BREAKING: Big E Furious: "WWE White-washed My Best Bits From New Day Video"

The New Day have been together for quite a while and they recently took a chance to look back at their first WWE Tag Team Championship win as a team. However, Big E claims that the version of the video that WWE put out left most of his best bits on the cutting room floor.

Extreme Rules 2015 was the event and Cesaro and Tyson Kidd were the champions going into the event, but that was before they faced The New Day. They put out a great video as they watched their old match and walked down memory lane, but Big E had something to say about the finished product because he found that it was missing some of his best material.

>My best bits, including “Nattie got them thangs,” were cut from this white-washed version.

Perhaps WWE will decide to put out a “Big E cut” of this video which might be great to see. Then again, Big E should probably get a crack at editing every one of WWE’s videos because we’re certain that he could find a way to leave his big fingerprint and comic gold on any material he has to work with.

The controversial video:

Attached: Big E Claims New Day Video Was 'White-Washed' Of His Best Bits.png (742x415, 435K)

>>My best bits, including “Nattie got them thangs,” were cut from this white-washed version.
what in the fuck is this fat no-talent nigger babbling about?

>nattie got them thangs

Why is this guy so perverted and why is he shocked it got edited out?

I like how OP has cut Brad Shepard's name from his posts.

>“Nattie got them thangs,”
Breast implants? Dried up ovaries? Cat ears? Hard angles?

>be an uppity nigger
>given a record breaking title run for being an uppity nigger
>they make the runt of the litter the "first black champion"
>try to make sex jokes on a kids show
>finally get told no

Fuck niggers

I think he would be used well in AEW, hes been nothing but a minstrel clown for the past 4 years

he is a ministrel clown

and you think he wouldn't be a minstrel clown in AEW except 1000x cringier without a filter?

whoah boi nattie sho do got dem thangs boi dem great big butta biscuits!

No, I think he would be a great fit for AEW

How is fake news still a meme here?

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>Nattie got them thangs
the fuck does this even mean

imma tell yall sum
id be rich yall if it werent fo wypipo stealin muh black dance mooh

lowest iq board isn't a meme user, people unironically swallow shit wholesale here


>I think he would be used well in AEW

they already have their faggot

seriously what a dumbass that's guaranteed (You)s

He's a talentless shitter. Not even NJPW could make this wog look good.


racist rapists have no self awareness

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ya seethe lil guy?

If this is true then there's no way for WWE to win.
Let Big E act like a nigger and you're racist for supposedly making him do that. Get those parts out like they did and they're racist for not accepting black culture or some shit.


>“Nattie got them thangs,”
Wow sexist much? I mean its 2019!

imagine giving enough of a fuck to fact check this shit

Angloid subhuman detected

Nig E is kinda seeming like a problem. They better do something about him before it gets out of control.

How was I seething? I just liked how he cut Brad Shepard's name. That doesn't work on me there.

They won't do anything because he's black. He can probably go in there and fuck Vince's wife and he won't do shit because "you can't get the nig upset".

It's damn shame, Lio Rush had some valid complaints and got put in a hole meanwhile Big E is a straight up asshole and pervert that uses his New day status as a shield.

I really think he puts pancakes in his underwear and purposely looks for little white girls to throw them at on purpose

what the hell? source?

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Any clips of this?
I can have it blowing up on twitter by tomorrow.
Really can't stand Big E.

>black guy blames whites for underperforming
Color me shocked.

they exclusively sign skinny manlets
how am i supposed to take big e vs darby allen seriously?


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Wow I'm sure millions would of tuned in to see the cereal nogs be fake edgy

so it got edited out because Big E talks like a retard?
>Nattie got dem thangs
>Langston, you sound like an idiot
>whatcu mean you racist fuck
>this isn’t racism, what you say barely makes any sense
>aeyo I ain’t listening to dis racist shiet but lemme tell ya, ya can’t whitewash my shiet

Big E is working almost all the time, so it’s hard to say if he was working or being a filthy nigger

Does this nigga just want someone to say the wrong thing so he can sue because DATS RAACISST

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Based mid-carder crying about everything under the sun

>it's real
I used to like Big E, but I lose respect for him every time he open his mouth. Just whining about every goddamn thing.

I am sick of niggers constantly complaining.

step into /pol/ for latinos and latinos pretending to be white constantly complaining.

Plenty of them are white

Get those sluts ready for BBC as early as possible

All this racist stuff because you didn't post a timestamp OP.
Shame on you.


Everyone on his twitter saying "DM me the uncensored video". Did they edit the actual match on the network or something too?


Just hang them all Vince. Do the right thing for fucking once.

fuck the way they laugh pisses me off so much.

haha Big E more like Big Fat Poof

Came here to say


>already chimping out because his little nigger friend is dropping the belt tonight

>my best bit in a wrestling match was some nigger shit I said and didn't make the cut!
Why is he so entitled?

Fuck off and die Ettore you nigger

worthless fucking nigger ape probably wipes them in his asscrack first

You know damn well he's gonna complain about that, too.

I preferred my roided sex pervert wrestlers back in the 80s when they actually drew

haha time to trigger le /pol/ boogeyman upvoted, my friend xD