For those of you, who don't know me, my name is Vince Russo and I am the antichrist of professional wrestling.

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100% BRO

So what exactly even is his reason for being there in the ring, I didn't understand anything. Hey it's me, the guy who writes this fake show, and I am here to ???

Vanity, he wanted to appear on TV.

Any kayfabe reason? Like what kind of person is Vince Russo meant to be there? A booker? I just don't understand why he would ever appear in public if he's just a guy who writes stuff

He didnt appear with his face until Bischoff and him were united to work on the show on his second run. He didnt really want to be on screen at first even. But on the other hand he wanted to take wrestling to next level with reality TV coming hot.

The guy talks for 8 minutes breaking kayfabe.
Why are you asking for a kayfabe reason?

I guess I was hoping it would make at least some kind of sense. I suppose not. I mean that's like Peter Jackson appearing in Lord of the Rings, but he's still just Peter Jackson talking about how he's directing this scene

He is not the booker of the show IRL nor kayfabe he is the writer. He is presented as the 'writer' as in like it's a show within a show. Meta Russokino can be really great but also really dumb

Nah I think that's just fully dumb

Crinfe. Based Russo wanted to always evolve things

He really evolved WCW and TNA

Early TNA was kino but then Jarrett wanted to go back to safe ol' rasslin' when they got TV deal


russochads will inherit Yea Forums

He wanted to evolve things by repeating his 1999 booking style for twenty years.

Attached: Sapphire.png (936x564, 1.13M)

You are implying he was in complete control all the time when he was not.


The man of a million excuses. His booking style worked in 1999. Everything moved on and his booking didn't. That's why he's had consistent failure since the Clinton administration.

"Bro, it wasn't my fault. Bro if standards and practices, Dixie, Jeff, Cornette, Bischoff......"

Lol it would still draw more numbers than the current style that is stuck in somewhere between 1980s and Vince senility.

By blurring lines between reality and fiction. He is the guy making the show, so what do you do when the guy making the show has other ideas than the performers themselves and he is on an ego trip? Its like a slightly modified authority angle but instead of tripe like gm's its the one who makes the show.

>Someone criticize Russo
>"Hurr still draw more than today"
Is that the only argument by Russo fans ?, man i love Russo booking but his fans is indeed unbearable

There was never a reason to put him on TV except he wanted to be on TV.
Russo has never not had go away heat. He's a simp who thinks he's smarter than the fans because he knows it's fake and thinks the crowd still think it its real. His entire WCW schtick was "Yes wrestling is fake guys, but what's gonna happen tonight will be real" then it would be the fakest shit you've ever seen ending with him winning the belt to a sea of boos.

Russo would legit be better promo than 99.9% guys today.