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*loses to a comedy jobber in your path*
Aiden Davis
William Bennett
>h-he wasn’t tranquilo e-enough!!!
Christian Phillips
He'll win the rest of the matches
Ian Carter
>Thinks it's embarrassing losing to Yano
t.never watched a G1 before
Jaxson Carter
I'm beginning to think we're getting worked by these "why is Yano in the G1 he's just a jobber" posts
surely not that many people are just joining up this year, and even if they were, I don't recall these kind of posts in this volume in years past
Robert Cruz
Naitofag seething
Dominic Walker
*wins b block in your path*
Jeremiah Stewart
Yano is based
Jackson Ramirez
Want to know how I know this is your first G1?
Luis White
Just means he'll go over in all the serious matches.
Cooper Barnes
>Not realized just how fucking good Yano is
Gabriel Gray
Watch again user, the Ace of New Japan Toru Yano clearly defeated the comedy jobber Tetsuya Naito. Dunno what you're complaining about.
Elijah Gray
>coping this hard
Camden Bell
Naito was lucky to leave the ring alive.
Benjamin Kelly
List of people beaten by Yano in the G1
>Kenny Omega
>Lance Archer
>Bad Luck Fale
>Hirooki Goto
>Prince Devitt
>Shinsuke Nakamura
>Karl Anderson x2
>Katsuyori Shibata x2
>Kota Ibushi x2
>Minoru Suzuki x3
>Tetsuya Naito x3
Jaxson Long
*loses to a comedy jobber in your path*
Michael Bell
He beat Tanahashi too (in 2011)
Juan Lopez
Everyone knows what's going on here he will win more matches along the way. Stop acting like some elite because you have the basic understanding of japanese wrestling
Jacob Collins
*loses to a comedy jobber in your path*
Brandon Evans
did he ever beat okada?
Ethan Morris
How come Naito doesn't protect himself more?
Anthony Taylor
not every top guy needs to win every match to stay over
guys like scott hall and randy savage put over whoever they felt like, often on a whim
Ryder Green
Naito needs to win matches though.
Like his heats basically gone
Brayden Turner
Landon Watson
Everybody does except Okada
Nathan Phillips
Unironically only the true wrestlers lose to Yano. Nevertheless I'm totally hyped to see him kill Moxley in less than 10 minutes next.
Christopher James
Dylan Brooks
Nope there's only one specific match he needs to win. He always has Kino matches with yano, Naito isn't hurt by losing to yano, no one ever is unless it's the last day and they need the points.