NJPW G1 Climax 29 Night 3 A Block GameThread #1

The before show discussion/practice tag match edition.
G1 Climax night 3 A block(night 2) starts at 2 AM eastern. It is now 9:10PM eastern. 4 hours 50 mins until showtime. Take a nap if you got to because this is a card you dont want to miss.
Watch on taima dot tv/r/woooalt for english commentary
Watch on taima dot tv/r/wooo for japanese commentary.
>Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi and BUSHI(LIJ) vs. Taichi, Minoru Suzuki and Yoshinobu Kanemaru(Suzuki-Gun)
>Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi and Chase Owens(Bullet Club) vs. Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano and YOSHI-HASHI
>Jon Moxley and Shota Umino vs. Jeff Cobb and Ren Narita
>Juice Robinson, Toa Henare and Yota Tsuji vs. Hirooki Goto, Tomoaki Honma and Yuya Uemura
>Lance Archer (1-0) vs. Bad Luck Fale (1-0)
>Kazuchika Okada (1-0) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (0-1)
>Will Ospreay (0-1) vs. SANADA (1-0)
>Kota Ibushi (0-1) vs. EVIL (0-1)
>Hiroshi Tanahashi (0-1) vs. KENTA (1-0)
Someone keep my thread alive while the faggots keep spamming their soft core gay porn ppv.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Kazuchika Okada (1-0) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (0-1)
this is wrestling

sorry, I'm watching AEW

>Jon Moxley and Shota Umino vs. Jeff Cobb and Ren Narita
I hope Jon is enjoying Japan, I really do.
Umino is future ace.

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Hiding this /wooo/ tier cringe

Im still torn on if Zack will go over Okada so we get a title match in UK match

>A Block

Tanahashi and Kenta were fun in the tag so i have hope

Based Block Chads, WHERE WE @?

wish i could be watching this now instead

Sucks for your father. He must be ashamed he raised a queer.

not gonna lie lads...

it feels DAMN good to be and A CHAD.

>Tana vs KENTA
So NJPW vs NOAH, pretty kino.

Every match on this card looks fucking awesome.

I’m psyched to see my boy Toa Henare in the ring with Goto for some big lad choppas

He's going to get out of his AEW contract after year 1 and sign with New Japan full-time, cannot wait to see the AEWtists seethe

so you enjoy slurping semen?

at least you posted the damn card this time

Why doesn't the WWE restructure the King of the Ring tournament into something like this and hold it every year? They rarely have anything for 99% of their roster to do anyway and even when they do have matches they are usually random bullshit with no stakes. Are they just waiting for Vince to die before doing that because they know he will demand the winner to adopt a stupid royal gimmick and change their music to pomp and circumstance?

lmao the state of A block
>archer v fale
two big slow dumbfucks gonna have a shit match
>okada v ZSJ
the two most boring wrestlers in the world
>ospreay v sanada
this one should be okay
>ibushi v evil
nobody cares
>tana v kenta
two broken down old men barely able to move is your MAIN EVENT

we win again, B-chads!

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>G1 after this shit fucking AEW show

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Because they don't need to. They can feed their fans literal shit and fans will still keep buying their tickets to watch their trashy weekly shows.

Expected MOTN
Actual MOTN

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Archer, Okada, Ospreay, Evil and Kenta probably winning tonight. Archer/Fale is going to be obe trashy opener.

is it your expected or Yea Forums's generally expected? if the latter, you're currently 0/4.

it's his own opinion and he was autistic enough to make this image

man cobb was blown up early in that match, ishii is a fucking machine and carried the whole match like always

they will give Ibushi the 2 loss at the start and then go on undefeated angle

>tfw i identify as an a chad in a block threads and b chad in b block threads
you won't do shit faget

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tfw I'm an A Chad but the match I want to see the most is Ishii vs Shingo

aew bored me to death I dont think im gonna make it

how many bongs till g1 climax. just slept through the main event of aew


it doesn't take too long to put circles in paint

Ready for Tanahashi to put down that indie upstart?

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>Lance Archer (1-0) vs. Bad Luck Fale (1-0)
Terrible, but at least the two boring wrestlers are in the same match
>Kazuchika Okada (1-0) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (0-1)
>Will Ospreay (0-1) vs. SANADA (1-0)
>Kota Ibushi (0-1) vs. EVIL (0-1)
>Hiroshi Tanahashi (0-1) vs. KENTA (1-0)
Holy fucking basedola

1 hour 50 minutes im pretty sure

>sub-2 mil viewers
>a literal fucking curtain

this argument doesn't work anymore, people have been tuning out in droves for years now

Archer andFale in a 7 minute1 slugfest might be good

>Terrible, but at least the two boring wrestlers are in the same match
heel v heel matches in new japan usually work really well
i think this match will be quite fun

You newfag fans and e drone tourists are cringe shitting on Fale vs Archer just because big man bad. It’s going to be a fucking cool match. Not everyone has to be a five foot tall flippy manlet. Heavyweights can have good matches too, do you remember that?

>You newfag fans and e drone tourists are cringe shitting on Fale vs Archer just because big man bad
No, i'm shitting on it because Fale is bad. Archer is fine against opponents that can play to his strengths

newfag here.

this will be my first time watching NJPW. I'm making the switch. Done with AEW and WWE after this shitfest

Fuck you you fucking fuck

1 hour 7 mins until show time.

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I really am hoping to see Shota as the next biggest heel of New Japan

really? he has fiery babyface written all over him

That's why he'll make a great heel. No one expects it, but he still has the potential.

Archer v. Fale gonna be a banger

>>Hiroshi Tanahashi (0-1) vs. KENTA (1-0)

changing my prediction to okada instead of ZSJ
i think ospreay will be the one to beat okada to set up the royal quest match instead

5 mins to go
get in here lads

2 more mins until a show that doesnt disappoint.


should i watch with japanese or english commentary

English unless you want to go full blown weeb.

Looking forward to the Mox/Umino tag team.

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English obviously. don't be one of those gimps that insist on listening to commentary they don't understand just because they get more excited

Is anyone else hoping Archer revitalizes his career?

Japanese commentators are likeable, even if you don't understand shit it's fun because they can get very over-excited, which is something english commentary really lacks most of the time.


Damn I missed Kokeshi on the ring.

I unironically am a rocky romero kevin kelly guy.

Is Henare any good yet?


This bearded young lion is immediately my boy

Rocky Romero sucks, but I still want to know what's going on

Here I was hoping Henare had fucked off forever hopefully with a career ending injury

Only real reason to listen to English commentary is to get live translations of the Japanese promos and postmatch interviews

Hey only been watching NJPW for a year. I just dont like honma.

Older matches before his injury are great.

Take a drink every time Henare sticks his tongue out
Take a shot every time he smacks his chest

Henare is based you faggots. He unfortunately is stuck with a boring Samoan gimmick


What's the deal with Toa? He's basically a young lion with his own theme music and stupid gear.

he's not gonna be good until stops doing the retarded mauro gimmick

He’s kind of in a weird spot where NJPW has no plans for him and he has no real character besides being le Polynesian wildman but then again dude doesn’t look very marketable

I love how mox won his first fight, kidnapped his opponent, and made him his protege/personal young lion
Based rocky not trying to say Shota.

he's not a young lion. officially graduated last year i believe. he's just a jobber

Mox and Shota is a cute pairing.


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imagine missing out on Honmania during the G1 when he subbed in for Ibushi.
Was the star of that G1 and never even won a match

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Based Shota

Yeah totally based and not a shitter and that's why he curtain jerks with young lions in the opener and nothing else unless the tag league needs a jobber team for the past 3 years

NXT were interested in him, but Fale convinced him to stay in Japan. I can't believe I'm saying this, but he was better off leaving.


That was the one with the Ishii match right?
fucking kino match

I live for these unexpected turn of events.

moxley and shota are based

Shooter Umino sounds a lot better than Shota Umino

Usually with NJPW your loyalty will be repaid but him and Finlay Jr. have been jobbers forever with no sign of them being any more important, I think they even left Finlay in ROH and didn't even bother to bring him back yet

Just the weirdest spot ever


>tfw eventually Shota will snap someday turn on him
just imagine

that kind of looks like Dean somehow

I know hes Moxley again but I always just think of 'DEAN' when I see him

pre injury he was top 5 underdogs of all time

Bros, we need to BTFO WWMEME! This general needs to reach a minimum of 10 threads!!!! Join in the fun! MAKE. THE. SWITCH!

Finlay hurt himself on ROH jap shows in April fighting the briscoes with Juice

First match Ive seen of his was his return from injury last year. Shooter the fuck?

finlay is crap, i'd be more than happy if he fucked off to NXT

well that sucks
I think he's generic as fuck without a character but I was hoping for bigger things for him

Mox-Cobb looks like it will be a fun slugfest
He just doesn’t have ‘It’
His ceiling is jobbing in NJ cup

They've shown no growth or improvement the whole time they've been there
When Finlay decided to bust out a character the best he could do was knockoff Juice and his in-ring work is just awful, even basic shit like his striking looks like he's being told how to do it correctly but has -1 clues how to pull it off
Henare has a great grasp of the fundamentals but seems to put in zero effort in expanding his young lion moveset + samoan drop and seems to think sticking your tongue out and widening your eyes is a character
They could disappear tomorrow and nothing would change

it was a career-threatening injury
he's half the man that he used to be

Chill, friend. Watch wrestling.

I think Henare would benefit from an actual excursion instead of hanging off GBH's nuts but i'm not sure how Finlay can be fixed

breathe with cringeblade

I’m so glad this simp got BTFO by big based Goto

>old deathmatch guy who always floated around Japan
>was never meant to be anything in NJPW because obvs reasons
>only given a pitty lower midcard spot cause old friends with Jado & Gedo
>subs in late for Ibushi in the G1
>goes winless in G1
>gets over huge
>gets a NEVER title, tag title, & tag league wins out of it
p based desu

Only faggots care about how many gamethreads/posters there are

>only exists to be the pin man

finally some REAL wrestling!

Jay reminds me of Mr. Hickey from The Terror

EDIT: thought he won the NEVER during the time when he was feuding with Ishii & Makabe over it

Yoshi-Hashi is going to eat the pin again isn't he?

i hope so

*awkwardly walks to the ring trying to avoid eye contact with the crowd*
*slowly twirls Son Wukong stick around*

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i hope so

>Tokyo Pimps
>He's just one guy

>yfw Jay White Jobs to Yano in the B Block tournament

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Based Tacos working the redditors

Just so some fucking fire |
fucking hell

Asian Michael Cera got this.


Henare could really benefit from going to Mexico where he could learn some more flashy yet grounded power stuff or how to work around flippy people in a way that gets him over as well as expanding his character because of how larger than life the personas are over there
Finlay just doesn't have "it" where "it" is the ability to truly grasp how pro wrestling works and make it your own, he needs to go find a real job now so he's not fucked down the line when someone realizes he's still on the payroll

Why does everyone on the internet call YoshiHashi Tacos?

>chris carlton gets paid to sit quietly and watch great matches

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But he knows FACTS


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He's basically a translator now, I wonder why he's not on commentary anymore

>"Shut the fuck up Ishii"

Nakamura gave him that nickname

>Kenny Omega
It feels like so long ago he was in NJPW
I don't even know what he is doing now

Cuz he can’t stop making cringe video game references

Owens needs to hit the gym


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He's just having fun, Maggle!
His new tag team The Boing Experience are here to say goodbye and goodnight to their opponents

he's actually lost weight

Ok but is there like a non-meme reason

Yoshi is spared, Chase is the superior pin eater in this match.


Yano is on a fucking roll

Keep your pure soul without knowing, keep the good memories of him.

Based Yano
Seriously, why does "man tries to bullshit the bullshitter with disastrous consequences" work so well every time

Charlton isn't on commentary anymore? based

Yano is really our true ace, isn't he?

I’ve noticed his ass got smaller ;(

he just does translation now. i think harold must have heard his commentary

Where the FUCK is Miho

i miss Despy
i hope he can come back soon

>tfw no full taichi entrance
>tfw no ronrey warrior tonight song.

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She's scared, user. Let her have a day off.


She only shows up for his singles entrance

Toru Yano deserves an IC shot.

Naito looking baller as fuck

wouldn't be surprised if she's just there for the first and last days



Naito's jersey is based


Pinning the champ in the G1 should be good enough to get him a shot

I want to comfort her.

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I want to take advantage of her vulnerable emotional state to harass her for a free gravure DVD

what the fuck happen to tachis back?


It looked scratched up after the table spot last night.

this man truly must be stopped


Will Taichi finally beat Naito?
ive got the feeling he might

Finally some Kaze Ni Nare.
Suzuki-gun is based.
Suzuki kill someone

Did Suzuki just grope Bushi? lol

Bag is talking to Taichi telling him to use it, based.

So theyve been talking about taichis glove in every njpw event I have watched with taichi. He gonna use it soon.

Finally it’s tournament time

Quick question. Does Naito wear contacts?

i dunno, i can't see taichi getting another IC shot this year or naito starting 0-2
but maybe

fuck yeah i want these 2 hosses to gape my cunt

i dont think so why?

Fales t is so shit

Pls go you schizophrenic tranny

What do you mean user, preme box logo rips are the height of trendy fashion

I swear it looked like something shiny fell of his eye as he was touching it going out. Weird stuff.



I must have missed something, why does Fale let the announcer say his name now?

Fat fuck Fale looking fatter than usual

Trendy fashion is shit.
>Supreme will disappear in another yead or two when the normies move onto the next one word name brand in bold letters.


Based and mortality-pilled

Hes just stopped giving a fuck shoot and in Kayfabe

He gave in to deliciousness.

His ceiling has been reached, can't say I blame him

Archers tramp stamp coverup is a black mess.
Kek after all of that now you gonna start the 20 count

Henare would be over af in CMLL.

is fale's hair tattooed on?


I think he's happy just being able to live in Japan and dating Pieter. He's got his dojo in NZ he's concentrating on.

do you think archer is a top or a bottom?

better than oshitter ill give archer that

Does Jado even wrestle or is he bullet club mysterious kendo goon.
>Bump so powerful it knocked the ref down.

fale is a bottom

fucking Kek archer meme spot BTFO by big stick Jado

Tramp stamp says bottom but covering up the tramp stamp with the three crosses says reluctant bottom.

People with tramp stamps aren't tops lol

Archer has a tramp stamp dude

lol this match is so fun to watch

Power bottom!

He tags with Gedo, or did when he wrestled.

He's mostly Gedo's tag partner and Gedo seems to be focusing on his Jay White project more than actually wrestling so Jado's tagging along

There were people who were giving this match shit because they hate fale. They were wrong.

Fale took more bumps in that match then the rest of the year so far

My boy Archer wins again!

Fucking kek

>archer wins g1
how do you react?

that claw is so shit

Based Archer getting a push


id love to see fale's big brown ass get fucked

holy heckin basef

wrestles from time to time, can barley walk though

fale is confirmed straight


>There were people who were giving this match shit because they hate fale.
They were vindicated senpai

I'd be ok with it
the dome would draw fuck all people tho

Would archer dual wielding the EBD claw with one hand and the iron fingers with the other be overpowered?

It was okay, atleast it was different from the usual NJPW match

That was actually good, i'm shocked.

>i fuck i get laid
>i get fucked i get laid
>fuck em

i wonder if ibushi and archer are hooking up now

That was a pretty fun match
could of cut 3- 4minutes

Fale can go man, people tend to forget. His best stuff every year is during the G1, usually with Tanahashi. But he was up for putting over Archer, Good Show Fale.


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Unironically hot desu

cord skurr tiem

>Fale can go man, people tend to forget

>charismaless pirate hipster is now a gimmick

why sanada look like he boutta drop the warmest microbrew of all time



>this song


this will be a 5*

Did Ospreay change his entrance theme? They are blocking it in the US, which was never a problem with his theme before so I'm assuming he got a new one.


I miss it.

Wwhat the fuck happened to elevated fucking retard ospreay

What is Ospreay gimmick then?

(((Harold))) hasn’t renewed the rights for Ospreay’s theme
Fucking hell

It's blocked in the UK too, NJPW are probably just being cheap.

Is this assassin's creed black flag?

What's everyone's opinion on Sanada's Paradise Lock? Based or cringe?


honma sounds less fucked today

i guess their rights to it ran out and they're too cheap to fork out for it again or something
new japan are weird about theme rights. suzuki's theme wasn't aired at the MSG show for god's sake


How tf is Ospreay more over in this match than Sanada.


>paradise lock is now a joke
kys ospreay i swear to fucking god you indy shitter

Will Ospreay is my NJPW original character do not steal. He is friends with Okada and knows how to get out of the paradise lock and he has a katana.

>right now there is some difficulties that I don’t even understand what the problem is.
Can Ospreay not speak English?



underdog is always more over
and people love ospreay atm


Drags his match to a grinding halt
Only time it was good was when he was facing Yano in the G1 and he taped Yano's limbs together while in the Paradise Lock then left him outside of the ring to pick up a count out win


This, it’s fun in a comedy match but has no place in any serious match

based as fuck
how was AEW earlier?

Who here CHADNADA?

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didn't watch it

I honestly want him to win this block at the very least he better beat okada.

dunno was too busy having sex with my girlfriend

So glad he cut his hair. He is a next level Chad now

I coulda told you that the AEW show was gonna be cringe.

Paradise Lock is a shit spot The Young Cucks would love

Idk i liked mohawk SANADA

>ywn have sweet sanada adn on your towel
why live

reminder that sanada is the main character of NJPW

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SANADA not the best at catching

Where the fuck has Taka Michinoku been?

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i think he's busy with his new dojo/promotion

It feels like whoever wins this one will go to the final

But hes my favorite part of ZSJ

c'mon chadnada!

pretty good match

main characters don't job

>matches where the wrong guy went over

uhh i was predicting the losers here btw


5 stars indeed

Hey guys, I don't think this semen slurping Sanada is for me.

sick of this ospreaywinslol booking

why is he semen slurping?


Yup, was hoping SANADA pulled out the win but satisfied with how well it went. Even that TKO sequence, as rough as it was still was great. Notice how SANADA emoted a lot more this match?

he lost last weekend you fucking dipshit

>sick of this ospreaywinslol booking
He's 1-1 you SEETHING lij cuck

New thread.