours.
>Kenny vs Cima and Bucks vs Rhodes bros is exactly the same.
True, but at least Kenny has a feud going on with Deano and the Bucks are feuding with the Lucha Bros. They have something going on, even though tonight's matches weren't directly related
>Ahmed is beheaded if WWE doesnt perform.
>Ahmee is beheaded if WWE perform.
Besides the ones who enjoy the shows are usually the plebe so you punish them by not performing.
I like AEW.
However, these last two shows have been shit. Self indulgent bullshit, timing issues, inside jokes, Brandi wrestling. It’s bad. Page got dumped on, Jericho’s promo was a snoozer, not even Omega could save this show.
Wasn't a great event but that was evident looking at the card going in, it was a free event and basically just fan service to the live crowd
The crashing and burning of this company is going to be hilarious to watch over the coming months
>Every match has to be epic.
And that’s why this ‘creative freedom is a good thing meme’ is cancer. Everyone is going to go into business for themselves for the stars to get over with the smark fan base
No excuse. We just suck right now.
We need to get some wwe wrestlers. In a couple years when contracts dry up, then we'll get good. We just need to be wwe.
>it wasn't good, but it wasn't supposed to be
>it's just a house show
>it's just fan service
>it was free
And the list just gets longer after each shitty show
>Page got dumped on,
Didn't watch. What happened to my boy?
people actually think THIS was a bad show....yikes...
>We need to get some wwe wrestlers
But you actually do. The AEW roster is complete shit. Meanwhile, WWE's roster is fantastic, just booked horribly.
>tfw this is a shitpost but also true since Moxley, Jericho and Cawdy are carrying this
Wrestling is dead
>it was a free event
No one cared about his match, chanted “thank you Jericho” when he came out under a mask and gave Page a beatdown
Are they still jewing free streams?
Well great job Tony fucking hell
Those charities are run by people who are connected to the WWE. They use it as easy bullshit jobs for higher ups and tax write offs. None of the charity does any good except to the big wigs.
Fyter Fest was the same shit but two of these fan service house shows in a row, this one in particular not hitting at all, has done absolutely nothing for AEW. Imagine if there were just no shows between DoN and All Out, it would have built tremendous hype. Now if they don't salvage something really good at All Out they're in deep shit on when they hit TNT.
>It was a free show, it wasn't supposed to be good.
>house shows
didn't Tony Khan himself call them ppvs in his press conference?
where did this meme come from?
Yea Forums is full of braindead troglodytes
It's cope posting
Pay per views that are given away for free in the primary market literally aren't pay per views
We're not seriously pretending this show was bad, are we? It was a solid B show. The A show comes in Chicago, for ALL OUT, which is the PPV.
You’re fat or a virgin. Looking at that crowd, probably both.
I guess you should tell Tony that he's spoiling the narrative on Yea Forums
>a bunch of drones thought it was good
Gain standards I'm beggin' ya
It was utter dog-shit. If you're running for five hours you have to knock it out of the park to validate that time-sink. It was sub-par at absolute best and outright bad at worst. 5 hours of sub-par is fucking horrid.
I cannot believe "it was free" being a real excuse for aewfags. They actually believe this 5hough, which shows you what kind of retards watch AEW.
>presents a poll from a literal who with 145 votes as some sort of evidence of anything
good stuff
Sample size. It's near universal that this was a B show. A good show with great moments but also some bad ones. Still overall a good show.
Why the fuck would they put all their efforts into a free show when they need to sell PPVs in late August? You retard, the strong show comes in August, this was just an warm-up for it.
says the aewtist drone ;>)
>b-but ad populum!
Fuck wrestling fans they're plebs and they'll eat whatever shit AEW rams down their throats just because "Well, it's not WWE!"
DoN was also "the strong show" and it was average as fuck to anyone with more than 5 brain cells.
>lmao it's a free show dude, you wasted 5 hours on bullshit, but the good shit comes in August, even though we fucked you twice in a row
I'm so glad you fags can't understand NJPW.
It wasn't a good show.
Have sex
>Y-You retard, t-the strong show comes in August, t-this was just an warm-up for it!
>trying to use ad populum in a subjective discussion
Based and pseudointellectualpilled
Right? It's like comparing televised shows to house shows.
In aew theory, wrestlers won't try as hard to put on a good show if it's not being filmed.
But in reality the best shows I've seen have been house shows (I count myself amongst only the few thousand that saw Ultimate Warrior scoop slam Andre like Hulk did).
To say wrestlers, bookers, promoters don't give a shit about the product because it's not an "official ppv" is the most COPE crazy shit I've ever read in my life. There is something truly mentally wrong with AEW fans. Truly.
>t-t-t-this show was bad, but the next one, the next one will be good
E-drones coping this fucking hard when presented with facts. You retards weren't honestly expecting a blowaway show? This was F R E E. They didn't put as much effort into this show as they will for the one in August, good lord.
>This was F R E E
Time is currency brother and you just spent 5 hours of your life watching dog-shit now you're gonna spend the next 5 defending being fed dog shit and you'll never get that back live your life hit the gym get a clue have sex get married raise children acquire a job purchase a mansion all this can be yours if you stop watching AEW
ayy eew dub ayy eew dub ayy eew dub ayy ew dub ayy eew dub
sample size is out the window when you don't know where it's drawn from
if this nobody is an unapologetic AEW cultist who is only followed by other cultists the poll has no merit
>you just spent 5 hours of your life watching dog-shit now you're gonna spend the next 5 defending being fed dog shit
AEWtists are E-Drones and quickly relapse into drone behaviour.
good babyface promo
Bitch, speak for yourself, I had a great time watching it. Stick to your faggot kiddy wrestling.
Imagine how horrible the weekly show is going to be
whats wrong with taking the coolest kind of money
I seriously hope this kills wrestling
Extreme Rules is going over brother. 100 threads
You should just kill yourself instead
I didn't watch this crap but let me guess who won, cody and his little buddies right? How about the tag match with the Young faggots? I'm guessing Cody won because he's higher up in the managerial position.
Commentary sucks Jericho is old and cringey the bald Jackson's hairline is peaking at the wrong time they can't even hit their time cues the broads can't wrestle and woke equals broke BOING
>Chris Jericho right now
Bucks beat Cody and Dustin
imagine how Shere Khan feels
he looked so embarrassed standing in the ring with all of his son's little real life wrestling dolls
I'm not sure how much more he's going to put up with
It was a literal DAD WALKS IN moment. Can you imagine him sitting there getting ready to see his son's passion and SONNY KISS comes down the ramp?
It's over
There are no excuses
This is what they are and what they are is complete shit
Unironically this. I stopped watching wrestling a few months after the brand split in 2016 and came back after seeing Dean's debut. I was very hopeful that something new and exciting would come of AEW but I've lost all hope after only 3 shows
I enjoyed it, it was a decent B show as others have said. Some good some bad. Not every show needs to be DoN levels of great.
>Not every show needs to be DoN levels of great
If you're trying to start a new thing and get new fans, they kinda do. You don't get people excited for your new wrestling TV show with middling shows. Somebody said earlier that it would have been better if there had been nothing between Double or Nothing and All Out. Now after watching Fyter Fest and this, I kinda agree. My excitement has gone down significantly with each show. If there had been a several month gap between the two big shows, it would have preserved that original momentum. But on the other hand they probably need these shows for practice and general promotion
still more than who japan
A decent B show (which it wasn't) is not good enough when you are a promotion that claims it is going to change the world
ding-dong diddly BASED
Rent free lmao
>i-it was for free
AEWtists using the janny defence
please more
I find it weird they aren't using BTE to build their feuds. At best they use BTE to show slight conflict as opposed to organically building their shit, it's so strange.
So what's AEWs big four going to be? Have they gotten a copyright for All In yet?
This. It’ll be like WCW in the 90s, where slowly over the years people jump ship one after another. Flair goes back, then Hogan and his buddies, then Macho, then Luger, then DiBiase and Hennig etc
I checked out early. Did they even advance the feud between Cody and 10 man?
If 10% of charities did 10% of what they say they do 10% of the time we'd be living on a utopia rn
They had Spears get the pin over Darby Allin which sort of referenced the feud, I expect we'll get Cody vs Spears at All Out.
This also. AEW's first show was a 8/10 then second was a 5/10 and now this last one I fell asleep half-way through so
The biggest problem with AEW right now is the early parts of their shows. The talent for the first 5 matches are just awful. And as much as I love Brandi she is shit at wrestling.
Dude bashes another guy in the head with a chair
Oh, well, it doesn't matter
Fucking pathetic
Imagine being Khan and seeing this promotion fall apart in slow motion before it even gets a tv show together
Absolutely embarrassing
I thought aew was getting rid of antiquated ideas like face vs heel?
AEW is just waiting to boost up the quality of their performances until their billion dollar FOX deal kicks in come october. Plus they got Heyman and bischoff at the helms of their creative writing starting next week. E-chads BTFO
Imagine it after seeing the last show, where an oiled up Japanese guy was fighting with inflatable balloons, telling your dad "yeah it's gonna get better, I'll talk to them and make sure the next show's great" and then they come up with the steaming pile of shit last night
Dude, I am thinking this is how Kenny feels.
>could've stayed in Japan
It's good to see that aew don't actually care about charity and it's gun victims then.
That's why it's called virtue signaling
>it was a free event
They're going to have to put on 'free events' every week
can't wait to listen to Cornette's review desu
Can't kill whats already dead
I like niche stuff. Wrestling needs more minimalism and underground culture
>Not every show needs to be DoN levels of great.
But DoN wasn't great.
The weekly TV show is going to be a train wreck
You're getting good shows, you've just outgrown the wrestling industry and they don't cater to your old ass anymore