*Sonny Kiss vs The Librarian (This should suck; hopefully Sonny Kiss squashes him in 30 seconds) *The Dark Order vs Angelico & Jack Evans vs Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy (Pre-show) *MJF, Shawn Spears & Sammy Guevara vs Jimmy fuckin' Havoc, Joey Janela & Darby "Anus" Allin (Pre-show) *Britt Baker & "Japanese Pro Wrestler" Riho vs TJPW Princess of Princesses Champion Shoko Nakajima & World of Stardom Champion Bea Priestley (Pre-show)
*Brandi Rhodes vs Allie (This should also suck) *Hangman Page vs Kip Sabian *S.C.U (Kazarian & Scorpio) vs Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix *Chris Jericho cuts a live promo (Probably shits on Evolve) *CIMA vs Kenny Omega *Cody Rhodes & Dustin Rhodes vs The Young Bucks
>When and where to watch:
7:30 PM EST (Pre-show), 8:30 PM EST (Main show). Basically, 6 and a half hours from now.
this fat idiot and his bald ass partner are complete anti-draws give me Jungle boy and Luchasaurus vs. Angelico and Jack Evans
Julian Mitchell
>not 30 seconds after the thread was made R E N T F R E E E N T F R E E
Jose Scott
Hiding this /wooo/ tier cringe
Aaron Jones
I’m getting bored. The Luchasaurus Guy is wasted in this corny team though, he’s their only hoss
Noah Adams
Charles Jones
I'm fully supportive of AEW but holy shit this is clearly just an indie show.
Carter Anderson
luchasaurus is over
William Gutierrez
Evil Uno is really bad. This is AEW's best, huh?
Leo Harris
How many of these guys on the roster are regretting signing with AEW?
Jack Evans
Theyre a big budget indy like roh and tna.
Anthony Watson
I know what a booking committee is retard. How do you have a booking committee when the wrestlers are VPs?
This is fucking like when Bishoff and Hogan turned heel and owned TNA in kayfabe, then a mysterious group of people were above them and booking matches involving Hogan and his heel faction
Carson Clark
Dude, how the fuck can AEW do anything when WWE has everyone signed to long-term deals?
Noah Walker
>Luchasaurus doing a standing moonsault bro
Elijah Wood
when is Luchasaurus going to WWE?
Alexander Taylor
Joseph Rivera
>AEW on gamethread 5 >WWEvolve can't get through one ya seethe bitch lmfao
Eli Bell
Is the Luchasaurus gimmick that he's meant to wrestle like UndeRey Mystaker, as in a luchador tall and fucking slow?
Jayden Johnson
Luchasaurus is dimes incarnate
Jack Anderson
Oliver Carter
>even the big guy does flips lmao
Parker White
Luchasaurus is dimes
Jayden Howard
I hate that they signed those two untalented fucks. One of the WOAT tag teams and their new gimmick is aids.
Wait so who was the even smaller midget that ran in?
Xavier Mitchell
>after all the failed tries like Abyss, Kevin Thorne, Festus, etc we finally have someone who could actually be this generation's Kane >his fucking ring name is LuchaSaurus ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR TONY JUST BUY THE VIBORA NAME
I was going to complain about their low card not being compelling for the millionth time then I remembered wwe signed everyone and Njpw hate these goobers for fucking up their expansion and there’s literally nothing they can do to improve it
Jonathan Ortiz
Wwe has to work the indie style now because they've been unable to produce a single wrestler for the main card in over 10 years
Thomas Long
why do the wrestlers keep getting shorter
Ryder Cook
Marco looks like a kid from Stranger Things
Carson Scott
Zachary Reyes
angelico and evans were tagged in for, what, 30 seconds?
Hudson Gonzalez
its shit guys, watch evolve 10th anniversary on the WWE network instead
Watching this shit always reminds me of why WWE waits 10-15 years to take those indie shitters. It really does seem like you need that long to call yourself a professional wrestler not a bingo bongo indie amateur
Adam Peterson
Why are there no attractive women in the crowd?
Levi Miller
Oliver Hernandez
>a free indie show gets more threads than smackdown and raw COMBINED this week
jesus christ...
OH NO NO....
Nathan Watson
yeah he's not the star they think he can be, he's generic as fuck also Kip Sabian is a simp
Julian Brooks
Holy shit that match is finally over
Jordan Walker
>the state of Cringe Sabian.
Logan Phillips
He's 6'5. 240lbs. He could be the next gen Cone Stold at best.
Camden Myers
Based Dank Order
Jason Rogers
he just got absolutely no pop
Noah Morris
Am I the only one disappointed by the entrance music so far in AEW?
Nothing has been particularly good or memorable outside of maybe Best Friends, but that's more ironically based than anything.
Nathaniel Price
he's a pretty solid worker and has a good size and look. he just has no character
Blake Russell
AEW has a imagine problem. Saw one glance at Kip to know this. >all mostly skinny but maybe sometimes fit dudes who wrestle in speedos >all kinda pale with short hair Literally looks like half the niggas in that tag team match involving Janela and Spears.
Nathan Roberts
this had better be a squash
Mason Diaz
Is Hangman one of the few wrestlers on this show who looks like a fucking wrestler?
Ayden Rogers
Yeah cause you know all those monster Japanese wrestlers out there
Justin Taylor
Attractive women don't like outlaw geek shit. They like watching charismatic muscle chads.
Isaiah Morgan
Aew fans only cheer for comedy guys.
Caleb Ramirez
The Evolve show is currently doing Gulak vs Riddle and it's 3 minutes in and it's no joke the a way better match than anything on AEW so far
Luis Flores
When they use these guys over on the indies with no intro, no explanation and no story it makes this all feel like an indie show.
Why aren't they making AEW feel like a new company for new wrestling fans?
it's that type of fanbase. contrast with the new japan fans in dallas, there was a pretty good female to male ratio and some actual hotties in that crowd.
Grayson Reed
I think AEW forgot that the mainstream don't know who Page is. If you've been watching him through ROH and NJPW then you know and understand why he's gunning for the top spot, but if AEW is your first foray into wrestling, nobody knows why they're supposed to give a fuck about him.
Have him do a press conference or cut a promo or something.
I'll be back in like an hour, I don't wanna miss the cody match but these others, I don't really care
I'm going to go get some nachos
Nicholas Evans
image* fuck
Carson Morales
B-b-but the guy who posts the diva roll pictures got rangebanned! E-everybody's just shitting on the show! U-us sitting in the thread skyrocketing the post count isn't rent-free coping! W-we just d-don't like EVOLVE that much! Leave us alone all we have to look forward to is tarps tomorrow please just let us have this please come on user no no no AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Andrew Young
Abyss was a retard, they could've retired Kane and made him the third brother.
Gavin Jones
watch wwe
Hunter Reyes
What is this gay music
Jordan Perez
so the evolve show is basically just NXT?
Colton Kelly
Nah you were just 12
Sebastian Howard
The Nopopman Adam Gay
Jacob Jones
Jace Harris
Page needs to get a bit more cut to look like a top guy.
Levi Lewis
>and has a good size Only next to absolute twinks like Sabian Well Gulak and Riddle are way better talents than anyone who has been on this show so far
Jose Walker
Think I remember Kip from the WOW threads
Jordan Perry
Half the people on the roster look like they should be doing lp's of fortnite
Jackson Diaz
we are on pace for 9 threads (theres an hour an a half left)
smackdown got 3 and a half and raw got 5.
the smackdown thread is still up on this board cause it didnt even get close to 300 replies.
I haven't watched ROH in years. Haven't paid a lot of attention to NJPW either. Can you provide some details over Page? He has the look of a mid-card guy.
>In before someone says I'm an e-Drone. >Haven't watched ShittyE since Wrestlemania, only read weekly show results from 411mania every so often.
Jason Gutierrez
>other than "guy who has the look of a GOAT wrestler?" He sure as fuck doesn't have that
Yeah they were too pussy to put nxt on because they figured they'd get btfo again so they just used evolve with wwe workers instead
Brody Flores
hangman cringe
Michael Nelson
Grayson Edwards
Too tall.
Jace Peterson
He's wrestling Hangman on tonight's show, are you not watching?
Sebastian Anderson
never, he loves NJPW and is booked like a god there
Camden Murphy
So I am not gonna explain anything to you because no promotion has ever done this with Hangman. NJPW teased wanting to do something with him last year of "misguided heel with actual potiential", but he's fucked off to AEW where you're already supposed to believe he's had that arc.
Aiden Miller
>implying you even watched it
Luke Gonzalez
Nice try, Mohammed.
Jonathan Murphy
He’s full gear ready user
Mason Barnes
yeah those thighs ruin his look
Ryan Adams
I can't believe you guys are watching this outlaw wrestling indie production instead of the WWE payperview that's on right now
Landon Mitchell
Cody is five foot 11.
Dominic Anderson
Too intelligent for AEW.
Alexander Clark
>so Page is wearing Austin's attire?
Ace Austin? Austin Aries? neither of them have a cowboy gimmick
We all do, he's just a bit green which is why i got no beef with him putting in work in this charity house show match
Aaron Scott
Greater odds says it ends in a Brown Eye
Carter Parker
New Japan kept teasing a big push for him, to the point where he was cutting backstage promos for them talking about how hard he's worked and how he gets the pins in tag matches. It seemed like the angle was going to be him finally breaking out and getting opportunities, but then he left and it never happened.
This push feels like a continuation of that story, but without having watched NJPW, it just seems like some dude dressed like Austin who's getting a push.
>Hes so insecure with his sexuality he cant jokingly kiss another man without thinking sexuality
Jonathan Campbell
Grayson Long
Who cuter Sabian or Lexi?
Kayden Fisher
is she pointing at those repeating digits?
Juan Robinson
Who booked this match to have their potential first heavyweight champ sell for manlet bitchboy?
Tyler Phillips
welp lads
looks like im gonna have to turn off Fight of the Fallen a little early tonight. My wife came home early with her son and shes telling me to turn it off. apparently hes upset with the lack of "black and brown characters" (at least thats what my wife says), so im gonna turn on some d-league basketball and watch with him.
see ya'll next thread
Jayden Cox
Tyreese boiling over here
James Phillips
I dont know why they made Page #1 contender. He's got the look, but hes not over.
Brandon Edwards
>everyone fanning themselves in the crowd imagine the smell
Nathaniel Lewis
>nobody cared who i was until i put on the mask
William Clark
do you blame him? the shitposting is 100x more entertaining than the actual show someone should tweet him a link to the thread
They needed to do SOMETHING to wake this fucking crowd up so they did that.
Henry Reed
AEW: The Elite and people who take stupid dangerous bumps to make The Elite look good
Nicholas Morgan
Honestly im just waiting for tnt aew and sd fox and other new eras
Connor Rivera
Holy fuck
Elijah Baker
Fuck yea that was a hard bump
Benjamin Scott
is that chris chan in a sasha banks cosplay
Chase Johnson
oh fucking christ. Don't tell me they booked another fucking draw
Jace King
Has she ever had nude leaks?
Nathaniel Russell
>Page is actually very good but for some reason they don't push him. the fuck are you talking about, he's headlining their next big show in a match for their top title
Colton Garcia
So is british lawndart a real move?
Xavier Davis
Dude is a fucking worker. Who's better at the desk?
Christopher Evans
They're actively trying to drag this out which is nuts to me. Have this a smooth 14 minute match. Not everything needs to be OMG EPIC NEAR FALLS against your Number 1 Contender vs. Kip Fucking Sabian
Nathaniel Hernandez
Needs more angles less matches.
Angel Carter
Booking doesn't mean pushing. They give him no promos, no stories, no excitement. Even though he has the best look, gimmick, and can actually wrestle non-meme shit.
Anthony Fisher
Page is a good worker
Nathan Robinson
>that gay couple fans lel
Adrian Sanders
Why the fuck wasn't this a dismantling / squash? Sabien is a loser and Page is about to go for the world title.
This whole match should have been booked to get Page's offense and power over.
Joseph Martin
As I was saying, the only people I want to see here are WWE people and Young Bucks, I want Young Bucks in WWE. Bucks vs Usos.
Kevin Wilson
Well fuck I hope not because I really didn't need to see that bush to begin with
Justin Perez
Pretty much waiting for Kenny vs CIMA at this point.
Ryder Clark
Bruh the tag matches were full of character work.
Joshua Ross
Not yet.
White women tend to be stupid about nudes.
Isaiah Walker
Natsumi Maki
Camden Wilson
Yeah. Pretty much this. They're dragging this out for no reason. I guess it's a "house" show though.
Colton Gonzalez
that was a very odd finish. Probably a botch?
Jordan Martinez
they really need to ditch this alex simp from commentary
David Young
that's what my biceps looked like when i started doing gym with zero nutrition
Henry Hall
Someone make the next thread, I'm at 5 threads already.
Luis Mitchell
jesus that finisher looked like shit
William Bailey
looks like he shoot fucked his leg
Owen Bell
This. Shit booking. Feels like they told them "make this go the full 20" when it should have been a squash.
Christopher Clark
Aiden Wilson
I'm glad you can finally hear the music, Page's Morricone knockoff is good.
Jackson Rogers
Kip Sabian went from jobbing to sonny smasher at trouble at the talk 6 for a handful of warm faggots and a handshake to a competitive match with AEW's ace
Charles Wilson
So this is their Roman Reigns?
Camden Diaz
This is just another high production indyshit federation. I can only watch so much mamma mia awesome movez before I get bored.
Nathan Reed
Good match, shit finish. Crowd is fucking dead because matches last twice the reasonable amount. 100% botch, when he reversed he got out at 1 which means it wasn't the right reversal.
Evan Lopez
Seemed like Page missed the finish first time, so they did the same thing again
Eli Anderson
2 stars happy pac picked dragon gate
Dylan Carter
oh shit. that worked me
Jeremiah Murphy
what a fat fuck
Camden Stewart
Use your eyes and ears.
Asher Thompson
Jericho looks like shit
Adam Lee
Charles Collins
Jericho is fucking jacked rn
Elijah Nguyen
that looked even worse than the Kenny one lol
Dylan Baker
Easton Lee
Jericho looks like shit and so does his stupid elbow finisher
John White
based boomer Jerichio that codebreaker straight fucked up PAge
Joseph Kelly
Tyler Adams
That would of been cool if jericho didn't do that every time he shows up in NJPW Do something new you retard. you have been doing the same 5 spots since leaving wwe
Isaac Hill
lose weight Chris
David Robinson
Elijah Mitchell
I'm tired of this Page injured-knee work. Just let the guy do his thing. No more limited crapfor kayfabe knee injury.
Lincoln Long
was that a shoot elbow?
Colton Cook
not flippy enough for ya?
Chase Rogers
Brandon Jenkins
Oliver Bell
Is fat-ass Jericho his next gimmick?
Xavier Torres
Aaron Collins
Jeribloat needs to limit himself to 3 monsters per day
Cooper Lee
This is literally the worst Jericho has ever looked and that's saying something.
David Cruz
Robert Bennett
Elijah Moore
So which is it? Jericho is on IG showing off his 6 pack yesterday. So I think he's just old-jacked