On one hand you've got MJF and Jericho who aren't breaking character ever and on the other you have The Bucks and Tony who tell you the chair was so thin it would be like getting hit with a cookie sheet.
AEW is a mess
Tony was more subtle about it if you listen, said they'd 'taken precautions' and something about 'flight error despite the best pilots in the world'. Kayfabed the press, essentially. The Bucks did the exact opposite, probably at the exact same time across the room, and blatantly admitted it was a gimmicked cookie sheet chair.
I've enjoyed a good amount of matches from A&W and will be watching later today but Cornette is right about a lot of things and chief among them is they are making zero effort to bring in new/lapsed fans and making less than zero effort to explain or provide context to anything anyone is doing for whatever new/lapsed fans wander in
People who watched during the AE don't wanna hear about how the chair was gimmicked and they want to see librarians get hit with trash cans and go through flaming tables before they even get a chance to talk, not listen to them shush each other and the crowd for 5 eternal minutes
Like fuck at least the tranny ragdolling the joshis and making them bleed from the mouth was great in a sideshow trainwreck way but for every entertaining they do there's one if not more moments of distilled cringe
I know I'm not the only one who turned the preshow off right in the beginning of the Nakazawa/Jebailey abortion
It wouldn't even be so bad if they didn't spend months yelling about "REAL SPORTS STATISTICS BASED WRESTLING" then do shit like this, it's insulting to the crowd's intelligence
Having Yipes front row marking out for everything was a good play tho
they have a show tonight?
Is that Nazi font
They cater to their cringe as fuck fanbase, which is leading to them gaining no new viewers and dying a quick death. The Meme Bucks have only themselves to blame.
Later today in the only country that matters and yes although I dunno if you're memeing or not, Fight for the Fallen
Everyone knows it's a work and we need to be open about it for wrestling to move forward, so this stigma of "lol, u know it's fake, right?" goes away.
What are they doing in Israel?
Honoring the 8 gorillion like any non bigot should, what do you think they're doing goy?
That stigma will literally never, ever go away. That stigma has existed since people were fixing matches in fucking ancient Rome and it will exist forever. If someone has a good product you can invest in mentally you'll forget about it and enjoy the show. There's a balance that can be struck between traditional kayfabe and what you're describing and AEW hasn't found it yet.
It's a work that looks like a "exposing the business" shoot. It gets people worked up, free publicity from all corners
Fight for the fallen is coming the seethe brigade is coming out
As for your question, no y2j broke kayfabe in the first DON post show conference ( they are not kayfabe interviews it's not njpw), he went on about how omega's nose being broken wasnt the plan.
If you cant handle the fact there are different wrestlers who are people that act differently in their life then you are an actual retard.
Nobody gives a shit about breaking kayfabe in a post show interview. Only internet faggots are talking about it, the rest of the people dont give a shit about it because people dont care.
Wrestling fans are out of touch so much it's funny
It will.
Do you ever hear people ask the same thing about Stranger Things or Game of Thrones for example?
There needs to be an alternative in the mainstream that takes the sport and story aspects of wrestling seriously while still hammering home the realness portion on why things happen, that your playing a character and why the wrestlers identifies with it an so forth.
WWE doesn't do that which is why it isn't taken seriously. It's a highschool play about a wrestling show. Nothing feels real, organic or is really followed up on a regular basis story and character-wise, which makes it impossible for people to care and take seriously.
No, that will just cause people to take wrestling even less seriously because the stigma either won't move or it will turn into "LOL THEY KNOW IT'S FAKE".
A host of characters that can't form an attachment without breaking the fourth wall every other minute are an inept host of characters because that's indicative of performers beneath them that can't actually work.
>There needs to be an alternative in the mainstream that takes the sport and story aspects of wrestling seriously while still hammering home the realness portion on why things happen,
That's what NJPW does and they keep kayfabe very strongly, they benefit for it.
>Do you ever hear people ask the same thing about Stranger Things or Game of Thrones for example?
They're set in separate fictional universes, wrestling is set within our own. False equivalence.
>There needs to be an alternative in the mainstream that takes the sport and story aspects of wrestling seriously while still hammering home the realness portion on why things happen, that your playing a character and why the wrestlers identifies with it an so forth.
Why? NJPW and LU have or have had success by sticking to the concept of kayfabe and respecting the characters they portray. If they can't even respect their characters, why should others? It's set within our universe, it's pseudo-fictional and maintaining consistency with your own character as an identity is only going to aid and abet it.
>WWE doesn't do that which is why it isn't taken seriously. It's a highschool play about a wrestling show. Nothing feels real, organic or is really followed up on a regular basis story and character-wise, which makes it impossible for people to care and take seriously.
You previously talked about concept, now you're talking about execution. You're right, WWE isn't taken seriously, because it's horrid fucking dog-shit. What does that have to do with self-awareness? That's just poor execution. You don't even know what point you're making.
I'd like to see it, don't get me wrong, I just don't see how it's actually possible. Vince has been publically admitting it's fixed since the 80s and despite the highs and lows of quality in the product the stigma's never changed. Read any newspaper article about wrestling and the author will beat you over the head with how much they're 'in the know' and that you shouldn't take any of it seriously. No other TV shows have to deal with that and I can't fathom any product good enough to loosen people up, it's fake fighting, there's always going to be 'that dude'.
I don't want actors during a movie to turn to the camera and say "that was just a stunt"
DVD bonus commentary, behind the scenes, actor interviews
>If you cant handle the fact there are different wrestlers who are people that act differently in their life then you are an actual retard.
And if you're okay with characters regularly fracturing themselves and the immersion, then YOU are a low IQ pleb.
This isn't even just wrestling. Do you realize how scoffed at this notion would be in so many other mediums? The idea that personas outright opt out of maintaining pretenses because they can't manage to do so sometimes for the length of an interview that occurs directly after a show? It's not about separating person and character, it's about character, because why should we give an iota of a shit about the person? Tyson Smith's a fucking nobody, Kenny Omega's a somebody.
This shit's narrative regression. AEW's for plebs.
They did that after the show in interviews just like Robert Downey Jr. would talk about punching Thanos, a fictional character played by James Brolin through CGI, and the fake stunts he did in Avengers Endgame.
>during a movie
>*cites things that do not occur during the movie's natural run-time*
Based retard.
Because people with two braincells to rub together to spark a thought understand the difference between portraying an in-universe story that itself is pseudo-fiction (wrestling) and something that exists in a detached completely fictional universe (movies) and the different characteristic obligations inherent to that.
Sadly, you appear to be stuck at 1.5.
That is how you kill wrestling. If nobody takes it seriously not even the wrestlers than why expect the crowd to care?
the marks are in the ring
>the first DON post show conference, OP topic
cringe retards can't in2reflexsivefiction
AEW is for young, cultured people who appreciate the questions of fictionalism, the awareness thereof by its practitioners, and playful responses to it
Brainlet cope
This covers much of why WWE crowds are in the diminished state they're in, nobody's taken it seriously for years. The Bucks as a tag team proved they could draw well on the indies with their meta wink-wink shit, I just fear they've convinced themselves that shit can draw on a company-wide, nationwide scale, which is preposterous. There's no point even watching if literally every player is in on the joke.
If this were the case, that would be fine, but it's not.
They don't ask questions of fictionalism, they use the tightrope it walks to provide answers and the self-awareness as a crutch in place of genuine storytelling.
They're taking the concept you're posing and giving back a skeleton of it they use to put in little effort toward a fan-base that has largely preemptively decided they will enjoy what they do.
13 posters. the usual aewtist spamming these threads defending the honor of a hot dog company
Fake outrage no one but dronecucks give a fuck about. Get out tonight and have sex or die trying