Why doesn't this pussy just go head-to-head on Monday nights? What is he so scared of?
Why doesn't this pussy just go head-to-head on Monday nights? What is he so scared of?
You know it’s not his decision what day the show is on?
Their roster. This guy has fucking dough like a mfer and he just wants to hire bunch of indy geeks that dont look like stars. Never have someone fucked up this kind of opportunity to challenge WWE.
>says increasingly nervous E Drone for the thousandth time
>that dont look like stars
yeah, just hire guys who LOOK like stars
the audience loves visuals over substance!
Cause he knows they cant compete? Its retarded to so right away. Remember the last company that did that?
The best he can hope for in the foreseeable future is taking over the Tuesday night slot after SmackDown moves to Friday’s. He can’t compete on Monday’s at all, and he can’t compete Friday’s.
>OP still living in the 90s
Get over it
We'll see when the ratings come in this fall and they attract zero casuals. Pure wrestling wont draw especially with manlet flippyshitters. Khan even said that he wants 90% in ring and they wont be going outside of the arena on their shows.
Reigns would be megastar if they didnt try to force feed him as white meat babyface for years and refusing to turn him heel unlike what they did with The Rock.
>he thinks AEW will do worse than TNA did when they were on Mondays
I wonder at this point if any of the people saying e drone are doing so unironically. Do people actually think that AEW will compare to the viewship the E?
Fuck the casuals. This is about being an alternative not a replacement.
All signs point to them wanting to do it on Tuesday nights anyway, but the TNT deal nixed that because of basketball on Tuesday nights. They'd either have to start an hour or two earlier or get pre-empted every week during the season.
>reigns would be a mega star
The sad thing is that E Drones actually believe this
>getting worked by being called an E Drone
Go back.
Rise Above Hate
OP has a valid question. If AEW is even on WWE's level (let alone surpassed them as all you say) - why are they too much of pussies to face them on Monday nights?
And don't give me your bullshit excuse that competition is bad for business. Ted Turner went toe to toe with Vince and beat him for months on end.
You're telling us that AEW isn't as good as a roster compiled of Flair, Sting, and Harlem Heat?
>This is about being an alternative not a replacement.
I see the cope is already started
So you're basically resigning yourself to be ROH 2.0. lol. At least TNA went for the jugular at one point.
Yeah I want the fucking only viable possible mainstream alternative to become another smark circlejerk workrate promotion.
>"fans and ratings don't mean shit!"
Tony Khan doesn’t get to decide what day and time his show is on
>Fuck the casuals.
Man fuck you you spectrum defining triple faggot. Your fucking self is so shit tier you're out rating yourself above people based on the company of oiled men you prefer to watch. I would casually slap the taste out of your pimple faced triple chins and causally dip my nuts on your face so you can get a good look at what a sac of nuts look like and realize what you're missing between your flab thighed, friction fire causing, jelly rolling, spam pillars you call legs
Why would they run the show the same time their fanbase is already watching their favorite wrestling show???
He looks like a Paedophilic shit.
No wonder he aligned with cody
because the same was said about WCW fans in 1995. They were watching a show whose stars were WWF rejects and cast-offs. It's the exact same scenario only Khan refuses to admit it because they want Meltzer to think they're cool
Fronts all the money but is too much of a bitch to tell the network he wants to be on Monday nights. Come on?!!
TNT doesn't even have programming on Monday nights! I checked. Next Monday they're showing Kong: Skull Island. The Monday after that? Kong: Skull Island. Yes, you read that correctly.
There is literally NO excuse for AEW not to be on Monday nights other than Tony is a big ol' scared pussy bitch hiding behind the "network".
>TNT doesn't even have programming on Monday nights!
AEW is straight pussy. it's already a flop. Enjoy your poor man's 2010 TNA faggots.
not even 2010 TNA, at least they had the balls to go head to head.
More like 2006-07 ROH. Critically acclaimed, sold out bingo halls, but at the end of the day nobody ever fuckin heard of them.
Because he has the young cucks booking the shows and hes regretting it
i like AEW they generate alot of heat i think it's funny
Yeah, I buried them with that little factoid.
I'm not a programming director, but I highly doubt a network wants to play the same film on back to back Monday nights. That's insanity.
Not only that, but they're actually playing that movie back to back on that following Monday. That's after an entire day of Charmed and Supernatural reruns (8 hrs worth). TNT is DYING for original shows on Monday night. Too bad AEW is just like their fans: sad pathetic scared little bitches who I wouldn't bother to piss on I'd they were on fire.
Then you must love your thighs during the summer because they generate a lot of heat rubbing together like two fucking hippos in the Serengeti trying to mate you fat fucking contrarian rice ball eating giga fag
>go away heat aka X-Pac heat
>TNT is DYING for original shows on Monday night.
AEW doesn't have the confidence to do it. bottom line. Their top TV star is a guy who never main evented a wrestlemania and whose biggest moment was punching Shawn Michael's wife.
No lie I would rather watch a full days reruns of Supernatural than 1 hour of anything the Cucks are writing.
>trips of devastation
This thread RULES. aewfags are totally getting destroyed, begging us to go easy on them. Mercy is for the weak... we straight killin ya asses!!
um nah im a little fat but not so fat my thighs rub
and i dont really like rice balls i eat jap food sometimes like maybe 1-2 times a month
LMAOOOO you fucking marks are delusional
I guarantee to you if anyone is projecting anything its the neighborhood kids using your bleach white translucent wolly mammoth sized back as a screen in a back alley during. dont get mad because you're a butter loving bacon grease chugging vegetable dodging gravity creating fat fuck whose idea of exercise is lifting yourself off the toliet after an hour long liquid shit
>AEW doesn't have the confidence to do it.
then why even start this crusade? just start your fucking rinky dink company and get your 450,000 viewers. Wake me up when somebody actually nuts up and goes after WWE
> im a little fa
Nigga there is no way in the world that "little" and "fat" can ever be in the same sentence. Stop lying to yourself and claiming you arent what you are and bending grammar like you bend all the chairs and mattresses you use in that pig pen you call a home.
yeah im a little fat nigger fat but not so fat my thighs cause a fire stupid nigger faggot
You havent started a fire with your fat black as coal ashy ass thighs because your fat uneven buffalo ass cant be bothered to move far enough to get the next hot pocket. You're lucky you're marinating in your own bacon grease otherwise you would have burnt up half the state just rolling your beached whale like body out of bed in the morning.
Me too
>Fronts all the money but is too much of a bitch to tell the network he wants to be on Monday nights. Come on?!!
Simple business sense that plebeians such as yourself will never understand. WWE has had 70 years to build its brand while AEW hasn't even been out for a year. And it's quite clear that this is a Tony Khan adventure with limited backing from his father. Why would he go head to head with WWE now considering WWE has had a monopoly on this business for 60 years give or take (the exception being when it was against Nitro).? TNA tried that and they failed miserably even though the product was better for the simple reason that your average normie is a mindless consumer. Once he is taught the ways of a brand, it's very difficult to pry them off that brand regardless of the product itself.
The smart business decision for AEW is to make a better product, entice the fans and eventually take on WWE and dismantle them. Given the state of WWE that shouldn't be long, but to strike at them immediately is a stupid choice. A mortally wounded bear is still dangerous for quite a while.
Because they dont want to be the next tna
He didnt say that, he said he wants thing to happen in and around the ring. Doesnt mean 90%of things will be matches, it means most segments will take place in and around the ring
People cant read
typing this out. cringe
Dumb strategy anyway. Wrestling needs more stuff happening in different unique locations than ever. That was one of the things that appealed to casual fans.
Monday is a shit day for wrestling
Are you that dumb or are you just playing dumb?
Why the fuck would they be on monday? You do realise they will not only have to compete with wwe but also monfay night football right faggot?
*chris jericho never main eventer Mania?
This is it. AEW is finished, with a garbage roster like that they are bound to fail, so that's why they are begging NJPW to partner with them lmao.
>if I keep calling everyone that disagrees with me an E-Drone they'll stop laughing at me
Cult defamation tactics rarely work in the real world.
Will it sell out by showtime? 280 tickets left.
WWE itself has no casual fans, so accruing their interest wouldn't make AEW a replacement.
There are also superior alternatives to WWE AND AEW already, just go look for them.
Too busy wanking dogs on Monday nights.
I don't think he really cares about the WWE
he just wants to play with his real life wrestling figures
Cody and The Bucks are the ones who have The 'E on the brain 24/7
They found quite the sucker money mark in Tony, a billionaire's son that gave the E-lite a blank check to hire their little buddies.
It is doing better than even fyter feat with even less promotion than fyter feat ( which barely got any promotion in the first place.)
They are outselling wwe and njpw with literally no effort. Fucking based!
Nigga cringe is you chasing the ice cream truck like your mother is being kidnapped. Cringe is you watching you shop for heart disease at the supermarket. Cringe is the state of your taint after being neglected of cleaning for so long looking like a back alley street in Baghdad. Cringe is what women and children do when you get on the bus and you try sitting next to them. Shut your homely rolly polly so sad and lonely hot pocket sleeve saving shit liquid for an hour and call it amazing gig faggot mouth
Absolutely burying that nigga got damn
>projecting this hard
damn dude
nigga you project faggotry so hard astronauts can see that shit from space. You so fucking flaming homo sailors lost at sea use you to get back home. You're such a faggot Rupaul would tell you to stop being a such a fag. Nigga you so gay you go into H&M and try on scarfs and bicycle shorts. Why dont you project yourself into oncoming traffic you mush mouthed butter loving pillow humping lord knows you're never jumping giga faggot
post picture, fatty
shit gimmick go back
His trust fund is already getting depleted if he actually tries to go head to head with Vince his money is gone
Nigga no one is supplying your homo ass with pics of men. I'd say post of a picture of yourself but all you have to tell me is your name and what state you're registered as a sex offender and I'll find it myself you kid diddling ass fiddling playground lurking dog dick jerking spastic faggot
i'm not the one talking mad shit, retard
post picture, you autistic 600 pound tub of lard xD
Nigga you cant help but talk shit because you give equal opportunity to your ass and your mouth. Put your fingers to better use and wipe that Louisiana bayou you call a taint the next time you take one of your 30 minute vein popping heavy breathing liquid shits
>still haven't posted the pic
Confirmed for fat, ugly fuck
Nigga if anyone is an expert on ugly its your ass. You make Polaroids not develop you so ugly. Your face is like a CZW match in full 4k HD. Shut your ugly ass girls give it a pass no one wants to see sipping an Arizona Ice Tea mouth the fuck up
this is your Saturday
calling other people names won't make you any less fat or ugly
still waiting for that pic
Checking off 'Male" under sex doesnt bring you any further from being a mattell crotched no neck but triple chinned spectrum enveloping sexuality questioning barely bipedal and smelling all types of evil giga faggot by you check it anyway
Baron Corbin really does look like a star. His physique alone...
Is this dude the definition of a money mark faggot?
nigger it's nigger you redditard
NIGGAPOSTER is the hero WWE deserves, but not the one it needs right now, so aewfags will hunt him. Because he can take it, because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Based Knight.
No it's NIGGA for you mother fucker. The only time you get the ER is when you go every other week for your prostate exam. Your asshole looks like they were doing military bomb testing on it for 50 years. Your asshole is like an abandoned gold mine, stripped of value and filled with the ghosts of digger niggas past. Use your those fingers to wipe your bayou backyard swamp monster lurking ass
Gain height
samefag nigger
No nigga no one needs to samefag. You like to samefag yourself because you're so gay even other faggots cant stand next to your flaming fag self. Youre such a flaming fag there's a Go Fund Me page trying to put you out. You're such a flaming fag Elon Musk is trying to turn you into a renewable energy source. You're so fucking gay, fags use YOUR name when they want to say something is gay. Shut your mouth before someone forces a fucking vegetable into your jello trembling hippo resembling pimple cluster you call a face
nigger seething
Wrong. Unless you count my one other post from last night. I enjoy niggaposter wrecking all you aewfags though, so if he needs a sidekick (picture more Jason, less Dick), I'm there!
>he's been doing this for 12 hours straight
open a window fatass
>using reddit spacing to try to hide your samefag
Yeah you are 100% a samefag straight from reddit
This autism is amazing. Imagine how heart broken this dude's mother is.
Nigga who are you telling to open a window when you live in a basement? You would blow out your O ring from the effort of trying to open a window. Just the idea of moving triggers you. The last time you saw daylight a doctor slapped you. You live in some Buffalo Bill type hole where you dance dickless in front of a mirror. You only do two things for 12 hours, sleep and shit and sometimes theyre at the same time. You dont understand the passage of time because it is forever Sad o clock at your rat nest adobe. Shut your hungry hippo ass looking face
This nigga talking about heartbroken mothers. Your mother had you nigga, there aint nothing more heartbreaking than having your pimply skinned sunlight averting spastic blurting little boy flirting faggoty ass crawling out of your mothers once promising uterus. Crawl yourself back into that motherfucker and straggle yourself with her fallopian tubes
state of this autist
kek 35 posters this retard is having a meltdown
Nigga you are the spectrum of autism. Youre so autistic you think Alexa is your friend. You're so autistic you send friend request to yourself and deny them. Shut your humpty dumpty why am I so lumpy tapioca milk tea drinking faggot ass mouth up
reminder that anybody that says nigga on Yea Forums is a limp wristed white leftist cuck
still 35 posters
>posts are less than a minute apart
>poster count doesn't go up (signifying no change in IP address)
We're two unique users, ya simp! You have no defense against niggachad except incorrect memes. You have failed AEW.
Because he doesn't want to kill WWE
They really should desu, they need to attract a new audience anyway,
I wouldn't worry about that.
This is why AEW is going to win. They don't have the Vince mindset about a star is supposed to look like; they go with the flow and get behind what's hot.
but the self marks are in charge. whatever benefit they have for a non Vince approach they lose by having a wcw approach.
>getting behind Darby Anus
Why would you want to force people to choose when you could just run a different night and not have to worry about the issue entirely?
his boypucci in those tights will bring all the boys to the yard
Spoken like a true zoomer.
How do you think prowrestling got so popular in the 90s? Seriously.
What forced them to innovate and change for the better? They were maxing out ratings at 8.1 and became a worldwide phenomenon that prowrestling to this day is still living off of.
Yes, without the explosion in the late 90s, prowrestling would be dead. But why did it get so popular?
Why did people who didn't even watch wrestling, tune in?
What was that catalyst that saved prowrestling which was dying at the time?
They made him into a star with one match.
Spoken like a true boomer.
>Here's how things worked in my day
>And that's only way it can possibly be
We'll see if that's true in some time. They're not gonna do 50/50 booking.
lemme guess: the Monday Night Wars
Luchasaurus has a great look but most of those shitters on the battle royale were pathetic.
The "Vince Look" is how wrestlers always looked like. They are supposed to stand out and look like supermen.
Can their owner look any more soi?
Competition, true competition, will always be the driving force behind what makes prowrestling improve and excel.
By not airing head to head, AEW only aims to "share" viewers. They're not trying to win, not trying to be better, they're just trying to exist.
They might as well be TNA or ROH with that attitude. Prowrestling is truly dead.
Thanks zoomers for your weak complacent pussy existence leaching off of a business that the golden God boomers creator. You're all so fucking weak and pathetic. You're snowflake cowards - just like AEW.
>imagine believing this
Have sex
Kek, by the looks of things, these fucking pussies won't be going H2H on ppvs either, opting to hide on Saturday nights for the indefinite future.
Perfect for their fucking loser no life fans too, who stay in on weekends instead of going to the bars to get drunk and laid (cause that might actually require taking a shower).
replying to a 3 day old post = holy fucking
Just watched the ppv. Trust me, they're not gonna want to go up against wwe. Or more accurately, they can't.
Niggaposter! Come back! Please!