Is there a wrestler more butthurt than pic related?

is there a wrestler more butthurt than pic related?

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i doubt it. he has the strap and i seriously think he likes the mans man stuff. dustin has never been champ, hates his gimmick and was paid peanuts

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Seth gets mega butthurt when people boo him during one match. I wonder how hard he'd cry if he was in Roman's position where smarks boo him every ppv

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seth would an hero if he was in dustins shoes. dustin never main evented anything and has by far the most humiliating gimmick in the wwe, with nothing to show for it. he is way worse off than seth. being admired by smarks means nothing in the long run


Bastion Booger, Tugboat, Repo Man and Red Rooster would like a word.

goldys had 25 years to be humiliated, that adds up to a lot more butthurt than a few months

You know OP, if Dusty really did hate his gimmick as much as you like to think he did, I doubt he'd have done it for so long or be willing to get implants for it.

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Sawdust only hates the gimmick when it's convenient to his narrative

yeah he loves the gimmick thats why hes doing everything to distance himself from it in aew. he is great wrestler but he got the short end of the stick and did the best he could with it. but dont pretend he wouldnt have chosen another gimmick had he had the chance

comedy jobber: the wrestler


exactly. hes def a better wrestler than haitch and look where they are comparatively

Me after a night with Nyla Rose.

>thats why hes doing everything to distance himself from it in aew
Yeah, that's why he painted himself and wore a skin tight suit similar to it. Cause he doesn't want anyone to think he is the guy from WWE with face paint and a skin tight suit.
You really opened my eyes.
It's not that WWE owns the Goldust character, it's because Dustin hates the gimmick!

>with nothing to show
cry me a fucking river, he got paid and never has to work another day in his life.

He's buttpleased ya silly goose

he wrestled as the natural dustin rhodes in wwe. why would he do that if he was fine with the goldust gimmick? i dont dislike him, i respect him alot, but he was stuck with an embarrising gimmick that he wouldnt have chosen had he had the chance. hes not the assghole, vince is
cringe incoming, but respect and honor means more than money. he chose to humiliate himself and i think he regrets it, which is why he signed with aew. wwe would easily have kept him on a legends contract that would pay alot more than aew but being respected for who you really think you are means alot more than a simple payday

Goddamn this level of 15 year old autistic faggoty is something to behold.

yeah sure. meanwhile anyone can see that dustin would have given his whole career not to be goldust

>why would he do that if he was fine with the goldust gimmick?
Because he was wrestling on a throwback to WCW show as his WCW character. Are you soft in the head?

>Seven was so bad that he shat on it immediately, live on television
>Anytime he's The Natural, it never lasts long
>Black Reign
Really, the lowest part of the Goldust gimmick was "The Wrestler Formerly Known as Goldust" in that gimp bdsm shit.

Punk and Seethe Tarpins

it was in 2016, it had nothing to do with wcw
he doesnt have a choice, goldust is what he is known as. you cant up and change your gimmick after 25+ years. he deserves better but these are the facts

You are being worked by the based Bizarre One


Christian still seethes to this day about being Edge's inferior. Hall of Fame never

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based DDP, watching the action, soaking in the seethe